Cleveland Ohio April 4, 1923
Miss Beatrice Keeran;
Dear Beatrice at last I have found time to write you a
few lines and even now my time is limited to eight
minutes. I did not write for lack of time & paper until
today and do you know what Im having done Im having a
cute little picture frame made to fit that picture of
you. Ive been thinking of you day and night since Ive
last seen you and that seems like a month and while I
was thinking of you and wondering whether you would ever
turn me down because Im not fast enough or something
like that I made up a little poem here it is
Tis sweet to love but oh how bitter
To love a girl and then not git ‘er
isnt that nice I was just hoping it would never come
true in our case dont you. Well Bee Ive got about one
minute to get the Dinky so I can meet the old man on
time so I am closing with one X fore Growler and
I remain Your Friend
Emil Thomas
P.S. Excuse the Scribble drop me a line when youve got
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Oct. 14, 1923
Dear Bee:
Please explain the cold reception
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Sept 7 1925 Post Band Quantico Va
Dear Friend
You may have forgotten me a long time ago but I havent.
Ill tell you who I am Im Emil Thomas I was looking
through a book of mine today and found your address in
it I have tried for a long time to get it but never
succeeded but now I am glad I found it Im at the Marine
Barracks here Im a Marine since June 15 I left Cleveland
that day I tried to see you or get your address before I
left but couldn’t I joined one day and left the next day
for Parris Island in South Carolina where I put in 10
weeks of hard training and now Im in Quantico Virginia I
am hoping your folks wont care about you getting letters
from an old School mate Im taking a chance and writing
at any rate
How are you and everybody else up there? I want you to
write me a nice letter and tell me if it will be
allright to write again but above all things don’t you
forget to write Im closing now so you may address my
mail to
Private Emil Thomas
Post Band
Quantico Virginia
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Sept 11 1925 Post Band Quantico Virginia
Dear Bee:
I just got your letter today and it sure cheered me up.
You know it gets pretty lonesome down here some times
when I don’t hear from anybody at home
You told me you just got back from your vacation Im glad
you had a nice time you say you saw the Ohio State Fair.
I never was at the Fair but Ive heard a lot about it
You want to know about the Marines Well Im a marine so
Im going to tell you what I wh went through I joined the
Marines on June 11, 1925 Left Cleveland on June 15 at 9
PM got into Cincinnati at 6:00 AM on June 16 traveled
through Kentucky Tennessee and Alabama and got to
Atlanta Georgia and stayed over night and left the next
morning at six and went on through Georgia and on to
South Carolina from through Carolina to the Atlantic
coast to Port Royal then we took the Govt. Ferry across
to Parris Island we put in a whole week at the Receiving
Barracks and went over to the East Wing where we drilled
for three weeks more and all the time we were under
quarantine and taking inoculations in our arm with a
hypodermic needle about 4 inches long and our arms sure
were sore we finaly got through there then we went to
the West Wing where we did 1 solid week of K.P. Duty
that is Kitchen Police or Messmen Cooking and waiting on
the tables Then for the next four weeks we shot the
Rifle Range and all this while we were nothing but
recruits we had to say (sir) even to the corporals but
after we shot the Range we were transferred here to
Quantico and now were not recruits anymore and we have
it easy here we have good eats to ice cream twice a week
we have cake and pie and everything. Ive got it easy now
I blow a trombone now and I practice from 8:30 AM till
10 AM then Im off until 8:30 next morning this week Im
shooting the Range but then I wont shoot again for a
year and all Ill have to do will be to practice from
8:30 till 10 and then eat sleep and eat some more
You wrote about the Shenendoah well I knew one of the
Fellows as got killed on it there were two men that were
transferred from the marines to the Navy and were put on
the Shenendoah The Guard at its hanger were Marines that
I knew stationed at Lakehurst New Jersey Im closing now
so I can go and eat so I Remain
Semper Fidelis
My address Private Emil G Thomas Post Band Quantico
Write Soon
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Sept 20 1925 Post Band Quantico Virginia
Dear Friend,
In my last letter to you I told you that I was shooting
the range. Didn’t I? Well Im done with the Rifle Range
now and I made (Marksman) by a score of 262 points. Next
week I go out and shoot the Pistol Range I hope to make
as good on the Pistol Range as I did with the Rifle.
I saw a good picture last night the name of it is
(Grounds for Divorce) and it sure is a good picture. We
have a free picture show here every night but Friday and
then we have a free dance and people come from
Washington D.C. to attend. The Govt. runs a special
train to & from Washington every night people coming to
& from the shows and dances don’t even need a ticket.
Dont you wish you lived in Washington?
How are you and your folks. How do you like school this
term. What subjects are you taking up. Im taking a
course to only mine is from the (Marine Corps Institute)
Im taking up Railway Postal Clerk.
Im getting a few pictures made that I took on my trip to
Panama & the tropics Ive got a picture of a saloon where
they sell the real stuff at 60₵ per qt. and its not
poison either. Ive also got pictures on Board the ship
USS Henderson, the ship I went on she made another trip
after I got here & she pulls in at Quantico again today
at 11 oclock A.M. so Im going down & see her dock so Ill
close & hope you will write
Your Schoolmate
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[ca. 23 September 1925] Post Band Quantico Virginia
Dear Friend:
Ive got a few minutes left till lights go out around
here so Im going to try to pencil you a few lines
Do you remember I said in one of my other letters that I
may some up to Cleveland some time in eh near Future?
Well I was wondering if you could let me come & see you
when I do come up you know its so long since I last saw
you. Id like also to get a picture of you to keep on my
shelf here. So if you have a spare snapshot of yourself
it would make me very happy if you would send it to me
How is Techs Football team coming out Are they doing any
fancy playing.
How are you getting along in your violin are you
practicing very regular. I don’t get any to much time to
practice my trombone because Im taking a course in
(Railway Postal Clerk) and it takes a lot of study then
to Im studying Phsycology and its pretty deep and
requires lots of study Then I play the Tenor Banjo and I
like to practice it once in a while then Ive got to get
in some time on the Trombone so you see Im always pretty
busy Im going to close now before the lights go out. I
hope you will write soon and maybe even send me a
picture so I remain
Until Me Meet Again
Your Schoolmate
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Oct 6 1925 Post Band Quantico Va
Dear Friend:
I just got your letter of October 5 and I was really
glad to hear from you. It isn’t that Im lonesome because
I haven’t anything to do because I have Ive got to get
some practice on the Banjo also Ive got to get more
practice on the trombone than we get at the school but
Im caught up on my course now so Ive got a little time
to write about 7 or 8 letters Ive caught up so far that
all the time I need to knock off of my writing now yet
is enough time to take a shave. So much for that.
You told me about Techs first Football game and also
asked about the Quantico Marines that played the Carrol
U Team last Saturday it sure was our team and the Band
School was supposed to go along but in the last minute
they told us we were going to stay right here
You told me you havent got a decent picture to send to
me. Well then send me one that is otherwise.
Im not going up to Cleveland now until Thanksgiving or
You said you would like to get an instrument to play in
the Band. Dont
Do it unless its drums because it takes so long to get
hard lips unless they are very thin and even then its
pretty hard to get up a decent lip. Ive been blowing for
quite a while now but I havent got a hard lip yet and
dont expect to for about 3 months yet.
Your imagination of Pearl Rd is pretty good but it makes
me think of the Rolly Coaster at Euclid Beach with a
landslide over it.
Ive shot the range again down here and I made Expert
Rifleman this time and Marksman on the Pistol the Rifle
medal is nice it looks like this [drawing of medal] sure
looks pretty on the Blue Blouses
I wish you could see how studious I look when I am
studying my Postal Clerk course there are some words
there that can be spelled in fifty different ways and
weve got to be able to spell them right for the Civil
Service Test so weve got to study Ill close and hope you
write soon
Yours As Ever
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June 9, 1926 Post Band Quantico
I haven’t written to you in a long time now Beatrice and
I suppose you think I am a very poor specimen of a
friend but in spite of everything I haven’t forgotten
you. In fact I tried to get in touch with you last month
when I was at home but when I got in front of your house
your father was in the yard and I was kind of bashfull
about coming in so I just left the old machine go right
ahead. Maybe your father remembers seeing me drive past
for I was in uniform and he saw me because he looked
right at me. I was driving by in a mud colored Ford
Coupe. You just ask him and see if he don’t remember. Im
very sorry I couldn’t get in touch with you but my
friends deserted me and wouldnt deliver a message no
matter how much I urged them
Well Beatrice, how are you anyway? Are you still going
to West Tech? I know without asking that you are still
playing the violin because I know you liked it. I
brought my violin and also my mandolin along when I came
back from furlough but Im not putting in much time on
either because Im playing a (B[flat]) clarinet in the
Band now and I put in all my spare time on it, and
goodness knows Ive got plenty of spare time Im on duty
one week and off duty 2 weeks. Then to Im not only
trying to learn something so I can better myself when I
get discharged. Ive already completed a Postal Clerk
Course and graduated with an average of 98% and now Im
taking a course in Architectural and Mechanical drafting
so I wont have to go back to my old knitting trade when
I get out of here. It seems like I was starting to get
sensible since I came into the Marines. Do you remember
Beatrice how I used to hate to study when I went to
school? I just couldn’t get my mind on it I was to
flighty, but I think Im starting to come to my senses
Well Beatrice I don’t know if you can read my writing
but I hope you will excuse it and forgive me for not
writing oftener and I hope you will write sooner than I
did and tell me all about yourself.
School Mate
Pvt. Emil G. Thomas
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June 22 1926 Post Band Quantico
Dear Beatrice:
I received your letter this morning and I was very glad
to hear from you. I will consider myself bawled out for
not writing and I will try to do better in the future.
I am very glad to hear that I can come over the next
time and believe me I intend to, but as for your seeing
me in uniform well you didn’t miss very much because it
is the same old Emil in or out of uniform.
Now I want to know something Bee. Why do you say that I
should have seen the pretty dresses at the graduation
you know your self that I wouldn’t have noticed them if
I had been there. I never used to did I?
Im glad to hear that you are in the orchestra yet
because I don’t think there is anything more wonderful
than music and I intend to stick by my music just as
long as I can.
I don’t have very much fun now anymore, only fun I get
now is breaking out a couple of times a week to play for
some one of the notables who’s name appears in (Who’s
Who) We have dances here every second Friday and shows
every night but I don’t go. They are all free but that’s
just why I don’t go because I don’t get a kick out of
anything free and there are to many women at the dances
to suit me.
Im not a bit surprised to hear that you don’t believe
that I study and I’m not a bit surprised that you want
proof, but really its true. Ask my sister if you ever
see her and if you don’t believe her take a run out to
the Appalachian Lumber Co some night and ask my father
he will show you my diploma because he has the diploma.
Now I suppose you will want to know just what came over
me to make me study all of a sudden but I will tell you
that to. I just simply decided not to waste the time
that I put into the Marine Corps and Ive got a year in
now already and I don’t think it is wasted wither. I
learned everything from pealing potatoes and sewing on
buttons up to a how to fly an aeroplane and why.
Well Bee I cant say when I will be back again but if I
am still in Quantico at Christmas time I will most
probably be up then for about ten or 15 days. I wont say
for sure though but if I do why you can expect to see
Now you want to know how things look around here. Well
the trees grow the same way as up there and water don’t
run uphill here anymore than it does in Cleveland. Ill
say they have some nice horses here and I wouldn’t mind
owning one either. We see all the baseball games around
here if we want to or not because we have to furnish the
music for them and they aren’t so far between either and
the same during the football season. The boating isn’t
so very good around here because we aren’t allowed to
row on certain parts of the river but the fishing is
excellent I caught a turtle a week ago Sunday whose
shell was 22 inches wide and almost 25 inches long. I
was fishing last night to and caught a few perch and a
few catfish we also catch a lot more of them than we
like to take off the hook because they are so hard to
Now listen to me Bee don’t ever blame me for writing
these letters in pencil because I cant help it, the only
time I can write in ink is when they don’t forget to
fill the ink bottles in the hostess house. You know that
is sort of a club house for us and if our folks come to
visit us why they stay at the Hostess House and weve got
everything just like home there only they forget to fill
the ink bottles every once in a while they to sometimes
I have enough time to write a letter but wouldnt have
enough time to go over there and write it.
Well Beatrice Im going to close and hope you can read
enough of this letter to write me an answer soon
As Ever
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July 8 [1926] Post Band Quantico
Dear Beatrice:
I received your letter this morning and I was very glad
to hear from you. I just got back to the barracks in
time to get your letter. I had been in the hospital and
just got out. In all the time I was in there I didn’t
get a letter and the days sure went slow. I think I told
you in my last letter that I was shooting the rifle
range Well I was but they shot for record today and
seeing as I was in the hospital I couldn’t shoot so now
I am not even worrying because when the next bunch goes
out I will get my chance to shoot over and qualify.
No Beatrice I never go to the dances although I admitt I
like to dance but the girls that come to a dance in a
service camp aren’t the right sort and so far I have
succeeded in going down the straight and narrow path and
I don’t want to get off the path after following it for
over a year and as for the show I go once in a while but
I think I can count on my fingers how many shows I have
seen since Im in the Marine Corps.
You say you know that I didn’t used to like to study and
I will admit that I didn’t but I kind of got to thinking
of the future and Im sure I don’t want to go back to my
old trade because there is no future to it and not
enough money in it.
I go dishing here once in a while to but I don’t get
much time for that but I sure like it. I caught a big
turtle while I was watching my line one day he just swam
right up to the dock and I grabed for his tail but
caught his head by mistake
ang and I promptly took my
hand away when he snaped at it but I didn’t want to lose
him so I grabed his tail and pulled him out and we had
turtle soupe in the galley the next night.
I did take some pictures from the USS Henderson and also
on shore when I made that tropical cruise last year but
I sent them home Now I cant take anymore because someone
liked my camera better than I did so they swiped it or
rather swiped them because Ive had 3 of them since Ive
been in the Marines and Im going to wait a little while
before I get another but I will get those pictures if
you want to see them real bad I mean the ones Ive got at
Yes Beatrice I often think of WIH but when I do I get
sore because I think of what I could have learned there
and didn’t
Well Beatrice I think I will have to close this letter
now because Im running out of paper so I hope to hear
from you soon
As Ever
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August 5 [1926] Post Band Quantico
Dear Beatrice:
I received your letter this morning and was glad to hear
from you again. I was just going to give up hope when
your letter came I didn’t get time to write sooner or
this letter would be half way there by now, as it is
this letter wont even get mailed until tomorrow
I haven’t been doing very much of anything lately but I
guess I better get over that idea pretty quick because
for the next few weeks the Post Band is going to be so
busy that we will be lucky if we get enough time for
show and sleep we are going on a trip next week so it
may be a while before you hear from me but I will write
when I get a chance and you may write as much as you can
to this same address because my mail will follow me
everywhere I go You asked me how I was coming along with
my studies but I hardly know myself Beatrice because my
drafting course has been changed to (electrical
engineering) and my first lesson hasn’t arrived yet so
you see I don’t really know how Im making out. Im still
with the band as you see by my address and every day I
am playing better and learning more about music and when
this cruise is done I expect I will be a bandmaster.
am going to the tropics soon and if that isn’t before
Xmas then I will come home then but if it is before then
why I won’t be able to.
