2 February 1928
From: 0000 22 Jan. 1928
To: 2400 28 Jan. 1928
MAPS: (a) Map of Nicaragua by
Clifford D. Ham.
(b) Map by 1st Liet. G. S.
O'Shea, U.S.M.C.
(a) Sandino no longer has a definable
front line, nor even a known base of
operations. It appears certain that his
forces have broken up into a number of
small groups which are now operating in
various towns, principally within the
province of Nueva Segovia. These include
the towns of Concordia, Condega, San
Lucas, Telpaneca, Palacaguina, Plano
Grande and Las Cruces.
(a) Enemy total strength, by
undercurrent of information established
originally at 1000, is believed to be
materially less now. Both armed and
unarmed bands are reported moving in
various directions from Chipote, and the
population of many adjacent towns has
suddenly increased. This may be due to
various reasons, but it is probable that
many of Sandinos followers are returning
to their homes and resuming a normal
(b) A mixed force of Nicaraguans and
Hondurians of about 100 in number is
reported to have been, on January 26, in
San Lucas, a small town about three
miles North-East of San Juan de
(c) A force of fifty men, under Jefe
Sanchez, was reported in Telpaneca on
January 26th.
(d) On Janauary 26th, a force of about
thirty-five men under Jefe Furera
[Ferrera], a Hondurian, and Miguel Ortes
[Ortez], a twenty year old boy of Ocotal
was in vicinity of Palacaguina stealing
cattle. This forces is reported to
operate between Palacaguina and San Juan
de Telpaneca on a trail which avoids
Telpaneca itself.
(e) On January 17th, Miguel Ortes, the
Ocotal boy bandit, was reliably reported
in area of EL CHIPOTILLO, located midway
between Palacaguina and Totegalpa, and
one and one-half leagues NE of
(f) The Air Patrol reported on January
21st, the belief that a band of outlaws
occupied San Pedro, a town about five
miles north of Palacaguina.
(h) The Air Patrol for January 29th,
reported the area around Palacaguina -
San Pedro - Sabana Grande - Terrero
Grande to appear very active. It was
estimated that Terrero Grande was held
by between two and three hundred men.
(1) A Marine patrol from Telpaneca,
under Sgt. Wagner, and consisting of
thirty (30) men, had contact with an
enemy group on a ridge about two miles
east of PERICON, on January 22nd. Two
bandits were killed. There were no
Marine casualties. This patrol was again
fired upon at Pericon on January 23, at
long range. There were no casualties.
(2) A column under Capt. R. W. Peard had
five skirmishes with bandit groups on
January 21 and 22nd. Excerpts from Capt.
Peard's report are quoted below:
FIRST CONTACT: At 0830 on January 21,
1928 just as our pack train was loaded
and ready for the days march, a heavy
rifle and machine gun fire from
concealed bandit forces, estimated at
not less than fifty rifles and one
machine gun, opened up on us from the
hillside across a deep, densely wooded
canyon, at a range of from 1500 to 2000
yards. The range was so great that they
could not hope to deliver accurate fire
with rifles, but many hits in and around
our posittion were made. The bandits
waited to commence this attack until
they felt assured that our machine guns
had been packed on mules ready to move
out. As a matter of fact, both of our
machine guns were in position and
manned, in good positions, at each end
of the camp. Our machine guns returned
the fire instantly, combing the ridge
lines to the west, but I soon stopped
their fire, and withheld all other fire,
as the range was too great for rifle
fire and no enemy targets could be seen,
not even smoke puffs from their rifle or
machine fun fire being visible with
field glasses. The bandit fire continued
all along our right flank for about
thirty minutes, with many of their shots
going over our heads. The bandits
expended several thousand rounds of
ammunition in rifle fire alone. About
0900, upon signal of a dynamite bomb,
from Las Cruces, to our front, this fire
stopped, and bandits retired amid
repeated shouts of "VIVA CHAMORRO". The
deep heavily wooded canyon between us
and the bandit position prohibited us
from doing anything except taking secure
positions and letting them waste their
ammunition. It appeared to me, that the
firing from our right flank, was
probably planned to detract our
attention in that direction, while
another bandit force moved into position
to ambush us at Las Cruses. We remained
in position at Plan Grande until 10000,
waiting for "Letter of Instructions",
which was due by plane. This letter was
never received until my return to San
Albino today. At 1005, no planes having
arrived, I gave orders to move out for
Buena Vista via Las Cruses, as the road
to Buena Vista turns to the southwest at
top of Las Cruces mountain, within fifty
yards to the bandits' favorite ambush
position, where Richal's column was
ambushed, and where an ambush of my
Quilali Column was broken up by
airplanes, and trench mortar fire when
we were enroute to San Albino.
