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PC28.04.05   hart


28.03.28 HUNTER
28.03.28 GEYER
28.04.05 ATKINSON
28.04.05 HART
28.04.05 ROBERTS
28.04.05 ROCKEY
28.04.08 HOLMES

28.04.05.   Hart, Report of Patrol, Tuma

P C - D O C S :      P A T R O L   &   C O M B A T    R E P O R T S
thru 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 +













T  R  A  N  S  C  R  I  P  T  I  O  N

Tuma, Nicaragua
April 5, 1928

From: C.O. Tuma.
To: C.O. Matagalpa.
Subject: Report of patrol April 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 1928.

    1. At 0600 2 April cleared here with patrol of twenty men for the Coyolar section, destination La Oriental, finca of one chinaman name Rafail Kuan [Rafael Quan] - arrived 0900 found things quiet and rested until 10:00. Our return up arrival at junction of Cuatros Esquinos - Jinotega & on trail we were halted by Juan Alvarez, who reported that he had been notified that a lot of bandits were about 2 leagues up the trail (Cuatros Esquinos-Jinotega trail) and they were looting etc.

     I returned to his house about a mile up road; he lived on the side of a hill and just after our arrival a little boy came, saying mucho hombres at Paula Arauz which house was across valley between 1½ & 2 miles and on another high protrero [potrero, pasture] hill. I searched place with my glasses. Saw several people moving about and two men driving horses from protrero. Trail lead direct from Alvarez house to Arauz finca, but had very bad approach (open protrero, uphill 200 yds. and road in kind of gully.) I asked could he lead me to house under cover. He said he could & did (sep sketch). Upon our arrival at house of F. [Tinoco] we found [ p. 2 ] place deserted, but on fire boiling, filled with chickens, yuca & etc. Evidently our approach had been seen or heard and place deserted hurriedly. We then advanced cautiously up hill from this house to ridge upon which house of Arauz was located. Advanced cautiously, to the houses here, found all deserted, but fires in cook house burning and evidence of recent occupancy. Searched area but no sign of anyone. Nor was there any sign of any large groups having been there. We left and returned to Alvarez place by main road. Met a man who said that one Manuel Wright told him the Arauz place had been robbed by two boys were [had] rifles & said they were Sandinistas and going to join him. This I believed at the time as I had not seen any signs of where a large group of horses & men had passed or been for any length of time.
     Told Alvarez (my guide) to see if he could get any further information, report to me here Tuesday and he did. We returned camp 1745. Alvarez reported Tuesday AM and stated that a Jefe by name Peron [Pedrón, Pedro Altamirano] had 50-80 men, partly mounted and they had arrived as far as Arauz where they got word of us. Peron first ordered they take battle formations, but when saw that we intended flanking him and not [creep open] hill he called his men in and left hurriedly. [ p. 3 ] He further stated they said more were with them and they were to meet in Caratera.

     3.   Upon my arrival in camp I found one Capitan of police of Caratera name Errera [Herrera] who reported Altamirano with about 150 men partly mounted, mostly armed had arrived Caratera Sunday afternoon and robbed house of that section. That they spent the night at the house of Jose Zeledon about one mile west of LeClaires place. Reported to have had 2 machine guns. (Reported this by radio & same checked with msg. from Mellinger.) Told Errera we would help and for him to return & get me more information.

     4.   With this recent information and other from Alvarez I decided to start for Caratera. I cleared camp 10:30 3rd April with 38 men. When about 1½ miles out we met one Alfario Garcia (who lives on S Pis Pis trail between Hastrams [Haslam] & LeClaires about half way) who reported that band of about 150 passed his house 6 AM looted it, took all cattle & horses and left going toward Pis Pis. While writing this message to you one man Capitan of Police of Vijagua [Bijagua] reported that they had passed Hastrams place 0700 robbed it and he had met them on edge of Vijagua. 0900 they robbed him and gave him a black eye, traveling on Pis-Pis trail. Sent this information back to you, deciding to go to Hastrams as they [ p. 4 ] evidently had cleared Caratera. Arrived Hastrams 1600 and planes picked me up there 1615. No new information, R. Hastram was not there & sent for him. Gave planes all info possible and [followed] direction Vijagua and Juan Palmeros finca (also reported robbing them 0900). They left and later I heard distant M.G. fire and faintly bombs. They did not give me any late report.