I wish you would send me a picture Beatrice (the one in
the overalls) Im glad you liked the cherries you picked,
and Im glad you are enjoying yourself.
Well Beatrice I must close now as it is nearly time for
taps to blow and weve got to be in the bunk then so Im
hoping you have a good time on your vacation and at the
Ohio State Fair, and I hope you will write soon because
my mail follows me everywhere
As Ever
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August 18 1926 Post Band
Dear Bee:
I received your letter yesterday but I was kept so busy
that I havent been able to answer it sooner. Im glad to
hear that you are off on your vacation Bee because it
sure feels good to get one of these things
Yes Beatrice my new course is very interesting
especially the part called Menswration and Formulas and
also Trigonometry and Graphs Oh Yes! But as hard as I
find it it still is interesting
As for my music Bee Im alright in that. I got in the
symphony orchestra yesterday as a violinist and Im still
going strong on the clarinet. I didn’t get much practice
yet today only 2 ½ hours on the clarinet and none of the
violin yet but Ill make up for that tonight like last
night I made up for lost time in the clarinet from 3
P.M. till 7 P.M. and from 7 till 9 P.M. on the violin
I know how you must feel with sunburned shoulders but I
don’t ever get them they don’t make the sun hot enough
to blister me anyway. Talking about swiming I swam from
Virginia clean over into Maryland the other day and
after a little rest I swam back. But you see the river
is a little less than a mile and a quarter wide where I
swam it and very smooth. It took me 1 hour 10 minutes
over and 1 hour 25 minutes to come back because I get
winded so easy and so I had to stop and float for about
10 or 15 minutes every once in a while to get my wind.
I wish I were with you now Bee Ill bet we sure could
have some good times because I also like swiming and
tennis and horse back riding etc.
Well Beatrice how are you anyway? Are you enjoying your
vacation etc. I hope you have some better weather than
weve got today because its rained most all day.
Im not sure if Ive got the name of the town right on
this letter but Im going to try it and see if it gets to
Well Bee I guess this is all Ive got to say for the
present so Ill close
Semper Fidelis
P.S. hope you can read my scrawl and excuse the pencil
Thanks for the picture E.
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August 30 1926 Post Band Quantico Va
Dear Bee:
I received your letter yesterday and I was very glad to
hear from you. Im glad to hear that you are having a
good time on your vacation, because you know the old
saying that we only live once. Then to if we don’t enjoy
ourselves while we care young why Im sure that we wont
be able to as we get older. That is the while trouble
with me, I take life to serious.
No Beatrice Trigonometry doesnt exactly spell misery for
me although it did mean a lot of study and it wasn’t so
easy to catch onto either but Ive got my Trigonometry
examinations sent in now so all Im waiting for is the
return of my papers to see if I passed it
You seemed to be quite surprised to know that I can swim
but did you ever hear of a fellow that was brought up
near a swimming hole who couldn’t swim? I used to like
it a lot but my wind is so very short now that if I swim
any distance at all I get all winded. I guess I used to
smoke to much but I will get over that now because I am
cutting down on my smoking slow but sure.
Yes Beatrice I did notice the moon on the 22nd. It just
happened that we were playing a concert over in the
Gymnasium that night and my clarinet was broken all week
so I got out of playing, and went down to the river and
was laying there wondering if that moon was shining on
Talking about scares Bee. If you were a Marine there
wouldn’t be anything could scare you at night because
there isnt anything made that makes enough noise to wake
up a Marine once he gets to sleep. When they want to
wake up a Marine why they just tip the bunk over on us
or something. So if you want to be able to sleep at
night without getting scared by screech owls why you
better dress like a man and Join the Marines.
Say Bee, are you sure that the fellow that drives the
milk truck is your uncle? Im going to get real jealous
here one of these days So do I wish I was up there with
you but that is out of the question for the present time
anyway. So far Im not on this tropical detail but Im
liable to be put on in the last minute. But if not and
if Im here around Xmas yet why you can expect me over to
see you.
We havent much of a band here right now, weve only got
62 pieces but Ive seen it as high as 119 pieces. There
is no most popular instrument in a band because one
instrument is just as important as the other and the
second and third clarinet or cornet or alto or Bass or
Oboe or bassoon or sax or any other instrument is just
as important as the solo chair because while the solo
man carries the melody it takes the last chair man to
play the harmony and the harmony must be there to make
the piece sound nice. We play both popular and classical
music but most classical music and marches
Well Beatrice let me know before you go home so I will
know where you are at and dont forget to write once in a
while because I look forward to your letters
Semper Fidelis
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Sept 7 1926 Post Band Quantico
Dear Beatrice:
I got you last letter some time ago and answered it but
Im not sure whether you are in Pataskala or Cleveland so
Im going to send this one to your home then I will at
least be sure that one of them will reach you.
Well Bee:, how are you anyway? I suppose your jolly
vacation is just about done now Isn’t it? I hope you had
a pleasant time at least.
I suppose you have heard that there is a football game
between John Carrol University and the all Marine team
from Quantico and its coming of in Cleveland. I don’t
know the date because I haven’t seen a schedule as yet.
The Post Band expects to go along on most of the games
this year, but I doubt if we will go along up there
although there is a chance that we may go and I sure
would like to although I suppose it would be just my
luck to get left out.
Im not sure if Joe told you this before but a tropical
detail left here Friday and I wasn’t on it so if
everything goes right and if I can get a leave or
furlough I will come up over the holidays so you want to
be sure and save me a date, because Im pretty sure Ill
I haven’t been doing much except study lately so I
haven’t much to tell you so I will close this missil and
hope to get an answer soon
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Sept 11 [1926] Quantico Virginia
Dear Bee:
I received your letter several days ago but I didn’t
answer it till today. I don’t know why unless it was
just because I was tired and wanted to sleep because
that is what I have been doing for the last three days.
Do you really think that you would like the Marine Corps
if you were a man? Do you know what we have to forfeit
for four years. We have to leave all the pleasure of a
home and all the pleasures of loved ones, if we have
them, and a fellow has to nearly give up his girl
because no decent fellow would expect a girl to wait
four years for him. Then to we dont get our food and
cloths for doing nothing. Men in the line companys work
and bandsmen have to practice and some of this isn’t 8
hour days either although it is in this band of course
we all expect to give up something when we enlist and
then it does some good to. It builds a man physicaly and
about the moral part that is up to the man himself. It
depends on how much backbone he’s got because there is
plenty of chance wither way Do you still think you would
like it? Of course if you got into a soft job like in
this band or something it would be different but every
body isn’t lucky.
You went to the Ohio State Fair this summer and Im going
to the county Fair across the river in Maryland this
afternoon. We are going to furnish some of the music,
one of the numbers is Tschaikowsky’s, (March Slave) then
selections from “Martha,” and “Maritania,” “Wm Tell” and
“Pyre Gynt Suite” and some fox trots etc
Well Bee if I want to get some chow before I leave Ill
have to hurry although Ive got loads to tell you
I hope you will excuse the scribble and answer soon.
Remember Me Ever As
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Sept 17 1926 Post Band Quantico
Dear Beatrice:
I received your letter today and I was sure glad to hear
from you. Your letter was the first real exciting thing
that has happened since last Saturday night at the Fair.
Im writing first about the thing that you asked me last
in your letter. Yes we had a good time alright, all the
band but about 4 men got dead drunk right after concert
that night and we sure did have our hands full trying to
get them back down the boat and I wasn’t any to strong
in the knees myself so you see all but us four had a
real good time and we didn’t sit down and cry either.
The men that were sober all got invitations to dinner
from about 5 different girls, and as my bunky and I are
a little girl shy we didn’t want to go so we hid under
the exhibit hall.
I wish I were in school again and knew what I know now.
You can bet your sweet life that I would study. Id tale
up all the subjects you have including special sewing
and I’d take up about 7 more subjects.
Im sorry to hear that you cant get orchestra on your
programme because I just feel it in my bones that you
are going to lose interest in music if you don’t get
orchestra and you have such a beautiful start on it and
it sure is a nice study.
You say, that your first football game comes off in
about a week, Didn’t you? Our first one don’t come off
till the second of October but then they will come close
together. Did you ever see a picture of our mascot. He
is a big dog and about 40 years older than I am. I am
enclosing a picture of him that was clipped from a
Sunday paper. They call him (Sergeant Jiggs) in the
paper but his real rating is (Sergeant Major) he wears a
helmet a campaign hat a blue blouse a Khaki blouse and
he wears them and he has gold braided (Sgt. Major)
chevrons on them all. When he is dressed up in blues we
have a little lad here that belongs to some officer and
he gets dressed in full blues with white belt and white
gloves just like we do and he leads Jiggs all around
the head of the parade and all over the sides of the
field while the game is in In this clipping he is shown
sitting on the bats at one of the games in Philadelphia
I suppose you will be wondering how the deuce I expect
you to read this scrawl but I never was a good writer
and besides this pen is simply rotten (good excuse) I
don’t know how I like your pen Beatrice as I havent seen
it yet but I do like the way it wrote that letter you
sent me and I only hope it keeps up the good work and
dont get tired, of course I also hope that you keep up
the good work and write as often or oftener than you
have been doing
I have joined a debating club to waste a couple of
nights a week and Im learning a lot from it. Another
fellow and myself were to debate last night and the
subject was (Resolved that the world of color will
within the next century engage in war with the white
nations) and we fliped a coin just before to see which
side we would take and we took negative and the other
fellow was to get the rebuttal and he got rattled and
tacked on the wrong side and his rebuttal was the same
so I debated 3 men alone and lost they got 2 votes to
every one of mine
I’ll close now and say the same as you Au Revoir I know
its French and your learning so keep it up.
Always Just Porter
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Sept 27 1926 Post Band Quantico Va.
Dear Beatrice:
I received your letter this morning or rather about 10
minutes ago. I am doing detached duty as a visiting
bandsman with the 10th Regt. Band, Im going to stay with
them for 2 weeks this morning I had to get up at 4:15
A.M. to play a battalion of men down to the boat that
left for the tropics and to play the boat out. I got my
breakfast in the 10th Regt and then we played colors and
Guard Mount and just now got back to find your letter
waiting for me. Ive already did one days work today but
I can’t stop yet because some Marine got killed in an
accident so we have to play for his funeral and Formal
Guard Mount is a nice formation but not half as nice as
a full military funeral and seeing as I like them so
much I really wont mind the extra work. My playing with
the 10th Regt. Band wont change my address so keep on
You bet your life Tunney won and your bet was good as
gold. Why? Because he was a Marine and a Leatherneck and
they are a pretty hard thing to keep down in anything.
They put up a good honest fight with their fists or in
baseball or football or in anything else and you can
always bank on a Marine.
Did you think you fooled me with your French in your
letter? You didnt though what you wrote means not so
You certainly are the first person who ever said our
mascot was good looking and I dont blame you for wanting
to see him in the daytime although he couldnt bit if he
wanted to because he’s so old he hasn’t any teeth left.
Our first Football game came off Saturday and we walked
away with the University of New Hampshire. Weve got
another game next Saturday but seeing as Im with the
10th band I dont suppose Ill get to see that one but Ill
sure try my best you say you dont like blond curly hair.
Well what kind have I got? Do you like my kind? I hope
I hope you dont lose interest in your music because it
sure is great stuff only music makes more crazy men than
anything else if you study it as a profession because
youve got to be very exact about every note and how it
is hit and youve got to be honest with yourself and do
the best that is in you and not get discouraged
Well Beatrice Ive got to get a blouse pressed etc
because the funeral is in full Khaki so Ill have to
close. I hope you think of me sometimes and will write
again soon so Bye Bye
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
Oct 4 1926 Post Band Quantico
Dear Bee:
I received your letter this morning and I sure was glad
to hear from you I really cant guess what I would do if
it weren’t for your letters You see I don’t correspond
with my dad very much lately and what I do hear from him
is nothing but a growl. Ill tell you why he tried to
pick a girl for me and I objected but at the same time
did as he said and then she turned out to be crooked and
I rubbed it into my dad and told him that he was trying
to engage me to a crook and then I told him that I was
making my own choice of a girl so now we are both
growling You see the only letters I get now are from you
and my sister and once in a while one from Erv.
Im sorry to hear that W. Tech came out second with latin
but things like that cant be helped We played our second
game of the season on Saturday and there was an 80 piece
band went along. I was in that 80 pieces to and I don’t
mean probably and our team made a touchdown in the first
2 minutes of play and the other team was so bad that our
coach put in some 2nd team men and some substitutes in
the backfield to give them a chance and still we won 27
to 7 and our team didn’t exert itself either
Do you call doing duty a visit? I dont. I expect to go
to the 10th Regt band for good in a few weeks but Im not
sure yet. Ill tell you what a formal Guard mount is.
There is a new bunch of men go on guard for every day
you know a guard for every post or station or certain
territory and and the guard mount is the new guard
relieving the old and when it is formal why they have
the band and the old and new guards march up on the
parade line and present arms and they get their orders
of the day and they are told who the new officer of the
day is and are inspected then they are taken back and
posted or put on their respective posts or beats.
Now for the military funeral. I involuntarily stiffen up
a little every time one is mentioned because they are so
very stiff and soleman When the body is brought to the
chapel the armed troops present arms and everyone else
salutes and the band plays “Nearer my God to thee” and
no organ can sound nicer than this band does on that,
then the body is taken in the chapel and the services
are held and the band stays out on the street and when
the services are over we again paly while the body comes
out it is put on a carriage and 8 horses pull it and 8
mounted men guide the horses The band leads the parade
and plays a slow funeral march and if any body is on the
street when the the thing passes they better stand at
attention and salute or they are liable to get locked up
Well Bee I havent been got much more to say and anyway I
doubt if you can read this because my writing is so poor
and so Im going to close and hope to get some more of
your sweet letters soon
Semper Fidelis
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Oct 13, 1926 Post Band Quantico Va.
