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PC28.05.24   claude


28.05.21 JENKINS
28.05.21 KENYON
28.05.22 CRAMER
28.05.24 CLAUDE
28.05.24 CRAMER
28.05.25 PIPER
28.05.25 PIPER

28.05.24.   Claude, Patrol Report, Corinto Ranch

P C - D O C S :      P A T R O L   &   C O M B A T    R E P O R T S
thru 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 +













T  R  A  N  S  C  R  I  P  T  I  O  N

24 May, 1928.

From: 2nd Lieut D.K. Claude, U.S.M.C.
To : The District Commander, Matagalpa, Nicaragua.
Via : The Commanding Officer, 45th Company.
Subject: Patrol Report.

      1.   2nd Lieut. D.K. Claude U.S.M.C.with a foot patrol of thirty five enlisted marines and one hospital corpsman seven days rations and eleven pack animals, cleared CORINTO 0110, 16 May 1928 to the relief of Captain Hunter vicinity of PASO REAL DE CUA. At 1120, 18 May the patrol was halted at a point about 6 hours march from PASO REAL DE CUA by planes with instructions that to camp at that point and await orders. The patrol made camp at that point until 1540 19 May when instructions from Colonel Dunlap were dropped for the patrol to return to its station. Patrol cleared 1620 that date, and made camp for the night 1720 near the junction of the GUASINERRA [Guasinera] and PAVONA rivers. Proceeded 0715 next morning to SAN ANTONIO via LOS ANGELES. At 1120, 21 May made contact with planes and received Brigade Field message # 25. Immediately proceeded to GUAPINAL via LOS ANGELES - LA VIRGEN, making camp for the night at MERCEDES between LOS ANGELES and LA VIRGEN at 1640 arriving GUAPINOL at the house of Santos Vasgues [Santos Vasquez] (reported to have been Sandinos headquarters May and June 1927). Made camp at this place at 1440 and remained there patrolling the vicinity until 1700 23 May. From the appearance of this house when the patrol arrived it is believed that about eight men had remained there during the previous night and had cleared in the early morning of the day the patrol arrived. That afternoon the immediate vicinity was patrolled but no trace of the direction which these men had taken could be found. May 22 a patrol under my command operated in the area throughout GUAPINOL. This area consists of five widely scattered houses in rough but cultivated country. There are good pastures, a little coffee, cane and corn. All of the houses (shacks) visited except one (Benavides Gutierrez) were deserted and had been deserted for about three days. Apparently they had not been raided by bandits for there were chickens and a small quantity of corn and potatoes in each. Report of natives in and near LA VIRGEN indicated that Pedro Altimirano [Pedro Altamirano, Pedron] with a band of from thirty to ninety (probably thirty) armed with rifles had passed through LA VIRGEN and GUAPINOL on his way to the vicinity of SANTA CRUZ between 16 and 17 May. Gutierrez corroborated this report and offered a very plausible explanation of the deserted houses. He and his wife were very much alarmed when the marine patrol arrived. He said that Altimirano had told them that marines were coming and that they would kill all babies and burn all houses and advised them to flee. Gutierrez has a large family of small children and hadnt the means to move. At 0650 23 May the patrol cleared for SAN ANTONIO via LA VIRGEN arriving SAN ANTONIO 1440 same date. Substance of this report was dispatched to Lieut Sneads patrol at LOS ANGELES. At 0515, 24 May one squad cleared SAN ANTONIO for CUCHILLAS and surprised Timotive Gutierrez [Timoteo Gutierrez] at his house at day break, but found nothing suspicious to substantiate a report that he had arms and was a follower of Pedro Altimirano. At 0845 patrol cleared SAN- [ p. 2 ] ANTONIO for CORINTO via ESPERANZA, arriving CORINTO 1400.

MAP USED. Larsen Blue print MATAGALPA- JINOTEGA district April 7. (See attached sketch). Note: The above blueprint was found to be of no practical value in estimating distances or locating trails in the area patrolled, with the exception of the portion of LA VIRGEN - CORINTO. From this map it was decided, before the patrol left CORINTO, that the shortest route to PASO REAL DE CUA would be via LA COLONIA. This trail was taken and it was discovered that from LA COLONIA on is the worst of mountain jungle trails and it was barely possible to get pack mules through and necessary in some places to cut passages in the trail. An excellent route, as was learned later, would have been the CORINTO - ESPERANZA - SAN ANTONIO- LA VIRGEN- LA PITA- PASO REAL trail which is a wide well used trail. Furthermore, the map shows no localities between LA COLONIA and PENA BLANCO [Pena Blanca]. PENO BLANCA is not properly located, nor in its proper proportion and it is believed that the trail crossings shown at PENA BLANCA, are in reality at a point (LOS ANGELES) about six miles west of this mountain. GUAPINAL is a mountain about ten miles north west of PENA BLANCA and west of the GUASINERA river. CHACHAGON is a very prominent mountain at the north west extremity of PENA BLANCA and is not shown on the blueprint. The attached sketch is only a rough one made from memory but it may serve patrols to the extent that it gives the names of localities and possible camp sites. It is suggested, however, that Lieut Sneads sketches be used in this area as they are probably more accurate, having been made while on the ground.