     1900. Alberto Hastram arrived, he stated they robbed him, his place, took $40.00 for which he was given the enclosed receipt, signed Sanchez. He stated there were about 150 all around, two MGs, one Thompson, did not know other make. Left his place about 7 AM going on Pis-Pis trail.

     Hastram agreed to go out for further information to find which direction they took after arriving Vijagua. From natives I found that at Vijagua they could branch off on trail leading back to foot of Pena Blanca and Los Cuchillos, take a shorter circuit and join J-P.P. trail [or] LeClaires or continue on to Bocay & Bocay Grande, cross Coco and return from there [and last keep] on to Pis Pis & Coast. I decided to wait for A. Hastrams report and they try to cut them off - using if necessary what forces available at Tuma for Caratera. I also send police to Caratera and Juan Palmero. [ p. 5 ]

     Hastram cleared camp there 0430 and started on foot with one mozo. Scout to Caratera returned 1530 and reported killing of Lt. of P. of Caratera Tuesday AM and taking of two rifles but only small amount of ammunition. Same band. Packed up ready to leave but [Lt.] did not return until 1700. He stated he had been to Vijagua talked to natives and his report is enclosed (notes by me from questions asked).

     I then decided return here, report information to you at once, which I did arriving here 2300.

     4.   Natives three firmly believe they are headed for Pis Pis & Puerto Cabezas as they were traveling fast. They all pass any trail where they can return to Las Cuchillas without back tracking - Trails for them are limited also as they are mounted.

/s/ F. H. Hart

     5.   Sketch enclosed is rough, but as it was made I am sending it in order to save time. Notes were made at Hastrams.


[Click on thumbnail below for full image of sketch map:]




Resibí del señor, alfredo Masy la
suma de 40.00 cuarenta pesos en
mercansia para protecion del derecho
del ejercito defensor del derecho na__
cional de Nicaragua

   Patria y Libertad

      P. Sanchez H.

        2° Jefe de la Expedicción

Hastram gave the
above name as he was afraid
to give his own. They had
him tied up at first, but
released him --


[Click on thumbnail below for full image of Porifrio Sánchez note:]



Summary & Notes:

   Handwritten, hurriedly; a field report.  Tons of information here; a complex series of events.
   Basically:  Pedrón and allied bands launch a campaign of pillage and (measured) retribution prior to their departure for the Pis Pis mining district, and the Marines are catching glimpses of it, trying to figure out where the enemy is, what they're doing, and where they're going.  Marines always several steps behind.
   Patrol of 20 Marines from Tuma first heads to La Oriental coffee hacienda of Chinese immigrant Rafael Quan (later suspected of paying Pedrón off for guarantees on his property).
   Patrol's course shifted by crossing the path of a native, Juan Alvarez, who reported a robbery.  Alvarez then serves as a guide and scout.  Why?  Why would he return on Tues. morning?  What's in it for him?  Implicit that he's being threatened and intimidated into serving Marines.
   Then the little boy reports "muchos hombres" and another fruitless chase across the valley.
   As Marines approach, people flee, leaving their pots & kettles boiling.
   Finca owners robbed and/or helping Marines:  Paula Arauz; Alberto Haslam; Alfario García; Juan Palmero. LeClaire's finca.
   Pattern clearly established:  both sides using threats & intimidation to pressure civilians for resources (information, animals, goods, compliance).
   Two captains of police:  Herrera (Caraterra; Francisco Herrera) and nameless, Bijagua; a police lieutenant killed by EDSN in Caraterra (for follow-up report see
PC28.04.11 Snead Patrol Tuma).
   Porfirio Sánchez receipt for $40 merchandise for Defending Army of the National Right; Haslam gave a false name, was tied up and later released.

   Natives were right:  Pedrón was headed to Pis Pis.

P C - D O C S :      P A T R O L   &   C O M B A T    R E P O R T S
thru 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 +