Dear Beatrice:
I just got your letter today but I am afraid to answer
it today because this is the 13th of the month and thats
supposed to be bad luck and I dont want to lose your
friendship for anything. I want you to stay Semper
I guess you think I dont know what you were writing when
you closed your letter in French but I do, it means Your
Friend always. Don’t It?
You sure got me fooled Bee when you say that you found
letters that I wrote you when we went to Tech. I saw so
much of you that it wasn’t necessary to write but I can
still remember how I used to come out to see you and you
used to come out every time you heard a whistle. Those
were the days alright.
You sure will get a chance to take in a game that our
team is playing on the 6th of next month. I have heard
some rumors that a 50 piece band goes along to the John
Carroll University vs. Marines game which is the one Im
talking about. I may get to go if they do take a band
but I may get transfered before then, so if I dont get
to that game why I guess you’ll have to wait till Xmas
to see me. Ill sure try to come up next month though. I
heard from my sister yesterday and she told me how bad
Commerce got beat by John Marshall. I gave her the merry
laugh and told her how punk her school is and Im afraid
Im going to have a mad sister for a couple of weeks but
she’ll get over it. That 97 yd run for a touchdown that
Tech half back made must have been pretty exciting,
wasn’t it?
I sure pity you girls who were initiated last week. I
guess you felt like everyone was looking at you all the
time. I felt that way when I first went out in my blue
uniform but it isn’t so bad here as it is in Cleveland
where they don’t see many marines. I know how it feels
to wear something different than someone else.
I dont get much chance to read for pleasure but I do
once in a while. Here lately I have been so busy that I
havent had much more than a chance to breath. This
afternoon I did manage to find enough time to play a few
sociable hands of pinochle and its so long since I last
played the game that I nearly forgot how to play it. I
should be out practicing right now but Ive just got to
write this first.
Ive got a couple of pictures of our last game in
Washington where we beat King College 27 to 7 and didn’t
even use our good men. We got beat once since then but
only our second team.
I also have a picture of the eighty pieces band that
went along but it isn’t very good if I can get a better
one I will send it to you.
Dont forget now Beatrice tell me if I translated your
French correctly if not please tell me what is right
Im going to close this letter and hope you can decipher
it and will answer Soon
Lonesome Marine
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October 18 [1926] Post Band Quantico
Dear Beatrice:
Im writing to you tonight not because I have anything
new to tell you but because I have some time that is
hanging heavy on my hands.
To start with, I havent done one bit of work today
except to play colors this morning and guard mount so I
havent did a thing worthy of mention since 9 oclock this
morning, only to eat, read, play a game of pinochle and
to think, and when I think, -- -- well you can just bank
on it that something is going to happen. I dont know
what it is going to be but I feel in my bones that its
going to happen.
I read a book here a few days ago by Henry C. Rowland,
the title is “Of Clear Intent” and I liked it pretty
well. I also saw my first slow in quite a while last
night. I saw Johnny Hines in the Brown Derby, its not
such a new picture but I got my first laugh in a long
while out of it. I don’t know why but Im not as
interested in shows since I took up music seriously. I
guess its because I devote so very much of my time to
music. I was playing my violin in our symphony orchestra
here for a while but I got so disgusted that I broke my
violin. I swore I wouldn’t never try to play two things
at once again. I was never meant to be a violinist and I
told the Lieutenant so when he urged me to stay with the
symphony and as long as Im playing clarinet I dont
intend to ever touch another instrument to play it. so
much for that.
I have found out for sure that no band is going to the
football game in Cleveland next month but I am pretty
sure that I will be able to come home over the holidays.
I could he sure if I wanted to ask my fathers assistance
but I dont want to because I am pretty sure I can do the
trick without his help.
I suppose winter is just about starting in up there
about now, it is getting pretty cold down here now we
change to winter uniform tomorrow morning it isn’t
really cold yet, you know I can get up in the morning
and if I stand beside the stove for about forty five
minutes why Im thawed out enough so I can stoop over far
enough to touch the floor. – Now you tell me one. I
stand corrected on that one alright but all fooling
aside it does get pretty cold down here. I froze four
reeds in one afternoon between numbers of an afternoon
concert and it isn’t so very easy to freeze a reed.
I guess I will lay this letter aside until something
happens or till I get an inspiration. This is all
Well here I am again only this part of the letter is a
day later than the other part. I was kept busy most all
day today we played colors in the morning and rehearsal
after that then dinner and out to play a parade I found
out some more news today my transfer to the tenth Regt
band is through and is O.K. and I move about the first
of the month. I also heard that they are going to try to
put something over on my and not live up to the
agreement with me. If they do try something like that on
me why Ill pull something on them I wont play as good as
I can.
I dont know what is the matter with me lately but I sure
get discouraged with life here every once in a while I
cant bear the idea of being away from my loved ones for
three more years but then again I reflect about how
quickly the first 16 months passed so I really dont know
what I want, but I guess I can stick out my time and the
experience wont hurt me any.
Our baritone player here has the same name as I have
except for his initials and he went to Washington and
got drunk and locked up and everybody was asking me
today how I got out because they know my name but don’t
know there is another Thomas here and theyve got me
worked to death explaining.
Ill close now
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October 25 [1926], Post Band Quantico
Dear Beatrice:
I received your letter and Im very glad to hear that
everything is jake with you.
You tell me that you got 95 in a history test. I call
that pretty good, I used to like history better than any
other subject when I went to school and I hope you like
it as much as I did.
I had a little fight with the Lieutenant and the drum
major here last week about a couple of days off duty and
I got them so I started out to read a little I read The
Black Tulip by Dumas and am just finishing Chicot the
Jester also by Dumas and I think they are both very good
I hope to say that Jiggs was at the King College game
but he isnt a bull dog he is a devil Dog. Thats what
they call Marines and thats what they call Jiggs. You
know Jiggs gets more consideration around here than a
lot of enlisted men do he has a service record book and
record of enlistment just like I have and he holds a
sergeant majors rating and that is as high as a enlisted
man can get. He stayed away over night once and got a
court martial just like I would and he was reduced in
rank to first sergeant but has his old rating back
again, so you see we think a lot of him when he gets all
that consideration and we dont want him to be called a
common bull dog.
Dont forget to behave when you get to your girl friends
cottage on Lake Road. Think of me while you are there
will you Bee. I cant think of any Halloween costume for
you right now but if you were a little broader
shouldered you could get Erv to get you a suit of my
blues from my house. I left one complete uniform there
when I was home the last time and it would make a good
costume but it would fit you like a sack.
Now about tonights letter, you gave me some good advice
alright but Im not a coward or anything just yet and
even if I do get disgusted with the breaks I get out of
like, I still know better than to disgrace myself by
being rash. It may be lonesome alright but I still cant
be rash because Ive got something more than that to
think about. I do wish I could see you but if I came
without permission why you wouldn’t want to see me and I
know you never would want to see me as a deserter so Ill
just wait. I only hope no one else catches you before I
get there.
I wish I could come up on the 6th to but now I know that
I cant because it is doubtfull if the band will make the
trip and then to I will be transfered before then. I
dont mind the not seeing the game but I sure would like
to see you a little.
Well here is the dope on the 10th Regt band. We have 3
regiments in Quantico namely the Fifth Regt, the Tenth
Regt and the First Regt and each of these has a band.
The 5th and 10th Regt have 28 piece bands which is a
regular regimental band and everything over that is put
into the Post Band and that is why the Post Band makes
all the trips and why it is considered the better band,
but if I get transfered to the tenth Regt band I will
play solo parts while here I must be satisfied with 1st
parts and sometimes even second & third parts and
besides if I go to the 10th Regt band I will get more
money after the first of the year. I wish I were over
there now and I would be getting it next month. I will
be sacrificing a lot of these trips but I will have more
of a chance to make good over there so I dont care. Then
to if I get over there chances are that I wont have to
get go to the tropics again and the last time I only
went through but this time it would mean to stay there
15 months and its worth sacrificing all those trips just
to know that I wont go to that nigger country again. I
was anxious to go once but since then I have decided
that life is still worth living. Once a man goes down
there its pretty hard to keep them in the states anymore
because they get lazy and shiftless and drunks and lots
of them dope fiends and lot of them get to be nigger
lovers and marry natives and waste there life down there
and the couple of weeks of it that I saw have convinced
me that its best to stay in the good old U.S.A. because
I dont want to ruin any chances if I can help it because
if I got down there and didn’t get mail any oftener than
I do here I just know I couldn’t stand it.
Who does our gang include tell me in your next letter or
Ill get jealous and Im a bad actor when I get jealous.
I guess Ill close now before you start calling me some
of your pet names like you do your Physics I wouldnt
mind the other kind though
Sex Bits
Write Soon
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Oct 27 1926 10th Regt Band Quantico
Dear Bee:
Just a few lines this afternoon to let you know that my
address is changed. Im in the 10th Regt Band now. I got
transfered yesterday. This morning I got an instrument
and got a rating promised me, it will only be a small
one but will probably mean that I get to come home Xmas
if I can only get a leave and I think I can.
We are going to have a Halloween dance this Friday and
Im going to go because there are a couple of wise guys
going to try to get me pickled and Im going to show them
that Ive got enough backbone not to get drunk and Im
going to show them that all the women they can bring
dont bother me.
I got a letter from my Brother in Law this morning and
he tells me that Ive got a read headed step sister and
that got me sore and Im sure that she and I will have a
fight the first time I come home I think Ill bring some
boxing gloves along when I do come home to be prepared.
Well so much for this time Beatrice Ill close and hope
to hear from you soon
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
Nov 3, 1926 tenth Band Quantico
Dear Beatrice:
Your letter got here this noon and I sure was anxiously
waiting for it. You didn’t surprise me when you said
that you met my sister, she told me in her last letter
that she is in you Sunday School class, but she hadn’t
met you yet but she told me she was going to Im glad to
hear that you like my sister, she sure is a good sport.
Yes I did tell my sister I wouldn’t be up for the game
and I thought I told you I wasn’t sure though The Post
Band was supposed to go and then it was called off and
no one was going then they changed their mind again and
they are going, but Im not in the Post any more so Im
not coming along. They are only going to take 60 pieces
along but thats enough to make a little noise with. Im
sorry I cant get to come for this game but Ill make sure
to come up over Xmas if its possible to get a leave.
Right now the whole tenth Regiment is scattered all over
the United States as mail guards and the band is doing
the guard duty here. I went on last night at six and Im
available till six tonight then tomorrow night I go on
again. I should be getting some sleep right now so I
could catch up with the world. I only had an hour and
forty minutes sleep last night and standing by all day
and Im nearly all in.
Dont bawl me out for not writing oftener to my sister
but I write three letters to her for every three of two
she writes to me, but she writes pretty regular and I
always answer her letters prompt.
I dont know where your history teacher gets the idea
that there are so many snakes down in the tropics. That
is Gods country all but the heat and mosquitoes and
lonliness because there aren’t many wild white people
there. The only reptile to be found are lizards and half
of them are harmless and the other half are afraid of
anything that moves including a fly, so tell your
teacher to join the Marines and see the world – through
a port hole.
I hope you will be able to read this letter but thats
nearly impossible because I cant hardly read it myself.
Im so sleepy I cant hardly stay awake to finish.
Write soon and Ill write more next time
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
November 8 1926 Tenth Regt Band
Dear Bee:
Im half asleep while Im writing this letter but Ill try
to make it so you can read it.
I suppose you went to the game Saturday and saw the
Marines get beat, didn’t you? Well that just goes to
show that they must have been playing in a good state
and against a good team because it sure takes a good
team to beat the marines.
I did guard duty all last week and Im pretty well down
right now although I have caught up on some of the sleep
I lost even now Im still sleepy. I did one twelve hour
watch walking post as a sentry and instead of coming off
I immediately went on again for a twenty four hour watch
as corporal of the guard and that made thirty six hours
straight. I got relieved yesterday morning at six and
slept till 5:30 P.M. last night then I went over to play
the Sunday night concert and went to sleep right after
concert and slept till nearly noon today.
I got a letter from my sister the other day and answered
it while I was at the guard house as corporal of the
guard but I havent got downtown to the Post office to
mail it yet but Im going to try to mail it tonight
unless I go to sleep again.
Well I just found out that there isn’t any danger of any
bandsmen going out on this mail guard because there was
an order sent out from Washington saying that on no
condition would a bandsman be taken from band duty for
the mail guard. I wouldn’t mind it if I got sent to
Cleveland or some town near there but I sure would hate
to get sent farther away than I am already, so I guess
its just as good this way.
Ive been fighting around here during all the spare time
I could get last week trying to find out what kind of
Christmas leaves they are going to give but they arent
sure themselves yet if they will give any and if they do
they will be very short but whatever they put out Im
going to come home for Xmas if I have to come without
leave. I put in a little time in the brigg at bread and
water already and I can do it again.
I guess the tenth Band will make some short concert trip
to some small town in Virginia over the eleventh of the
month. We celebrate the 151st birthday of the marine
corps Wednesday the tenth of November so that makes two
holiday concerts for us this week.
I really dont know how you are ever going to read my
writing here because Im hurrying so I can finish before
Hoping to hear from you soon I am
The Same
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November 12 [1926] Tenth Band
Dear Bee:
Your slightly rushed letter just arrived about three
minutes ago and Im going to answer it while the
answering is good.
This band made a trip to Manassas Virginia yesterday for
Armistice day and we all went in machines because the
town is about 45 miles inland and all of it over dirt
road. I didn’t go in one of the machines that they sent
for us but went out in one of the fellows Essex Coach
and it was so cold that we froze even in the closed car
and beside that we all had overcoats on. The road are
all dirt roads but they are fairly smooth and we were
going between 50 and 60 miles per hr. most of the way.
By the way Bee if you want to see some of the pictures
Ive got ask my sister and she will show them to you I
have some from every place in the tropics only don’t let
those pictures get away from you because they are dear
to me and Joe lost my envelope of films so I cant have
any more printed and I doubt if I will get down there
anymore and I want to keep them to remind me of the
I just wonder what some of the things are that my sister
tells you. Ill promise to be very good if you will tell
me some of them, please give me at least a hint of what
they are because I am anxious.