SECOND CONTACT: About half way up Las
Cruces mountain and about half a mile
from the summit, our advance routed out
an ambush of about fifteen rifles, on
the DOWN HILL side of the trail. These
bandits were smoked out by protective
fire from automatic weapons along flanks
of wooded trail. This was the first
bandit ambush that has come to my
attention in which their dispositions
were made on the down hill side. I
immediately put our trench mortar into
action, covered Las Cruces as far up as
possible, then raked the balance with
machine gun fire. One dead bandit was
found and two wounded were seen being
carried off by machete men.
THIRD CONTACT: We continued on up Las
Cruces mountain with caution and had
about reached the top, when a machine
gun opened up on me from a knoll, about
1200 yards to the west, in the direction
of Buena Vista. We at once silenced this
gun by well directed machine gun fire,
and continued our advance on Buena
FOURTH CONTACT: At 1530, when about five
hundred yards from entrance to Buena
Vista, Lieut. W. s. Brown, at head of
the point of our advance guard, was
challenged by a bandit sentry. This
convinced me, that our approach had been
a complete surprise, as otherwise no
challenging would have been resorted to
by these bandits. Lieut Brown answered
this sentry's challenge by shouting
"AMIGOS", and concealing himself on side
of trail until balance of advance guard
had caught up, at which time he rose up
and shot the sentry in his tracks. A
general fire fight ensued for about ten
minutes. It is estimated that the
bandits had about thirty rifles in this
fight. As soon as I was able to get our
trench mortar into action, the bandits
dispersed into a ravine on our left
flank, where they were assisted in their
flight by a shower of hand grenades from
all along our line. Four dead bandits
were found, and several wounded men were
believed to have been carried away by
machete men, as tracks were found in
several places indicating that bodies
had been dragged off the trail. Due to
the danger of shooting our own troops,
it was not considered advisable to leave
the trail for any great distance in
order to check up on casualties. One
rifle was captured, several rounds of
dum-dummed bullets and also ten rounds
of loaded cartridges of Mexican
manufacturers was found on the trail,
which had been snapped but had failed to
fire. It is believed we caught up with
the rear guard of the forces withdrawing
leisurely to Buena Vista, the same which
had an earlier contact with our right
FIFTH CONTACT: At 1030, January 22,
1928, when we were about half way
between Buena Vista and Las Cruces, our
advance guard finished another ambush of
about twenty five rifles, from a knoll
near the trail on our left flank.
Lieutenant Clark, who had the advance
guard for the return trip, shot and
killed one of the bandits were seen
being carried off my machete men. Trench
mortars and automatic weapon fire
completely routed this ambush, and we
proceeded on to San Albino, by forced
march, as per orders "to return to San
Albino tomorrow" as received by plane on
January 21, 1928. We arrived at San
Albino, at 1700 today.
45-70 rifles; two Krag.50 caliber
rifles, numbers 369981 and 225551,
Springfield Armory 1898; one good riding
mule; two good saddles; two good horses;
one male branded USMC & US, believed to
have been lost by Richal's column; ten
aparejos complete; fifty-five chickens;
sixteen leather bags for pack saddle
leads; two turkeys; numerous hogs and
cattle; fifty pounds of salt and several
hundred pounds of native brown sugar."
There were no Marine Casualties in any
of the five contacts.
3. The force under Major Young, which
began pushing out outposts from San
Albino sometime ago, had covered the
entire area of Chipote by January 27th,
and had destroyed all enemy holdings and
entrenchment there. Detailed reports of
the various contacts have not been
received, but it is known that Chipote
was lightly held at time of its capture
by Marines.
(a) Sandino apparently has three lines
of action open to him: (1) guerrilla
warfare; (2) to flee the country; (3)
surrender to us. The possibility of his
surrender at this time is discounted as
he still has strong support in a member
of influential quarters. Also, there is
no logical reason to believe his capture
is imminent or that he would have much
to gain by fleeing the country at
The mountainous country in which Sandino
is operating makes it possible for him
to divide his forces into small bands,
and probably exercise temporary control
over various areas of the country. He
may be expected to do everything
possible under the circumstances to
"save face" and to continue in some
fashion the regime which he had built
up. It is also probable that some of
Sandino's lieutenants are not subject to
his control since the loss of Chipote to
the Marines, and that they will conduct
raids on sundry towns as more or less
independent bands.
It is probably that Sandino will work
his way to place near the border of
Honduras, from which he will direct the
operations of such forces remain loyal
to him.
Capt., USMC,