4 September, 1927.
From: |
The Commanding Officer. |
To: |
The Commanding Officer, 5th
Regiment. |
Subject: |
Patrol to Quilali |
Enclosures |
(2). |
1. In compliance with
your telegraphic orders contained in your
8630-1157 I took charge of a foot patrol of
twenty-one marines and proceeded on 1 September
1927 [to] Quilali, leaving Jicaro at 0700 that
2. At 4:00 p.m. same
date, having reached a road fork about five
miles northwest of Quilali, the right hand
branch of which leads to Quilali, the leading
man in my advance guard saw four men armed with
rifles about two hundred yards ahead. These men
immediately fled and could not again be located,
but as they took the direction of the left hand
fork I followed along it for a distance of about
1,000 years. From the point I reached I saw a
house on the next hill, about 1500 yards
distant. Two men, armed with rifles, came out
and stood beside the house, watching us. I had
my advance guard, three rifles and one automatic
rifle fire on them, and immediately about ten
more men, with rifles, ran from the house and
over the nearest crest, without returning our
3. Since it was then
getting late I proceeded toward Quilali, and
camped for the night two miles northwest of
Quilali. Night passed without incident.
4. At 0700, 2 September a
sentry on duty 100 yards from camp on the road
towards Quilali saw five men armed with rifles
on the crest of a hill 200 yds away. One was
aiming at the sentry. Sentry immediately opened
fire and the man disappeared over the hill. With
a patrol of seven men I followed them but did
not sight them again. The country is heavily
covered with brush and interlaced with foot
5. Observed Quilali
carefully before entering. The road entering
Quilali is plainly visible to the whole town for
a distance of one mile. About five men seen in
town. One, carrying a rifle left town and
climbed a hill to the northeast, apparently
hurrying. At a distance of about 600 yards from
town saw four men with rifles leaving with a
pack animal. Opened fire on them and they
dropped the pack from the animal and escaped by
the road to the Northeast, without returning our
fire. Pack was found to contain corn and beans.
[ p. 2 ]
6. Passed the night of
September 2-3 in Quilali without incident. None
of the inhabitants of the town were there and
except for a few troops it is not believed that
any of the houses have been occupied recently.
The enclosed letter from Sandino's Commissary
Officer at Quilali was found in his house at
Quilali, addressed to Sandino. Copies of the
proclamation dated 25 August were left in
Quilali and also in the houses along the road.
7. Cleared Quilali at
0645 September 3rd and arrived at Jicaro 1900
same date without incident. The houses along the
road are occupied by women only and they will
not give any information about armed bands. A
few men were seen working in the fields.
8. No information could
be obtained about Sandino. From information
obtained from many sources I am convinced that
the location of Chipote is as shown on the
attached rough sketch. I have not yet any
information as to the location of the encampment
known as "El Chipote" but no doubt it is on
Chipote mountain, and very likely on the level
space shown as Manchones.
George J. O'Shea
1st Lieut. U.S.M.C.