You closed your letter by saying you hoped I mean who
you think I mean. I dont understand very clearly but I
have an inkling of an idea and Ill tell you about it
some day if Im not to bashful and if I am to bashfull ?
why then Im afraid Ill have to wait for leap year. What
do you think. Why did you write (The Old Friend) – that
sounds like you was my grandmother. Ill show you how
close that. Here’s how (Your Sweetie) How is that? I
like it better, dont you? Try it and see
Ill close this letter now
Write Soon X
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- - - - - - - -
Sunday Nov 14 [1926] Tenth Regimental Band
Dearest Bee:
I suppose this letter will get to you house just a
little before you get back from Pataskala but it will
get to you anyway.
Ive got a little sad news and a little news that may or
may not be good news. In the first place I got thrown
out of the office on my ear for trying to put in for a
Christmas Leave. The company commander says there will
be no leaves or furloughs granted this Christmas in the
Tenth Regt. I turned around and decided I wasn’t going
to foolishly spend the money I saved to come home so I
got a permit to open a lunch counter in the barracks and
invested in that so now Im in business here and maybe I
will have a little bank acct when I get out of this
outfit. However I haven’t given up all hope of coming
home yet, and if its possible I will come home. I
wouldn’t try anymore if it weren’t for you but I know
that you would like to see me so I will try.
Did you enjoy yourself while you were in Pataskala? I
hope so. How was the hunting? I wish I was there to go
hunting with you I suppose you nave about a foot of snow
up there by now, havent you? We havent any snow but we
sure have plenty of cold here.
I am going on guard again tonight as sentry and will
probably go on as corporal of the guard tomorrow then I
will be off duty again for 3 days. I wish it were 10
days but its got to be and a good marine never gets
discouraged because he gets work to do and Im trying to
be a good marine.
Im going to write a letter to my sister when I get
through with this and if she dont answer that one pretty
soon why she wont hear from me anymore. I havent heard
even one word from my father since two weeks after I
came off of furlough which was May 22. Do you see now
why I say that if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t come
home at all, but I sure want to see you so be patient
and if I cant come home for Xmas I sure will come in
spring and it will be a longer furlough than I could
expect for Xmas
Im going to close now and hope to have a letter from you
from Pataskala and hope to hear from you soon
Yours As Ever
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November 22 [1926] Tenth Regiment Band
Dearest Beatrice:
Your letter just got here and I sure was waiting for it.
You didn’t tell me if you got the letter that I sent to
Pataskala I wrote it as soon as I got your last letter
and it had plenty of time to get there I hope you got
You asked if I ever felt like I could stop everything
and just quit living. I hope to say Ive felt like that
and it sure happens often especially when a man is in an
outfit like the Marines. Sometimes when I see some of
the crazy things some of these nuts do around here –
well I just feel like dying, then other times I feel
pretty contented and enjoy the experience I really dont
think yours was such a big mistake if it was yours, but
I dont think it was. Just don’t worry about it.
Im glad to hear that you had a good time on your trip
and I wish I could have been along. I know you enjoy
trips like that and they also make a person very healthy
if they spend much of their time in the open air Now I
get all the fresh air I want without going hunting. All
I have to do is go on guard and I get all the air I want
and then I come back and turn in and I get all the fresh
air I want through the cracks in the floor where my bunk
stands and oh boy it sure makes a man sleep like a rock.
You arent the only one that’s got a cold dear girl. Ive
got one so bad I can hardly talk I was walking port one
night last week and at 10 oclock it was raining to beat
the band and at 2 oclock it started to freeze and my
legs and feet were wet below the raincoat and when I
came in off of post I had an awfull cold and a coat of
ice on my pistol the ice was so thick on it that the
blamed thing would have refused to function if I had
needed it.
Yes it is pretty hard not to get to come home for the
holidays but if they stick to what they say and really
dont let me come for Xmas I sure will come in the spring
But listen Beatrice I dont want you to think Im old
fashioned or anything like that but please dont talk
like you did in your letter. You wrote that word (damn)
just like it was nice and I dont like the idea of my
girl using that kind of language. Its bad enough to know
that I am in a place where it can hardly be avoided and
Im a man but even at that Im trying to cut it out, so
please try not to use such words.
We Marines are allowed to receive any thing from
loveletters to box cars. Tell me about this idea which
you have cooked up I cant imagine what it is but I guess
you know what you are doing
Im getting along fine in my new business but the first
few months there wont be much profits they all go right
back into the business We just bought a new percolator
for $22 and that came out of the profits or most of it
did anyway so you see when we get on our feet we will be
making pretty good money. Weve always go to go downtown
for the food and supplies and town is quite a way off
and we need quite a few supplies and after a while if we
make good I think we will get us a second hand car to
get the supplies in. I sure need to be in some kind of
business if I expect to earn enough to get married on
because out of the $20 per month that the government
pays why I couldnt save enough in 30 years to get
married on although I will be getting more by the first
of the year but that all goes to lessons. You know I
still take them and still need them to. After giving you
all these statistics don’t you think that I ought to be
in some kind of business?
You asked me what this place looks like and what
everyone does. Well 00 if I wanted to tell you what it
looks like Id have to swear so I wont tell you and as
for what everyone does – well everyone does nothing when
they can get away with it and as little as possible when
they have to do anything.
Did you read about the Army – Marine Corps game
Saturday? Well we won 27 to 7 and it was a good game. Im
going to send you the Marine Corps paper called the
leatherneck with all the teams pictures also the army
teams pictures and the Presidents cup for which they
played There is also a picture of Sgt. Major Jiggs in
it. I Will send it the first time I get down to the Post
Ill close now so write soon to your
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November 25 [1926] Tenth Regiment Band
Dearest Beatrice:
This is Thanksgiving day and this is my day off because
I did my guard last night so Ive decided to write to
you. I have been trying some more to come home for the
holidays but so far I haven’t found out anything
definite, however I will keep on trying and if I can’t
come up this Xmas I sure will come up next spring.
We had the Thanksgiving dinner today and I guess we are
all pretty well down, from eating to much, but you can’t
blame us because Thanksgiving, Xmas and New Years is the
only time we get a real feed and right now I feel so
much like a stuffed pig that I can hardly see.
Now Beatrice Im going to get real serious with you. I
can’t wait till I get to see you to ask you but I want
to ask you to marry me when I get out of this outfit. Im
nearly 20 now and I still have two and a half years to
serve so neither of us will be to young by then, and as
you know already I have been studying hard preparing
myself for a good job and I have several promising
offers of work in the line of music and I am now
studying to become an electrical engineer and I have
several trades I can always fall back to. I worked quite
a while in a hardware store and am considered a pretty
good hardware man. I am also an automobile mechanic so
you need not be afraid that I cant support you. Now
Please Beatrice say yes and make me happy Im sure my two
and a half years will pass very quickly with something
like you to look forward to and after your folks meet me
Im sure there wont be any objections from them. I wont
say anymore now but will anxiously wait your answer.
Did you get my other letter and the Leatherneck magazine
that I sent you? What do you think of the two teams?
Im going to close now and hope to hear from my
sweetheart this time
Only Your
P.S. Answer Soon
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November 30 [1926] 8 P.M.
Dear Beatrice I received your letter today and I
considered it all bad news. I don’t blame you though and
anyway I wasn’t figuring on getting married just yet I
was counting on at least 4 or 5 more years to save
something only seeing as I am away I spoke up early
because I wanted no one else to beat me to it so I acted
like the proverbial early bird Then to if I had a goal
to work for I could make something of myself in the 2 ½
years I have to do but if I haven’t a goal Im not so
liable to save or study.
I sent into the office today and asked for a transfer to
China and was told I couldn’t go before March or April
and if I do go it will mean sign up for 4 or 6 years
more and if I do that I may as well stay in the service
till I can retire and I might as well do that and at
least be a soldier because if I do get on the outside
Ill never be any good. You said about finding the right
one Beatrice. I don’t want to find no other one. I have
a deep feeling for you. I don’t know whether you would
call it love or not but it is the feeling that I would
be proud to have you for my wife. Of course I don’t hold
it against you Beatrice and I dont blame you because
after all you now it wouldn’t be nice to have to have a
funny faced husband, but no matter what happens my
proposal holds good and I will be free and if you if you
should ever change your mind just write and tell me and
give me the size of ring you want and all details and I
will come running. I hope you haven’t told my sister
anything yet and if you havent please dont because I
want to pull a nice trick and quit writing in Spring if
I do sign up for 4 or 6 years more for China because if
I do I will probably stay there for a 16 or 20 year
retirement and stay in China and I dont want them to
know why I am going if I do go I will simply tell them
Im going and not write to them anymore because it would
be so much harder to bear for my folks and myself. Dont
forget Beatrice my offer holds good and if I hear from
you before March I wont ship for China if I don’t -- ?
No one knows.
I just happened to remember you told me about keeping a
collection of pictures etc. Do you save stamps? Im
enclosing a Chinese stamp if you dont want it throw it
away or give it away I dont care which
I hope you liked the concert by the Cleveland Symphony.
Maybe after Ive got 20 or 30 years in the service as a
bandsman I may be good enough to play with them.
Well Beatrice Im going to close now but dont forget – I
love you now and always did and always will, only I know
how much.
Semper Fidelis
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December 9 [1926] Tenth Regiment Band
Dear Beatrice:
I received you letter this morning and I think it was
about time you wrote I told you I would wait till March
for my answer but I didn’t say to stop writing till
March so keep it up but Beatrice please dont say that I
should be very sure I havent made a “faux pas” because I
just know I am right
I don’t know about chinese girls being so bad to look at
or about getting sick of China for that reason and the
only reason I dont want to go is because I would like to
make a home of my own and I cant very well do that as
long as I stay in the Marines and if I havent any hope
of making that home I might just as well see something
of the world.
Thanks for not saying anything about that letter
Beatrice. There really is nothing to forgive Beatrice
because if I have been hurt it is my own fault because I
shouldn’t have reached for the moon. If I had any sense
at all I could have known better than to ask you to
marry me because Ive seen my face in the mirror often
enough to know that it would stop a freight train and I
sure pity the woman that would willingly look at that
face across the table or anywhere else for the rest of
her life, so dont think I blame you.
This may be my last letter for a while because Im
getting locked up for being out of camp without leave I
couldn’t help it though my machine broke down and I was
reported away 17 hours without leave and alibies dont go
here so I will probably have old Santa Clause visit me
in the brigg I wont be able to write but a friend of
mine will smuggle in my mail for me he will probably get
smokes in to me to so Im not worrying but write often
and I will make up for it every chance I get because
your letters and my sisters will be the only thing I
will have to read or do. (if)? My bunky can smuggle it
in to me and Im sure he can.
Lets hear from you soon so
Semper Fidelis
P.S. Send my mail the same as ever to the Tenth Regiment
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December 22 [1926] Tenth Regiment Band
Dear Bea:
I received your letter the other day but this is the
first letter I have been permitted to write and it will
be the last until the 25th because that is when I get
out. Im supposed to do thirty days of solitary
confinement with a square meal every fourth day and
today I got special permission to write two letters
seeing as this is my square meal day. Today almost every
other fellow is getting ready to go on leave and
expecting to see their sweethearts etc but all I can
look forward to is the 25th because I get out then and
all the while I have been in here enjoying my bread and
water I havent even had one word from my folks, the only
letter I got was the one from you my bunky sneaked that
one in to me. Im just about disgusted with everything
including all the hard luck I have been having, and if I
thought that I could keep from getting caught I would
break the walls on the brigg and desert long enough to
get a smoke. I havent smoked since my trial and Im
nearly crazy now.
Then to top my hard luck off my partner in business
collected all the money we had standing out and went
over the hill. How do you like that for luck? So much
for that.
Tell me something about yourself and what Santa Claus is
bringing you when you write again. I hope he is good to
you and dont go past your place.
You will have to excuse this pencil writing but Im real
lucky to be allowed to write at all let alone trying to
get some pen and ink or something to write on.
Well Beatrice I guess Ive just about bothered you enough
with this scrawling so Im going to wish you a merry
Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.
As Ever
P.S. I wont be able to write again till after the 25th
because they open the doors that day but write soon.
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Sunday Jan. 9, 1927 Post Prison
Dear Beatrice:
I guess its about time Im writing you, isn’t it? Well to
start with thanks for all the nice candy and the book.
Ive already read it. You know we are allowed to read
every night after supper. I also got a couple of letters
from you which I will try to answer now if I cant why
Ill catch up when I get out of here, which will be next
Sunday morning if I get “good time” like I expect I
Say Beatrice youve seen this new sister of mine pretty
close which is more than I can say. What do you think of
her and my new mother? I havent even had one word from
either one yet but I hear that my new mother cant write
so she is excused but how about Elenore or whatever her
name is. Im pretty prejudiced against her. Do you think
Im right? Dont be afraid to tell me what you think cause
I wont get sore and they will never know.
No Beatrice I didn’t make any New Years resolutions for
the simple reason that I dont want any to break. I just
do the best I can and I cant do better with all the
resolutions I could think of.
I guess thats just another false alarm for a while about
my coming home I was going to come home and work for a
month and try to get a start again in a financial way
but I guess thats out of the question because Lett says
work is scarce up there. But I will come home sometime
this spring if it is anywhere near possible but I dont
bank on it.
What do you expect I would do with a clarinet while I am
in the Prison? We arent even allowed to talk out loud
because if we did we sure would make an awfull racket.
When I get back to the Tenth Regt. Band I guess will do
a little practice again to build up a lip and limber my
fingers, but I dont get out till next Sunday at the
Who was this neighbor of yours that said such nice
things about me? I can just about guess but tell me for
Well Beatrice it gets pretty tiresome writing on a
stationary box on a persons lap so I will close for now
but I will write you a young book just as soon as I get
out of here where I can write in comfort, so Ill close
Dont forget what I told you about the month of March.
Emil Write Soon X
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Jan 22, 1926 [1927] Band Quarters Tenth Regt.
Dearest Beatrice:
I received your letter the day before yesterday but this
is the first chance I am getting to write so Im going to
make this letter that young book that I promised you.
Im glad you liked that picture “Tell it to the Marines”
I havent seen it yet but I dont think they showed
everything that happens to the “boot” or “recruit” when
he first joins and goes through training because it
would discourage a lot of fellows from enlisting you
know just because I say that I like the outfit doesn’t
mean it all gravy, its not l like it because of the
pleasure I get out of my brute strength and because I
get an opportunity to study music and also different
courses. I have learned much both in music and otherwise
and I have, gloried, may I say in my strength, when I
was in the prison for instance I was given the hardest
job there because I am big and dont look weak. I lifted
ash cans that the other fellows couldn’t lift or more
and that is why I like it but being a Marine is no joke
by a long way like I got out last Sunday and was
immediately put on guard and this is Saturday again and
the first chance Im getting to write. I dont know why
they kept me on all week unless it was to further punish
me but Ill show them Im no baby anyway. I can stand as
much as they can give me.
