First Compania, Guardia Nacional, Ocotal
14 November 1927.
From: |
Captain G.C. Darnall, Guardia
Nacional |
To: |
The Commanding Officer. Division
of Nueva Segovia. |
Subject: |
Subject: |
1. I cleared Ocotal 12 midnight 13 November
1927,with Lieut Hagoboom and Lieut Wells,
Guardia Nacional; Dr Townsend USN; and ten
marines and five Guardia for house owned
by one Caciano Inestroza, in mountains
about nine miles southeast of Ocotal where a
group of about forty bandits had been
reported as having their headquarters.
2. Patrol arrived at (Mamey) name of
place where said house is located,at 5
A.M. 14 November 1927, but due to fault
of native guide we were unable to
surprise the bandits. The guide took the
patrol to within fifty yards of the
house before haulting for deployment,and
barking of dogs; noise of horses hoofs on
the rocky trail etc gave the group ample
time to escape.
3. The patrol surrounded the house in
question as quickly as possible after
being told where same was located by
guide, but only four men were seen who
ran for the brush on the mountain side
one of same (Silvano Mejia)being
captured. He was carrying a combat
machette so was returned to Ocotal for
confinement and trial.
4. Remained at house until 6.30 a.m.,
then returned to Ocotal, arriving at
9.30 a.m. without incident.
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