16 May: CORINTO- LA GUATE via LA COLONIA. 24 miles.
Condition of trail: CORINTO- LA COLONIA. Good, believed passable in all seasons. LA COLONIA- LA GUATE. very bad mountainous jungle trail not suitable for pack animals in any season- but possible.
Camp Sites: Good pasturage for small number of animals and good water supply. Martinez who lives here is captain of a friendly band of well disciplined conservative indians. And has proved himself to marine patrols (See TUMA reports).

17 May: LA GUATE- LOS ANGELES 12 miles.
Weather: Fair.
Condition of trails: Very poor and unsuitable for pack animals but possible.
Camp Sites: LOS ANGELES. Excellent position.
Pasturage in season. Corn available in small quantities and fair grazing this is a well drained site and covers important trail junctions (See sketch). Good water supply from mountain stream.

18 May: LOS ANGELES- LA PAVONA (near LA PITA). Five hours march from PASO REAL according to information obtained from natives.
Weather: Showers.
Distance marched: 12 miles (Halted by planes 1120).
Condition of trail: Good passable in all seasons.
Camp Sites: Excellent site for large camp near the Junction of the GUASINERA and PAVONA rivers. This is a flat stretch of several acres, affords good pasture and water, is well drained. (This is near the house of Flores who carries the usual small supply of provisions, such as [ p. 3 ] salt and dulce for the natives in LA PAVONA.)

19 May: Remained in camp LA PAVONA (Near LA PITA). Upon receipt of orders returned to camp site near house of Flores.
Weather: Fair.
Distance marched: 6 miles.

Weather: Fair. Rain during night.
Condition Of trails: Good in all seasons except in LOS ANGELES - MERCEDES- poor spring water and no pasturage.

Weather: Rains.
Distance marched: 10 miles.
Condition of trails: Passable in all seasons.
Camp sites: GUAPINOL (House of Santos Vasques) Shelter for 20 men. Good pasturage and water supply. Strong position.

22 May: Patrolled GUAPINOL.
Distance marched: 12 miles.
Condition of trails: Good. Probably passable in all seasons.
Camp sites: Five shacks scattered over the mountain about half an hours march apart. Each would furnish shelter for about 10 men and each has some water and pasturage (See report 21 May above).

23 May: GUAPINOL - SAN ANTONIO (Rivera on Larsen blueprint).
Distance marched: 18 miles.
Condition of trails: Good with exception of LA VIRGEN - SAN ANTONIO 4 miles uphill and muddy.
Camp sites: SAN ANTONIO. Shelter for a platoon. Water supply, fair, from springs near house. Good pasturage.

24 May: SAN ANTONIO - CORINTO 18 miles.
Condition of trails: Excellent. Fair in all seasons.

Guides.  Guides who know the outlaying areas are scarce. Generally the people know only the areas between their homes and JINOTEGA. Guides for the LA VIRGEN - GUAPINOL, CUA area can be obtained through Antonio Blandon- LA VIRGEN. Guides for the LOS ANGELES - PAVONA - CUA area may be obtained at LOS ANGELES. Geronimo Gutierrez [Jeronimo Gutierrez] proved to be an intelligent and fairly reliable guide.

/s/ D.K. CLAUDE,
2nd Lieut. U.S.M.C.

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Summary & Notes:

   37 Marines on foot patrol east from Corinto Finca for 9 days; should be read together with Lt. Cramer's report (previous).
   Initially sent in relief of Capt. Hunter's column; airplanes drop orders from Col. Dunlap changing the patrol's mission.
   EDSN ability to cover tracks: house of Santos Vásquez (later an important EDSN sub-jefe under Pedrón) at Guapinol occupied by at least 8 men, who leave right before Marine patrol arrives, but Claude can't find their trail.
   Guapinol:  five widely scattered shacks, interspersed with fields of coffee, corn, cane.
   Pedrón & band (30-90 strong) passed through La Virgen May 16-17 toward Santa Cruz on Río Coco (hacienda of Guadalupe Rivera), according to natives.
   Benavides Gutiérrez:  house in Guapinol, with lots of small children; he's the only native who stays for arrival of Marine patrol because he can't pick up & leave because of kids.
   Pedrón tells Guapinol natives to flee because Marines will kill all babies & burn all houses.
   Timoteo Gutiérrez:  house between San Antonio & Las Cuchillas; nothing suspicious found.
   Geography:  refining knowledge & maps of zone.
ínez: capitán de cañada of a 'friendly band of well disciplined conservative indians" around Guapinol / La Guate.
   Guide:  Jerónimo Gutiérrez:  "intelligent and fairly reliable guide."
   Local knowledge:  locals generally know only the trails from their homes to Jinotega; zones to the east are terra incognita.

   Rainy season just beginning.

P C - D O C S :      P A T R O L   &   C O M B A T    R E P O R T S
thru 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 +