Im sorry to hear that your father has been ill and taken
to the hospital. I hope by the time this reaches you he
will be better. Your father has my best wishes at any
rate. I hope you get over that blue feeling of yours
because I know how uncomfortable it gets when one feels
that way because I have felt that way many and many a
Talking about when a fellow first joins the Marines I
can tell you a little about that. I myself joined on
June 15 1925 and got to Parris Island S. Carolina on
June 17 we were sent to what is known as the receiving
barracks to wait the forming of a company and for
medical observation and what I mean when a man passes
all those observations he is physically fit. I know I
wasn’t going into anything easy but I didn’t expect it
to be quite so hard as it was so to give the boys
entertainment I took up pugilism in the welter weight
and light heavy weight class I was perfectly content
until I met a better man on July 4th and I got beaten I
gave this up then till I left recruit training after
which we were real Marines the training took eight weeks
and those were 8 weeks of Hades with a capital H
reveille at 4:30 and drill till 4:30 then scrub clothes
and mend them and clean a rifle and all the equipment
then write letters if we still had enough ambition. The
last 3 weeks we spent on the rifle range we walked or
rather marched 4 miles to the range starting before
daylight and getting out there about an hour and a half
later just in time for day light then we filled our
canteens with water and started shooting or working
targets and laying in the hot sand all day and all we
had to drink was the water in our canteen and it got
warm and most always got empty before noon and drinking
to much of this hot water caused a lot of the fellows to
faint and drop out of line on the march back it was to
much for some of them to endure. Then the chow we got
there was poor and not enough of that but we were kept
busy so we couldn’t find time to grumble. I never told
my folks how hard it really was because they would only
think Im showing a yellow streak and Im not. From the
Island we got on board the U.S.S. Henderson and made a
little tropical cruise. I think youve seen the pictures
I took then I came up here. I tried prize fighting again
as recreation but I got beat again and I decided that to
be a musician I couldn’t risk getting my lips cut or my
fingers hurt so I gave it up for good. Does that look
like the picture “Tell it to the Marines”?
Well Bea: Ive told you quite a bit in this letter
because I scribbled smaller than usual, then to Im
sleepy as this is my first whole night off this week so
Im going to close and get to sleep.
Semper Fildeis
P.S. Im glad you havent forgotten and Im hoping one way
Write soon please
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Feb 9, 1927 Band Barracks Tenth Regiment
Dearest Beatrice:
I received your letter a couple of days ago but I was
busy then and afterwards I forgot to answer it and I
just now remembered it. I was waiting for a letter all
the time and never thought to answer yours first. I have
been pretty busy lately, the band has been relieved from
guard duty and we have been restored to band duty then
in the last few days we had a number of men transfered
out and among them was our assistant solo clarinet
player and I was put way at the back on account of being
locked up but I jumped about four chairs the other day
and I got solo & 1st clarinet which is third chair and
today I made another jump to assistant solo and in order
to keep that I will have to spend very much of my spare
time practicing about 6 hours per day.
I heard from my sister the other day and she told me
that your father has returned from the hospital. Im glad
to hear that because I know what its like to lay around
on your back in the hospital for Ive spent plenty of my
time there since I joined the marines. I suppose Lill
told you that Im fooling with radio again only I dont
get much time for it Ive been building one for a fellow
now fir the past 14 days but I get so little time to
work at it that I havent finished it yet when three
hours work would finish it.
Im glad to hear that you have your letters for WTH and I
guess you will be plenty proud of them wont you. Im glad
to hear that you are a senior now and maybe you can give
me my answer now. I hope so anyway because I want you
all to myself. That may sound selfish but I dont mean it
that way. I wont expect you to sit at home like a bump
on a log just because Im not there all I want is your
promise to say “I do” well so much for that now for some
I suppose you have been reading in the papers of the
Mexican affairs and also of the Chinese affairs. Well
our whole regiment has been standing by for to go to
China and the whole 5th Regiment has been standing be to
go to Mexico in case war is declared. I hope we go over
anyway. They want to leave the band behind but if war is
declared I think I will put in a special request to go
there once Im over there Ill put in a request to remain
there at the post in Pekin.
We have been having some wonderful weather here lately,
(for polar bears) gee its cold here we went out to play
an open air concert and we sure made a nice mess out of
it because we were so froze that our fingers and lips
simply refused to function properly and the results were
I suppose you will be thinking that Ive got an awfull
nerve to write you on this kind of paper but an ex jail
bird cant afford more for a couple of months until he
gets his fine paid. Im not worrying though because those
fines are paid back to us when we get discharged.
Well Beatrice next month tells the tale, whether I go to
China or come home this summer Im hoping to come home
myself, but I dont want to let a chance to see China go
by without trying for it and again I dont want to spoil
my future by reenlisting or extending my present
enlistment unless I intend to put 30 years in the
service so I can retire on a pension but if I have any
chance for a future in civilian life I certainly want to
take that chance. I have several offers for musical
positions for when I get out of the service but I dont
know what to do myself.
Well Beatrice I guess this much of this letter is enough
of a puzzle without torturing you with more so please
say yes, and answer soon. Im going to close this letter
and be a Hopefull Marine Porter
Feb 18, 1927 Band Quarters Tenth Regiment
Dearest Beatrice:
I received you letter today and even though I was
expecting it I was like a big coward. I was afraid to
open and read what you had to say. Im sorry to hear that
you feel the way you do because I sure would try my best
to be good to you and to make you happy and as far as
becoming a milliner is concerned I dont see where I
would be in the way nor do I see where I would prevent
you from trying to partly repay your parents for all
they have done for you and anyway you would still have
several years before I get discharged Twenty months is
all I have in the service which still leaves me about
twenty eight to serve or in other words two and a half
more years less two months then I would have to make a
fresh start on the outside so you see I wouldn’t be in
your way any, but don’t think I blame you because I
don’t. I just got a look into a mirror and I just got to
realize how I really look especially when Im not shaved.
I only wanted to know how things look for me. We are
standing be here for God knows where we have all the
portable galleys or kitchens all the tanks tractors
planes and artillery pieces in readyness and some of the
men are leaving here at least by next Wednesday if not
before no one knows when they will be called on to leave
to go to some country where there are war clouds blowing
around. No one knows when they may go nor does anyone
know whether they will be Nicaragua or China bound when
they do go. Myself I would like to go and if war should
be declared I would request a transfer to line duty so I
could get into the scrap I would never be content to be
a strecher bearer and that is just what they would make
of all bandsmen.
We were pretty busy today we started out by rehearsing
all morning and we got a number called (I Lombardi) and
it is one of Verdi’s famous operas and the range of the
clarinet is from one octave below the staff to one and
one half octaves above the staff and some fake notes
above that and this number runs from the lowest note on
the clarinet to the highest and its sure a hard one I
got so disgusted with myself I was going to smash my
clarinet and kill a couple of guys and everything but I
finally got control of myself again. Then after dinner
we went out to play a concert and just got back in time
to eat chow at 5:15 P.M. now Im through for the day
except for my practice. I never really knew how bad I
needed to practice nor how rotten I really was till I
tried to play my part in (I Lombardi) this morning.
I received your box of cookies yesterday and thanks
muchly for them they sure were good and they only came
just in the nick of time because I got up so late I had
just missed show and was thinking what a long morning it
was going to be without breakfast. Those cookies made me
want you more than ever Beatrice and whoever it was that
created that saying that the way to a mans heart is
through his stomach sure said a mouthfull and dont never
worry about my not liking ginger not that I know the
difference, because I dont but my sweet tooth just told
me they were good so I must like ginger. Who is Hoppy?
Not that it concerns me but you told me that Hoppy and
you made the cookies so Im curious to know.
Well Beatrice I dont know if I would like to go through
the ninth grade again or not. I first met you there but
when I think of the good times we had there and the
pleasure I used to have by being with you it makes my
heart hurt to think that it is all to no avail.
Well Beatrice the weather has turned here and for the
last couple of days we have had some very nice spring
days here in fact it was so nice out yesterday that I
took my clarinet and junk out into the open air to
Well Beatrice right now I am in a pretty sad state of
mind and I am afraid this letter is going to bore you
something terrible so please forgive me for that and the
pencil writing so Ill be always
The same Hopefull
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Feb 20 1927 Band Quarters Tenth Regiment
Dearest Beatrice:
I suppose you will be surprised to hear from me twice in
the same week but that is what I am doing.
To start with I am leaving everything just the way it is
today I havent practiced a bit today and I dont intend
to Im feeling real mean today for some reason or
another, and Im afraid if I were to practice I would get
disgusted and smash my instrument I cant say why I feel
that way, because I dont know but like this Im getting
the chance to write to you and it makes me happy and
brings a feeling of relief.
I have been laying here on my bunk doing nothing but
growl all morning and all my thoughts have been of you.
I have just decided for to stick by a certain expression
which may be a little rough but here it is Im going to
have you for my own (in spite of hell and high water)
Ive decided that the only way to get what I want is to
stick by my guns and keep trying, so dont be surprised
if I keep writing to you and asking you the same old
question Then sometime in a few months when I feel extra
rich some day I will get a little furlough and come home
and ask you some more and Im going to get you to promise
if I have to get a 30 day leave and ask you 3 times
every night for 30 nights I was hoping to get your
promise before I came home and I still hope to for the
simple reason that I would like to know you care at
least a little in case I should be sent away before I
get to see you. I had foolishly hoped that you might
care for me and although I shall never be able to offer
you much I shall at least be able to support you
comfortably and I would try to make you happy I hope you
will think this over Beatrice and I hope some day you
will care like I do.
Well Beatrice last night we had a young blizzard and
snowstorm here and this morning it got warmer and about
6 inches of snow started to melt and form into slush.
There were about 300 more men came in from mail guard
this A.M. and all of them turned to and cleaned the
slush off the street. Those men who came back this
morning are just about the last of the tenth Regiment
that were away and they were brought back to be handy in
case of emergency.
I hope this all shall pass over pretty quickly and maybe
I will come up sooner than either of us expect. Well Bea
Im going to close now and hope to hear from you soon
I still Love You
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March 3 1926 [1927] Band Quarters Tenth Regiment
Dearest Beatrice:
I received your letter yesterday and I was just ready to
think that you werent going to write any more and I felt
better after your letter came. Im sorry to hear that
your father is sick again and Im glad to know that you
like me well enough to write to me when you feel blue. I
hope some day I will have the privilege to sheer you
I should say Im not sick from those cookies I think they
were very good By the way Beatrice, Helen Hopkins sounds
familiar isn’t she the girl who went to W.T.H. with us.
There was some friend of yours whose name was Helen, I
believe she was a blonde if Im not mistaken and she
lived out in Lindale Is that the girl you mean?
I sure would like to see you and get acquainted again
although I dont think you would notice any difference in
me Im still the same old nutty porter I still like music
and Im still in love with you just like I was when we
went to Tech. Im still inclined to see what makes
anything moved when it is something Mechanical The only
difference in me now is that I study a little more now
than I used to.
Well Beatrice I have given up all hope of going to
Nicaragua and I have very little hope of going to China
now. I guess Im being disappointed all the way around.
Well in one way Im glad if I don’t go maybe I will get
to come home some time this summer so maybe Ill see you
We are supposed to play a outdoor concert at Sick
Quarters this afternoon but I guess its to cold and
windy. We have been playing some very beautiful music
lately and yesterday we started a number that Im in love
with The Unfinished Symphony I could play that thing all
day long and still ask for more.
I got a regulation hair cut yesterday and Im afraid to
look in a mirror now for fear Ill laugh myself to death
when I say regulation I mean they are cut high around
the back and short on top and when I say short I mean
less than two inches on top but that is a military
haircut and Im in a military outfit so its best to
soldier and do things right.
Well Beatrice you asked for a jolly letter and Ive
failed something awfull but Ill try to do better next
time so write soon
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
March 5 1926 [1927] Sick Bay
Dearest Beatrice:
I suppose you will be wondering how come that Im writing
this letter and how come the ink & pen etc but Ill
explain all my queer actions.
Im writing this letter in the sick bay but that don’t
mean Im sick because Im not Im just standing one of the
gobs watches here because there is a big poker game in
our barracks and he feels lucky so he asked me to stand
his watch over here and seeing the pen and ink over here
I thought I might as well write you a few lines gee but
writing with a pen and at a desk makes me feel up in the
world again I havent enjoyed this privilege for so long
that I feel lost in a swivel chair.
Well Beatrice from the looks of things right now I guess
Im slated to stay behind again and miss all the fun, but
if I do stay behind Im not going to miss all the fun but
only part of it because if they keep me here, Im going
to get a furlough this summer and I dont mean perhaps,
but that only holds good if I get a promise to see you
at least two out of three nights for the duration of my
furlough. Is that a go with you? If it is then I don’t
care if they do leave me behind.
Well I was looking over some of the orchestrations today
and Ive found about 30 fox trots that Ive got to throw
away just because they are incomplete The only part that
I could find for everyone is the piano & violin parts &
of course the clarinet & saxophone parts and those only
because I was the man that took care of them. Some of
these fellows would loose their neck if it wasn’t tied
on they are so careless.
What have you been doing with yourself since you wrote
last? Have you been having a good time? Write oftener
and tell me because I get so lonesome and your letters
help so much.
How is your fathers illness? Has he shown any
improvement? I hope so, but no matter dont take things
to hard and just be your cheery self and you will help
your folks as well as yourself.
Write me a letter real soon Bea: Ill be waiting for it
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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March 11 1926 [1927] Band Quarters Tenth Regt.
Dearest Beatrice:
I received your letter this morning and it arrived
during our regular rehearsal but that inly put off
reading it for a half hour but that doesn’t keep me from
answering right away, does it?
Im glad to hear that you are feeling better and also
glad to hear that your father is feeling better.
Tell Hoppy that if she is going to go a couple of rounds
with me when I come home she better not let me know or I
wont come, but then she never did get a look at me I
dont think or she wouldn’t be so anxious because I look
so ugly my face would stop a freight train going down
hill. Then to you better remind her that I weigh close
to 180 pound and did a little fighting in the ring
myself so she better start training because she will
only have till May or June to train, because Im going to
try to come home then but still Im afraid of her if she
is anything like you say she is.
