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PC28.04.05   rockey


28.04.05 ATKINSON
28.04.05 HART
28.04.05 ROBERTS
28.04.05 ROCKEY
28.04.08 HOLMES
28.04.09 PUTNAM
28.04.11 PUTNAM

28.04.05.   Rockey, Report of Arrest and Escape of Gregorio Espinoza (Rivera), Guale

P C - D O C S :      P A T R O L   &   C O M B A T    R E P O R T S
thru 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 +













T  R  A  N  S  C  R  I  P  T  I  O  N

GUALE, APR. 5, 1928.

From: Major K.E. Rockey.
T o: CO., 11th Regt.
Subject: Report of arrest and escape of Gregorio Espinoza (Rivera).
Enclosures: Miscellaneous papers relating to the case.

     1.   At the northern exit of the Guale pass, there is a coffee finca at which we are now based. This Finca, from best information available, is owned by Senora Pastora v. de Mayrena Blandon [Señora Pastora viuda de Mairena Blandón] of Jinotega. The subject named man was acting as local overseer or caretaker.

     2.   Upon several occasions when any patrols passed through, this Espinosa gave only information which proved to be false. When we based here his actions became at once suspicious. The place was searched and the inclosed papers found. There was also found hidden under a very large pile of corn.

3 dynamite sticks.
1 box containing detonators No.10.
1 bundle fuses cut to lengths of about 6".
1 knife (hunting type) with blade about 15" long with scabbard.
1 rifle, unserviceable.

     3.   The above named man wore a wide black hat band. There was found a red ribbon tied with a bow and with a safety pin, which when fitted over the hat gave a red and black band. The ribbon was so tied that it fitted perfectly over the hat and could be slipped on at a moments notice. The people in this vicinity say that whenever a bandit group comes into this area, Espinosa has always joined them, and worked with them.

     4.   When these were discovered Espinosa was informed that he was under arrest, and warned not to leave the premises. Today he broke from the guard and ran. The guard fired upon him. He made good his escape. His hat was recovered and there were blood stains upon it so he was apparently hit.

     5.   Espinosa's wife (a mistress) was here and left when he did. In as much as a report at considerable variance with this will probably be forwarded to Managua via Jinotega it is requested that a copy of this report be furnished to the Brigade and to the C.O. Matagalpa-Jinotega area. [ p. 2 ]

     6.   It will be seen that the inclosed papers show very conclusively that the Judge de Mesca [juez de mesta] Nicolas Jarquin is an active Sandino agent. It had been previously reported to us several times that such was the case. Jarquin's house is deserted and he is not to be found. This information should be furnished to Jefe Politico Jinotega.

     7.   Among articles found here were nine pairs of marine corps leggins and other miscellaneous clothing and equipment. This does not necessarily prove anything as Capt. Livingstons column stayed here and may have left them.

     8.   There are certain reasonable charges due to the owner of this place for portrero etc. We will keep account so the matter can be adjucted later.

/s/ K. E. Rockey.


Summary & Notes:

   Big cache of EDSN correspondence found in this episode; see EDSN-Docs, code "ROC".
   Description of Gregorio Espinoza's hatbands: vivid metaphor for fluidity & multiplicity of social identities; can be changed instantly depending on context.
   Espinoza escapes, but wounded; his wife (common law) follows him.
   Marine garrison now established at Guale coffee finca.
   Nicolás Jarquín, juez de mesta of Guale, also implicated as EDSN; matter referred to civilian authorities (jefe político Jinotega); in EDSN-Docs, Mairena papers.

   Marines paying for pasture, other resources furnished by locals; Pastora v. de Mairena later submits itemized bill to Marines; partly paid (M-Docs)

P C - D O C S :      P A T R O L   &   C O M B A T    R E P O R T S
thru 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 +