Im glad to hear that Tech has been victorious again
because once a Tech’er always a Tech’er and I used to go
there you know so I sincerely hope Tech gets the State
I suppose you will be ready to drop dead by now but Ill
explain why Im writing with pen & ink again its this way
– my bunky is careless and left his fountain pen lay out
where I could find it easy so that explains, dont it?
Ill say the name of your Thesis sounds interesting but
its by me, tis to deep for me.
I know how your lips feel because our lips get sores &
chaps in them a lot from playing outside in the cold and
we have to play anyway but why did you wash your face
before applying the iodine? That takes the powder &
paint off and your taking a chance of someone seeing you
without arent you?
I would take a chance at solving and kind of problem for
that promise even if I dont know a thing about Physics
I hope your senior meeting today gives you lots of
inspiration to write a nice long letter next time
because this one was so short I could stand on my ear
and read it. Then if your senior meeting don’t give you
the inspiration your friend hoppy of the boxing gloves
ought to be able to give you all kinds of things to rave
Do you still practice on your fiddle? Dont give that up
for sakes but dont leave it drive you crazy either. Im
doing that right now and someday Ill wither go crazy or
throw the thing in the river most probably river.
We are rehearsing Franz Schuberts (unfinished Symphony)
and the clarinets do all the work but it is nice even if
it is hard. Well we play at the show tonight and Ive got
to practice some beside write a letter to my sister yet
so Ill sign off
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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March 14 1927 Band Quarters Tenth Regiment
Dearest Beatrice:
This is our week off duty so we all get liberty on
Monday because we are on duty Sunday which was
yesterday, but I dont go on liberty so Im back here
almost alone there are only five or six of us here and I
practiced a couple of hours and decided to call it a day
so I borrowed a book from my bunk and the name is, “With
the help of God and a few marines,” I mean the name of
the book, not my bunky and it’s author is Brigadier
General A.W. Catlin the most of it is about the world
war and some of the battles that made the Marine Corps
famous, especially the 5th Regt The author does quite a
bit of bragging about the Marine Corps and the bravery
of some of the men in it but never the less it is a good
book and it gives many views of warfare that would be
pretty hard to get anywhere else and I would recommend
it to anyone to read as a very good book.
By the way Beatrice some time ago you said something in
one of your letters about having heard part of the
Marine Hymn and wishing you knew the rest of the words
well writing all this about the old Corps and reading
that book just made me think of it so Im going to send
it to you with this letter. I did have an Army & Navy
Hymnal that contained this song but someone wanted that
sheet worse than me so the tore it out so I wont be able
to send you the music but only the words. Here goes
The Marines Hymn
1. From the halls of Montezuma,
To the shores of Tripoli
We fight our country’s battles,
On the land as on the sea
First to fight for right and freedom
And to keep our honor clean,
We are proud to claim the title
Of United States Marines
2. From the pest hole of Cavite
To the ditch at Panama,
You will find them very needy
Of Marines – That’s what we are:
Were the watch dogs of a pile of coal,
Or we dig a magazine;
Though he lends a hand at every job
Who would not be a Marine?
3. Our flags unfurled to every breeze
From dawn to setting sun;
We have fought in every clime and place
Where we could take a gun
In the snow of far off Northern lands
And in sunny tropics scenes
You will find us always on the job –
The United States Marines
4. Heres health to you and to our Corps
Which we are proud to serve,
In many a strife weve fought for life
And never lost our nerve;
If the Army and the Navy ever look on Heaven’s scenes
They will find the streets are guarded by
The United States Marines.
We are a proud lot and although we are always growling
it would be pretty hard to find a man who would be put
to the test and found wanting at the crucial moment. Our
Corps made a reputation for itself during the war at the
cost of many human lives and we dont intend for those
mens lives to have been given in vain.
Oh lets quite raving about the marine Corps and talk
about something sensible. Last night we played our
concert in the Gym and it sure went over big We played
our unfinished Symphony again and the people appreciated
good music and we got a good had hand for it. Then we
played several overtures and the Gems of Steven Foster
and a waltz and closed in the regular way by playing a
waltz a march and the Star Spangled Banner and our solo
clarinet players lip went bad on him so I had to bear
the brunt of The whole concert and my lips aren’t any to
strong either and today they are so sore Id bet I could
put a raw egg on them and fry it as quick as any stove
would. I have a big blister on the lower lip just where
the whole pressure of the reed comes and it sure is
Well we just got notice right now that our preliminary A
& I inspection will be held tomorrow and that means get
ready. I also found out another thing. If I want a
furlough Im going to have to ask for it early and know
when I want it. I was thinking of coming up in May but
now I dont know it may be the middle of summer before I
get to come up and again I may come up unexpected
sometime I dont know myself just what to do. Ill see and
let you know when I make a move and dont forget what I
said about seeing you. I dont care if I have to study
out or dope out all your lessons for you. The only way
you can keep me away will be to put up a barbwire
entanglement in front of your place & then Im liable to
get through.
Well Beatrice Im going to close now so I can get ready
for the inspection tomorrow and Ill expect to hear from
you soon
A Still Hopefull Porter
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- - - - - - - -
March 18 1927 Tenth Regiment Band
Dearest Beatrice:
I don’t know if I will ever get this letter finished or
not because since your letter arrived which was 15
minutes ago, I have started this letter 3 times each
time with a different pen but I finally came back to my
old buddy’s fountain pen.
I dont know if I should bawl you out for nearly getting
bitten by a mad dog or not maybe I should just be
thankful and I think thats what it ends with I know I
wouldn’t have liked it if the dog had succeeded one of
the boys out of the band got bit by a mad dog the other
day and he is in the hospital now being treated for the
Im getting to be quite a radio expert around here
Beatrice I go all over the camp fixing radios for
people, not as a professional but just for the fun of
it. The other night the band master called me up and
said a friend of his had a radio and the radio man from
downtown couldn’t fix it so I went up and when I got it
fixed this mans wife kept me there for supper and boy
what a feed. I ate about 3 lbs of steak and everywhere I
go I get a swell meal so when you see me again I may be
pretty fat.
Ive got a pocket full of bad news for you now Beatrice.
Your going to have a bad, mad man on your hands starting
about June 6th or 7th and he’s going to stick around for
anywhere from 15 to 30 days, in other words Im coming
home on furlough then. I figured if I came then I would
be up there in time for graduation am I right? Well at
first it looked hopeless from a financial view but I
have overcome that so I told the bandmaster Im going in
June and he said its O.K. with him so now Ive only got
the Company Commanders O.K. to get then the Colonel’s
O.K. then General Coles O.K. then get it O.Ked in
Washington so Ive got 1/5th of my furlough already only
its no good without the other 4/5ths.
Well Beatrice I have started work on my electrical
engineers course again I did one lesson and Im going to
start another one tonight.
You told me in your letter that you sometimes feel like
writing pages and pages. Well why dont you write when
you feel like that just see how close to 50 pages you
can get instead of how close to 560 words only let me
know in advance because getting such a big letter would
make me die of heart failure of course I appreciate all
of your letters no matter how long or short they may be
only I would like a long one once in a while.
No we havent mastered the (unfinished) yet but we did
murder it although we played it at two concerts and the
audience liked it both times
I dont know if I have grown any since Ive joined the
Marines or not and I don’t know if weigh exactly 180 lbs
or not but I know that about 5 months ago I weighed
right close around there but I may have lost some or
gained some since then, and I hope I havent grown any
because if I did why Id have to stoop to go through a
door because I was just about 6 feet tall when I
enlisted and even I darn those mistakes, even if I
didn’t grow any I still think I have been benefited by
my service so far because where I was getting soft as a
clam before my muscles are getting pretty hard now and
no superfluous flesh and although Im darker complected
due to tropical and Southern sun Ive still got all my
skin, none of it burned off yet
Im sorry to hear that Tech lost at Akron but after all
you know there is a poem goes something like this, It
isn’t the fact that your licked that counts, Its how did
you fight, and why? Im sure Tech fought as good as they
knew how. Well pretty soon starts the Baseball season
and our team is slowly but surely being put in shape. I
dont know how much of a baseball season you are going to
have but ours is going to last from April 1st to May
30th and that will mean we have to play 2 or 3 or 4
times a week for the baseball games so it also means
more work for us.
Well Beatrice weve got a concert to play at the hospital
in about an hour just as though those poor fellows
aren’t suffering enough without us but its orders so I
suppose we better play.
Im going to close now Beatrice hoping you will excuse
the spelling and scribling etc and will write me 50
pages all at once real soon
P.S. Tell your friend Hoppy that I am looking forward to
that fight with her that she promised me. Tell her I
prefer broad swords at 60 paces.
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March 23 [1927] Quantico Virginia
Dearest Beatrice:
I dont know what time you got up but you wrote at a nice
time at any rate, but what beats me is that you measure
your rain by the bushel. I think they used to measure it
with a micrometer when I lived in Cleveland. Well we had
a few days of constant rain and now a couple of days of
extremely cold weather but we should worry we go out to
play for our first baseball game in 1 hour and about 20
minutes from now. The regimental team plays the all
Marine team a practice game and naturally the boiler
makers have to be present to render the fox trots and
marches between innings.
How does your Mr. Elmer know so much about the Marines?
Sure we fight every way even on the bunk and if the odds
are against us we put our backs to the wall and fight
A & I means (adjutant inspector) he is one of the big
boys from Headquarters in Washington and I believe he is
a major. When he comes around it generally means every
kind of inspection from short arm inspection to Heavy
Marching order inspection so you can imagine how we like
Dont worry about water or barbwire keeping me away dont
forget I can swim a mile in nothing flat and marines are
trained to capture machine gun nests & cut barb wire and
if no other way whats the matter with an airplane?
Tell me about your bright idea I like to hear about your
ideas. What is it about this time?
Anytime suits me to just so it isn’t any later than Ive
fixed it now and Im giving you plenty of time to powder
your nose because from now till June 6th is still a long
time but is it worth while powdering your nose for me?
You know powder comes off very easily and it would only
be wasted. By the way Beatrice, You aren’t going on your
vacation just when I get there, are you? please dont.
Well we are getting ready to go on the rifle range again
and Im not even going to try to hit the target if I get
the least suspicious of the rifle I get, because there
were 3 of them blew up in one week last year and the
results were one eye put out on one fellow and a crushed
skull on another and another fellow lost his thumb so Im
taking no chances if my rifle dont look good.
Well Beatrice its almost time for the game so ta ta for
this time and write soon to
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
March 29, 1927 Quantico Va.
Dearest Beatrice:
Your little book just arrived and Im still wondering how
you did it eight pages sure is a lot for you to write
all at one time. Im not sure now just how many baseball
games I will get to this year and right now Im not at
all so sure if I will be up on furlough when I said I
would in fact I may go to China next month or maybe
sooner. They just reorganized the old 6th Regt. And
started sending them away now the first detail left
about an hour ago the rest follow tonight they go by
rail to the west coast and to China on board the U.S.S.
Henderson I wasn’t lucky enough to get in that first
bunch to go but I have good hopes of following I nearly
fought Saturday when I found out I wasn’t going Ive did
nothing but grouch and growl ever since and I think Ill
keep right in growling until they quit cheating me like
that. Everything has a bright side though if you can
only find it, and if I dont go over Ill be good as my
word and make a furlough.
I guess this Helen must be a pretty good friend of
yours, isn’t she? Every other word you say is Helen, but
I dont blame her I just envy her. Im kind of scared of
blonds though. Im sure I would rather stick a Chinaman
with a bayonet or just strangle a couple of greasers
with my bare hands than to fight a blond. They are bad
If I did come up in a plane you might pester me for a
ride and you may even do the driving but when you do I
stay down on the ground but dont worry I wont bring a
plane. You aren’t the only one thats going to buy a
plane some day. I am to. Its great sport flying I dont
mean perhaps.
It may be good news for you to get the handfull of money
to buy a new spring hat but Ill bet the person that gave
you the fist full didn’t think it was such good news.
My sister told me that you have one of those goofy
pictures of mine now Im going to ask for one of yours
when you get this. Thats fair isn’t it? if not then I
will swipe mine back when I come up again.
Good Lord havent you a dog yet? You told me you were
going to get another one quite a while ago and here you
havent got me yet you have to play with other womens
Well Beatrice I just heard some news the First sergeant
just said sign the pay roll which is good news so Ta Ta
and write soon to
P.S. Three Rousing Cheers. I just got news Im going to
China Ill Write Later
Plenty of Love
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- - - - - - - -
April 5, 1927 Still Here
Dearest Beatrice:
I suppose you will be surprised to see this letter come
from Quantico again. Well so am I. We were ordered away
and we took the dozens of different inspections that go
with the moving of troops and now in the last minute we
find ourselves left behind. They have no use for the
boilermakers as they call us the only time we are any
good is on parade and at athletic contests. Im sorry in
a way to miss the trip and the fights etc, but Im also
glad this way because it may mean that I will get my
furlough this summer. I hope so anyway. I hope to come
home in time for graduation but of course in a time like
this a person can’t say anything is sure all one can do
is hope and Im doing that.
We have been busy all this morning playing at the depot
when the other troops embarked and left and we were left
behind. We were all peeved and half of us were trying to
think which kind of suicide would be quickest and which
would be painless. I know of one way I could have went
along but I found it out to late. They needed good
mechanics in the garage force and I could have been
transfered there if I had only known. That is where that
big two letter word comes in again.
Well Bea! What are you doing with yourself? Are you
having a good time? When do you graduate? If its any
where near the same time as my sister graduates then I
may get to see you graduate.
Im soaked to the skin right now because all morning
while we were playing it was raining and I havent
changed to dry uniform yet because we may have to fall
out again and I dont want to get both uniforms wet not
only my cloths are wet but my clarinet also. The pads
are so water soaked that I can hardly blow.
Ill close now Beatrice but please write soon because Ill
wait for some word from you soon
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April 13 [1927] Quantico Virginia
Dearest Beatrice:
I had a, well shall we say a notion this morning that I
was going to hear from you and sure enough along comes
your letter.
Yes the 6th and 3rd Regts left from here all right, the
6th is an old Regt that was doing all of the big
fighting with the 5th during the world war. The 6th was
split up after the war and was reorganized for this
trouble but the 3rd Regt is nothing more than the 10th
Regt. I should have been with the 3rd just like all the
rest of this band should be but we were just held here
for no reason at all. You better not start cheering yet
because I may get a furlough yet. I was just talking to
the Top Sgt. And he said there was no chance so I
requested to be transferred either to the garage or the
aviation and the funny part was that I was so mad that I
meant it, but the Top didn’t want to lose one of his
First & Solo clarinets so he said he would try to give
me my furlough but he is only giving me 15 days but Ill
turn around and get an extension of 10 days so Ill have
25 days anyway. I told him that as long as I had to stay
here I was either going to get a furlough or a transfer
and he decided it was best to try to get me a furlough
but I wouldn’t count to much on it because it is only a
good try at the best. But. (It isn’t the fact that your
beat that counts, its how did you fight and why?)
Yes We are having some spring weather this morning but
not like it should be. I feel like going fishing this
morning but instead of that I am going to write this
letter and then it will be just about noon. We have
killed the best part of the morning by falling out for
police work.
When you get your pictures dont forget!! Im still alive
and I dont like to be an orfan.
What is a little thing like 3 measly tests staring you
in the face. Ive only got eight and one final
examination to do. I guess that is a little more than 3
tests isn’t it? When I get those done then I get another
Where is Rittman at? You said you and the family went to
Rittman but it’s the first time I ever heard of her or
is it maybe a new kind of a machine? You must be some
driver judging from the way you write. Im sure going to
go for a ride with you when I get up there. I don’t know
any way that I could die happier.
You asked me if I had any bright ideas and you know I
have only you wont accept my ideas. I wish you would
myself nothing would l=please me anymore but Im still
What do you want me to plan for Lill? Ill tell you what.
You get a big box to send it in and Ill catch her about
an 8 ft rattle snake. How is that?
Lill is a good joke all right she wrote me a letter the
other day all german. I can just barely read german but
I can get over enough to make out the letter.
Well Beatrice I guess Ill close now seeing as Ive
scribbled this much. Dont forget my bright idea or the
plan for Lills present but mostly the bright Idea and
above all else write & make it soon
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
April 16 1927 Same Dump
Dearest Beatrice:
Time hangs heavy on my hands tonight and as I just wrote
a letter to Lill I thought I might as well send you a
few lines.
Im going to tell you what I told Lill now because that
is all that has happened since I wrote last.
We went fishing today. By (We) I mean the fellow we call
(half pint Thomas) and myself called (big Thomas) and we
both caught a nice string of perch and bass so we had a
fish fry all by ourselves and boy they sure tasted good
and I dont mean maybe we ate like a couple of hogs
Tomorrow I go to church and behave then Monday we go on
the rifle range again and boy how I hate the ordeal. I
have a rifle though that looks pretty good to me and if
I keep it good and clean I should get through without
Well I dont know how my chances look for a furlough but
you can believe me Im going to try my best to get that
furlough and I think I will to by hook or by crook.
Spring has come here to stay I guess from the looks of
things it as warm all day today and half the time it was
really uncomfortable I suppose it will start to not
start to rain for it just now started so I suppose it
will rain all day tomorrow I hope not though pretty soon
the river will be warm enough to swim again then I will
have another try at swiming to the Maryland shore and
seeing as Im in fair condition I hope to make it.
Well this is all for this time so I will close as ever.
P.S. What did you think of my bright Idea? Answer Soon
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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April 26 [1927] Quantico Virginia
Dearest Beatrice:
If you ever start to mention the fact that you are
writing with pencil again I think I will go crazy Im
going to tell you now that all I care about is that you
write a letter every once in a while whats more I like
pencil better myself so dont let that stop you but
Im glad to hear that your pictures are finished and I
only hope you wont forget to send mine. I have one of my
sisters now and Ive still got plenty of room for three
or four of yours yet.
What do you mean my plan is lively? Cant you catch and
wrap up a little snake? I caught 3 of them in the last
week, two at once in fact and I killed one that was a
little to viscious and big and two watersnakes that got
in my way when I was fishing. Should I catch and send
you a couple of the live ones?
My bunky and I have been busy here lately in an empty
barracks building a motorcycle and if we can get an
engine number and title for it I may come home on it
sometime. I am afraid my furlough looks like it might
fall through right now but I havent given up hope yet so
dont you.
You asked me why I dont like rifle range well its this
way it wouldn’t be so bad if you just shoot all day but
we shoot about 30 rounds then pull targets till noon or
vise versa and the same in the afternoon.
Im glad you like my little niece I do myself but I have
really only seen her about a dozen times you know but I
like children and it dont take me many minutes to get
acquainted I wish I had dark long eye lashes maybe you
would hug me then.
Im changing pens here so this letter will be two
different shades.
Say what is this big surprise that you have cooked up
for my sister she has accused me of being in on the
secret she says the surprise comes in June.
What do you think of my bright idea you havent told me
lately but I certainly hope you will change your mind in
my favor. I am going to build my future on your decision
so lets have the final decision in favor of
Write Soon
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
April 30 [1927] Quantico Va.
Dearest Beatrice:
Your picture arrived the other day but I have been so
tired at night from the range that I havent sat down to
write till today. We shot for record yesterday and I
made my Expert Rifleman right on the head. I made 306
and not one point over or under. I needed a bulls eye to
make 306 and I had just one shot left and I wanted to
extra money every month so I made my last shot perfect.
I rested up this morning so I could write this
afternoon. I expected a letter from you this morning but
it never got here yet.
I have been in love with you for some time now but after
looking at your picture Im still more in love. Im
getting wild, better say yes now before I come and
kidnap you. Im not fooling either I mean what I say. Try
me anyway and if you still feel that you cant care for
me by the time I get discharged then you just tell me
and I wont even ask you to give up any boy friends you
may have all I ask is one chance to prove to you that I
care and that I will try my best to make you happy then
as I said when Im out of the service if you still don’t
care just say so and Ill go away.
Well I suppose you are pretty near done with your exams
now, arent you? Dont forget Ill come up there pretty
soon and Im going to try to come before graduation time
because Im afraid I wont be able to get a furlough then.
Ill close now because Im going to send another small
letter so write soon to your
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May 3, 1927 Quantico Virginia
Dearest Beatrice:
I received your letter today and if it hadn’t arrived
when it did I believe I would have lost my mind. I was
starting to think that you weren’t going to write
This day has been quite eventfull. We had a review by
the A & I and this afternoon I received my new medals
for Expert Rifleman. I lost my old one so I just needed
a new one Tonight the A & I held office hours to hear
all tales of woe and remedy them if possible and our new
band was well represented because we have been taken
from band duty again and we are once more doing guard so
he promised to do his best for us so no telling what may
happen in the next few days.
If I get the motorcycle going dont worry about me
because Im always carefull. Ask Lill. She will tell you
how I drive.
My furlough looks pretty bad one way but Ill get it and
you can bet your last cent on it because I always have a
few good tricks up my sleeve in reserve dont day
anything but just watch my smoke. I could get the
furlough next week if I had a mind to but Im not quite
prepared for a furlough yet but dont get restless just
have patience.
I know you havent forgotten my bright idea and please
dont. I am banking everything on that idea. I have been
pretty blue today but the thought of that idea inspired
me to study and I finished another lesson.
We took a walk last week and took a few snap shots Im
like a wild beast on the picture Im sending. I just
crawled down the tree in time to sneak in on the picture
so I look rather shabby compared to my buddy. He is a
Abbey. Do you like his looks?
Well Bea: I havent had a real long letter from you yet
and Im still waiting for it so sit down sometime and
write me a nice long story book romance or otherwise.
Ill be expecting that kind of a letter so get busy and
Ill promise to come home and see you real soon.
Im going to close now Bea and hope to hear from you
soon. Also please say yes to my bright idea give me a
chance at least to try to make you happy. I would do my
Write soon to your
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
[ca. May 16, 1927] Union Station Washington D.C.
Dearest Bee:
I am sorry I couldn’t write on the train last night
because I hadn’t any paper etc. I tried to get some from
the Porter but couldn’t. Good Lord! That porter could
get me anything else under the sun from a pin up to a
gallon but not paper, so I finally fell asleep and slept
till just before we hit Washington.
I dont think I will be able to finish this letter before
my train comes so I will probably mail it at camp.
I never really realized just how much I missed you until
I left last night and then I sure felt awfull and I
still do. I am glad that you gave me your promise on the
pals idea last night. I’m not giving up the ship you see
all the same I will always love you as a pal or a
sweetheart or – no I won’t think that far ahead.
Im now on board the train on the home stretch honey and
there is a little comfort in knowing that and still it
makes me feel sad and depressed. I saw one of the boys
up here who is taking lessons on the oboe and he tells
me that our date of departure is now set for Saturday at
12:20 P.M. so that sounds pretty interesting if true.
Dont forget honey my mail follows me no matter when or
where I go so write to one who loves ever
A Pal
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May 16 1927 Back Home
Dearest Pal:
I started to answer your note on the train but I feel so
bad today that I hardly know my hand from my foot. I
didn’t even answer your little letter in it so I decided
to send this letter with it.
I have some more news for my lil ole pal now though. We
are not going to San Diego Cal. Nevertheless we are
getting transfered, over to the first Regiment I think.
Are you sorry after all, that you left me kiss you? I
hope not. I would like very much to know sometime that
those kisses meant as much to you as they do to me
perhaps if you are sorry you might want me to return
them! Do you? I hope not.
I hope you really do think of me often dear pal. I wish
I did have the right to use the word I started but Ill
wait and see. I haven’t given up yet.
Sure tell Helen that I said thanks for those cookies. I
meant to tell her while I was there but it always
slipped my mind.
Jimmy and Erv and Jimmy’s girl took me to the train and
they showed me what real friends they were. They stood
out in all that rain and waved to me just as long as I
could see them.
Sure weve got nicer weather here than it was in
Cleveland but its not as nice as it could be.
I couldn’t very well tell you much about the trip back
because after trying to make the porter understand that
I wanted some writing material I just go so tired that I
dropped to sleep and the first thing I knew we were just
outside Washington.
Well honey Im on guard tonight already and Im going to
try to sleep a little and practice a little. I think
this will be our last week of guard through because they
have a regular guard company in the First Regiment.
Im sorry to think honey that you were crying because I
felt hurt that night it was cowardly of me to show how I
felt and Im sorry I made you feel that way.
Well I think Ive written enough now so Ill close this
with a sad heart but high hopes and aspirations
Write Soon
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May 17 1927 Guard House Tenth Regt.
Dearest Little Pal:
I suppose you will notice that I am writing this from
the guard house and as I havent even a locker box here
Ive got to use my knee as a desk so you mustn’t get
peeved if you can’t read it.
More rumors out now. They sent about 400 more men to
Nicaragua last week and the rumor now is that 500 more
men are going. Hope I get to go.
I was corporal of the guard last night so that means Ive
got 24 hours on & 24 off so Ive got to do another 4 hr
watch today and Ive got to hang around here until its
time to go on. The night was very nice last night and I
only wish we could have had a couple like it last week.
Boy what I mean. I sure am lonesome now after a week of
seeing you I just cant see what the dickens Im going to
do without you. I sure would’ve liked to have had you
here last night. I was singing or rather huming that
song last night. (Dear old pal how I miss you Im
lonesome tonight)
Do you know what I did Sunday night in my big hurry? I
ran off and left your picture and my sisters at home. Im
going to write and have Lill sent them. I missed them as
soon as I left and it made me feel pretty sore and mean.
Well dear girl I guess Ive said all I can without
breaking my promise and making love to you so Ill close
Lots of Love & plenty kisses from The Greatest of the
Great Devil Dogs
Write Soon
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May 18, 1927 Tenth Regt Quantico Va
Dearest Pal:
Ive been back here about 2 days now but boy it seems
like it might be two months. The days seem to be so dull
since I left you. I never realized just how much you
meant to me until Sunday night when I had to leave. We
haven’t heard anything new today about our transfer so
the latest dope is First Regt. And stay in Quantico. I
wouldn’t mind now because then I would come to see you
again about in Fall or in winter but on the other hand I
wouldn’t mind going to China either.
I happened to think today about your scrap book and I
have a R.R. ticket here that Ive had for some time now I
got it from another fellow it is for the Niagara, St.
Catharines & Toronto R.R. The ticket means nothing but
you might want it if not why it burns as good as any
other paper. Im also enclosing a piece I took out of the
paper you might get a little kick out of it. I know I
did. I wasn’t drunk either. I was just dazed to think
that after finding you I must leave you so soon instead
of having you for my very own just a little dazed is
Im getting so disgusted with the way Im loosing out here
that Im going to close up the business. Im getting tired
of working for a few months to get things running smooth
and then to lose everything so Im going to quit and make
both ends meet on my present income. I got a fairly good
offer for the cups percolator knives spoons etc that I
have and I took the offer so now Ill get a little more
time to practice and to write letters and much less
I wrote to Lill yesterday and I sent a note to Ervin and
Jimmy. I told Lill to send me the pictures that I left
behind by mistake. I miss the picture almost as much as
I miss you. I used to have it set right on my shelf
where I could always see it even when I went to sleep at
night also when I woke up in the morning and I got so in
the habit that I feel lost without it.
Well Pal, I expect to hear from you tomorrow and I
expect to hear more so dont fool the
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May 20, 1927 Tenth Regt Guard House
Dearest Bee:
I haven’t heard from you yet since I returned from my
furlough and Im worrying. Why dont you write? I miss you
so very much since I returned and then not to hear from
you for so long makes it harder to bear. Get busy and
write to a pal once.
I wanted to write you yesterday but I was on guard, for
that matter I am yet and will be till 5:30 tonight but
my watches are over and all Ive got to do now is stick
around for reliefs at mealtimes so Ive got time to write
for a while now.
We got definite information today that we get relieved
from guard on Sunday and restored to band duty, then on
decoration day weve got a big parade and celebration of
some kind to play for in Fredericksburg so I don’t think
we will get transfered before then. That dont make up
for last night though. I walked the corporal of the
guards post for 4 hours in a 40 mile wind and it rained
so hard I thought it was a cloud burst. This morning it
is very nice though it has quit raining and the sun is
out and almost no breeze. Just the kind of day I would
have liked to see last Sunday.
I don’t know if you noticed or not honey but I said some
pretty rash things last Sunday and if they have offended
you I am sorry but I just couldn’t help it. I have to
say some things to get myself mad sometimes when Im with
you, if I didn’t I believe my passionate nature would
get the best of me and spoil everything and I would
rather say something out of the way and tell you Im
sorry later than not to say it and maybe lose you. I
havent got you yet and even though I haven’t given up
hope yet Im sure I don’t know what I would do if I were
ever to find out that you were someone elses. You asked
me in your note to the great private not to do anything
rash in a case like that but that is one thing I can’t
promise. I believe I would rather get hanged than to
know that I have lost out. I havent given up yet but oh!
How much I love is something that no one else can
possibly understand.
Now dear pal dont forget the old soak down here and send
him a bit of encouragement because he sure needs it.
Tell Hoppy and Ann that I still think of them sometimes
and give my regards to your folks.
P.S. Your letter just arrived so Im writing a bit more.
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May 20, 1927 Letter no. 2
Dearest Bee:
Ive already told you in the P.S. of my first letter that
your letter just got here. I was just about wild to
because I couldn’t figure why you didn’t write.
Well I guess Ill have to write on my knee again because
these boneheads chased me away from the table so they
could play 500
Sure honey I hope to say that Lohengrin is a pretty
selection only a week ago you wouldn’t agree though.
I think they might at least have gave the contest to a
band that played a real number even if they didn’t give
it to the best band. I like Stars & Stripes Forever but
it is to common a number to play for a contest anyway
for such a big one.
Heck no I dont mind about those pictures paste them on
the walls if you like. I told you before that what you
do is O.K. with me just so you are happy.
Im sorry Ive never taken any special notice of Levey so
I cant give you a very good description of him now but I
will try to see him and observe more closely in the near
future. However tell Hoppy to eat drink and be merry for
he is very good looking I will try to see him and tell
you more later.
I dont suppose you can read this as Im using my knee for
a desk but try to decipher it and write soon to
A hopefull Private
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May 22, 1927 Quantico Virginia
Dearest Bee:
Im going to try writing you a few line but I dont know
if I will get them written first or die first. I did a
twenty four hour watch for another fellow last night so
he could go on a week end liberty. He said he would be
back today in time to stand my watch but he isn’t back
and I got relieved at 5:30 PM and mounted guard for
myself again for another twenty four hours. Im waiting
to go on post now. Im on from ten P.M. till two A.M. and
Im so tired now that the sight of a bunk makes me sick,
Im afraid if I was to lay down I would never get up
So much for the sob stuff now for the bawling out that
you get. Why in the heck dont you write? All Ive heard
from you this week is the note I got from you the day
before yesterday. Im anxious to hear from you, and you
know I am so please write.
We are getting transfered to the First Regt. Next week
and from what I hear there is a detail going to Haiti
next week or the week after. I may get to make that
Now Im going to tell you a little secret just tween you
and me. If I dont make that detail then my bunky and I
are going to come up there over either Labor Day or
Thanksgiving. We are figuring on coming up on the
motorcycle. We want to try to get a five day furlough
and a week end which would make us seven days all told.
How would you like that?
Say talking about scraps for your scrap book would you
like to have something from China? My bunky has some
Chinese R.R. tickets and several other things and he
told me I could have them if you wanted them. I don’t
know just what you want for the book myself but if you
want these I can send them.
I haven’t had a chance to see Levey yet but I will and
Ill try my best to get you the desired information. Im
not much at that myself but Ill try.
Ill close now honey but dont forget to write soon to
The Great Master
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May 24 1927 Post Band Quantico Virginia
Dearest Bee:
I received your letter about two hours ago while I was
in the act of loading my property etc on the trucks. We
got transfered today and Im in the Post Band again but I
don’t know for how long. I would like to stay now but Im
afraid I wont. I heard of a tropical detail that was to
leave here in the very near future and it goes to the
worst tropical post there is, namely Cape Hatien Haiti.
How should I know if the sun is great in Cleveland when
I haven’t been up there for a week or over It seems to
me like a month must have passed since I last saw you.
It sure is to bad we didn’t have any nice weather like
weve got here today.
Dont worry about your man getting into anymore dutch
down here. I can do my remaining two years standing on
my head if they tell me to.
Im glad you can make use of that ticket and Ill send you
some more junk like that if you want me to. I can get
something like that from China I think.
Do you think of our trip to Brookside every once in a
while? I see you do, and I do to. Do you realize that
beside that little trip we were never really alone
together all the while I was home. That little trip was
very muddy and wet but it was heavenly. I shall never
forget it. I only wish we could be together like that
always, just the two of us.
Well I guess Ive told you that Ive given up the business
haven’t I? To much chance to lose money in it. Id rather
not have the extra worry anyway. I may also lose one of
my specialist ratings by this transfer but I will still
have 5th class and although I dont expect to hold solo
in this band because it is a much larger and better band
I wont get set very far back though. There is a trip and
a parade scheduled for Fredericksburgh Virginia on
Decoration day but Im going to try to get out of it
because it will be in Full Blues and the weather is to
warm here for that.
I haven’t heard one word from home yet. I suppose Lill
is still bullheaded and sore. She wouldn’t even say
goodby to me when I left. Im not worrying though, she
will write before long.
Well I don’t suppose its any use asking you if you have
decided in my favor yet because if you did I am sure you
would let me know right away just like you promised. I
cant hardly wait though I suppose you can guess why?
Because Im afraid of losing you.
Well honey no more to day now so goodby for the time
Yours Only
XXXXXXXXXXXX – 2 minutes
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May 27, 1927 Post Band Quantico Virginia
Dearest Pal:
I have waited for both mail deliveries today and no
letter from you in either one. Why didn’t you write? I
haven’t heard from my sisters or my buddy’s up there
either since I came back, but I wouldn’t mind that if
only you would write.
Tomorrow morning we leave here at 8:10 A.M. for
Frederichsburgh for some celebration or other. I may get
back Tomorrow yet and I may have to stay over night to
play for some dance they are giving up there tomorrow
night so no matter when I get back I wont be able to
write till Sunday and if I get a letter in tomorrows
mail I won’t know about it till late tomorrow night or
maybe Sunday.
I suppose you have read in the paper where the Marine
team beat the Japanese team from Waseda University of
Japan. Well we did, the score was 9 to 6 in our favor.
That’s not so bad when you consider that the same team
played an exhibition game with the Giants and beat them.
I dont remember just what the score was but I think it
was 12 to 5 if Im not mistaken. So I dont think our team
is so rusty after all.
Say honey Ive got about two and a half copies of the
(Leatherneck) here and Ill send them to you sometime Ive
also got two copies of the (Metronome) here. They have
some good dope for violinists in them and a couple of
Well Bee: Im going to try writing a letter to my father
now and Ill find out why they havent forwarded the
pictures that I left at home and why they wont write to
me. Boy what I mean Ill bawl out the whole crew up there
and I don’t mean maybe. I miss that picture and I mean
to have it if I have to bawl out everyone on Ira Ave.
Have you seen Erv or Jimmy yet since I came back here?
Jimmy had a picture taken in my outfit you know and Im
dying to see one of those pictures. Ill die from
laughing if I ever do see it.
Ive seen, “McFaddens Flats,” here since I came back and
its pretty good. I saw Lon Chaney in “Mr. Wu,” last
night and it wasn’t so very good. But if you get the
chance go to see, “Let it Rain,” I know you’ll like that
it is a marine picture and nearly as good as, “Tell it
to the Marines,” so see it if you can.
I guess Ive said enough for this time because Ive got to
get my cloths ready for tomorrow so Ill ask you again to
write soon to
One Who Loves You
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May 28 1927 Post Band Quantico Va.
Dearest Bee:
I just returned from the Fredericksburgh trip, and found
your letter waiting for me. I knew that it was there
without seeing it and knowing it was there I could
hardly wait to get back so I could read it.
I just dreaded that trip before we ever got started and
boy she turned out to be just as hard as I expected and
then some. It wouldn’t been any worse than I expected if
they almost starved us to death and then put us out to
lead the parade and play for every float etc that came
by and we stood in a sandy place and when we were done
we were to our knees in sand.
Im glad to hear you say that you can understand me,
everyone else up there takes everything I say the wrong
way, even the sister that I thought might know me. I
trusted her with my innermost thoughts, things I
wouldn’t tell anyone else and still she didn’t
I don’t think I’m going to get put on that detail after
all, anyway I hope not. I don’t know what you mean that
it would be a hard trip on a motorcycle. The motorcycle
would go by freight and I would be with the rest of the
detail but I don’t think Ill get to go on the detail.
You tell me that you witnessed the first street fight
last Monday night. Well you don’t know how near you came
to seeing several of them when I was up there. I sure
would have liked for someone to say something about my
uniform. I was so disgusted with myself that I would
have welcomed even a riot. Im still disgusted with
myself and I still think that any baby that is born as
ugly as I was should die. It would be a blessing because
if it didn’t it would always regret it. I know I wish I
had. Then I wouldn’t have to face failure. Maybe!
I am glad and proud to hear that you made such as good
average in school. That is what I call excellent, to be
eighth out of 137 students is no small task.
I hope you didn’t forget to write that letter because
not only am I anxious to hear how the field meet came
out but Im also anxious to hear from you. I am always in
better humor when I hear from you. I suppose that is the
penalty for being in love, to be disgusted until one
hears from the loved one, and then to be miserable again
until the next letter arrives. Ill be expecting your
letter tomorrow also the secret that you promised to
impart to me. When I read that you had a secret, for
just one minute I had a wonderfull hope but since then I
saw myself in a mirror and realized that I had hoped for
to much. I agree with you though that the fun of a
secret is to tell someone, it lots more fun than keeping
it locked up tight where it never see’s the light of
I have no lucky number honey but my favorite march in
the black book is number twelve its “Fort Lawton,” and a
pretty march I say so I like twelve for a number. Why do
you ask though? I would like to know what is happening
that can be connected with My march.
Right this minute there are a bunch of fellows sitting
around the bunk across the way from me playing the game
of, “five hundred,” I cant see how they can do it after
that trip today. I am so tired myself that I feel like
sleeping right where I sit now. Im so tired that if
these barracks started to burn right now I would refuse
to move I would take a chance on the fire department
getting here on time and doing a good job. I really
believe I would rather roast than move.
Well honey I suppose I have to close this letter unless
I want to tell you some more about how much I love you
but I guess that gets pretty tiresome so seeing as Ive
told you all the news I know at present Ill close
Semper Fidelis
Write Soon
XXXXXXXXXXXX and a couple of hugs OO
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May 29 1927 Post Band Quantico Virginia
Your letter that you started in the study hall arrived
today and if anything ever made me happy it sure did,
especially the part where you told me about having a
better chance since Ive been home, and also the part
where you told me about your name being put on the cup
for Domestic Science. That sure is an honor honey and Im
proud of you. Id like to be up there now so I could hug
you for it.
Talking about Erv and Joe reminds me to tell you that
Ive received a letter from Erv the same time I received
yours and also one from Chisler Jimmy. I havent heard so
much as boo from Joe and I dont intend to write to him
again till I hear from him and he better make it snappy
to. I haven’t heard from home yet either. Nice people!
Im reading some very excellent books now to honey Im
reading The electricians Text book by Bullard and Naval
Warfare By Mahan. I sure need all the knowledge I can
get out of those two. Math and all.
I hope to say Ive finished with guard duty and Ive
caught up on some sleep in the bargain. I hope Ive done
my last guard and I dont think Im hoping in vain.
Maybe you think I dont wish I were going to that senior
picnic with you. Im so jealous that Im always afraid Im
going to lose you altogether when you go somewhere where
other fellows will be present. Im looking at things
broad minded though. Im in here for two more years and
even if you had promised which you haven’t yet I would
still think that you are entitled to some fun so Im
going to restrain my jealousy and be glad you are having
a good time.
I hope you make up with Hoppy pretty soon honey because
I know how it feels to be disappointed with a friend. I
know it will blow over though because you are pretty
close friends and she probably feels as bad as you do.
Ive got a bunch of stuff for your scrap book honey all
came from China. Guides and concert programs etc. I will
send them when I send the Leather necks.
I dont know what promise you are trying to get out of me
so how can I promise? I dont know what it is all about
so if youll tell me maybe Ill promise.
Say young lady dont I compliment you on your volumes
every time they arrive. Ive told you that no matter how
large or small they are they make me happy and no bunk,
and your latest edition has made me the happiest of all
and if you ever write one with your promise then Ill
remain happy.
Well honey Ive did a little work today. I repaired a
phonograph that had a broken spring. I couldn’t get a
new spring so I had to fool around and fix the broken
one because they needed the darn thing for a party for
Ill close now for nothing new has happened since my last
letter but write soon to
The Great Private Porter XXXXXXXXXXXX OO
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May 31, 1927 About 9:15 PM Post Band
Dearest Beatrice:
Your commencement card arrived here and boy you can’t
possibly imagine how sorry I am that I cant be there. I
sure would be happy if it were possible.
I was kept very busy all day yesterday and today. It
seems like everyones radio went on the rocks last night
and the night before and they all seem to pick on me to
fix them, then beside that we are the duty band and had
to play colors and an outside concert beside a very
stiff rehearsal this morning so Ive been kept so busy I
couldn’t even write till now.
I suppose by this time you have made up with Hoppy
haven’t you? If you haven’t then you ought to be spanked
because high pride is a bad thing in a case like this.
Beatrice honey I’m going to go crazy yet if you don’t
promise to marry me. I can’t possibly see why you won’t
promise or at least give me a trial, you have told me
already that there is no other man and you have told me
to that I have a good chance so why not give me your
promise or at least a trial. I love you so much that I
believe I would die if you ever married someone else. I
have been thinking of that for the last couple of days
and the mere thought of it nearly drives me mad. I know
I shouldn’t be telling you all this now because we said
we would be pals – but when a man is in love he just
can’t help it. Im afraid if I can’t at least tell you
about it I would find myself in a upholstered room with
bars over the windows and a sign on the door with the
inscription “Viscious” on it.
I got demoted as far as music is concerned and Ive lost
some of my rating and I don’t seem to have ambition
enough to buckle down to work to get it back but Im
going to start tomorrow and work hard to get it back. Im
sitting 5th chair now quite a difference isn’t it? and
each demotion makes me feel worse and lose more
Well honey I guess this letter is going to be about as
cheerfull as a county morgue to you but I just can’t
help it. I must pour out what is in my heart and to whom
else could I tell this. No one I know of. I only hope to
God you don’t get so disgusted with me that you quit
writing. Your letters are about the only comfort I have
now and if they ceased to come it would simply be
I know that its going to be hard to read this and the
spelling isn’t very good but try your best and write to
Love Sick Marine
dear beatrice so glad to hear from you & that you got
along so well I am sending you a little gift I wish it
was more be a good girl & you will get along in this
world where there is so much sin but giving trust in god
to be true to him & all will be well you have my
blessing let me know if you get it just a ___ from
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June 1, 1927 Post Band Quantico
Your letter arrived here this afternoon so Im sitting
down now to answer it. It does seem a bit different to
write a letter at home where no study hall teacher can
bother you. I know just how they pry into other peoples
Im sorry to hear that your trip was spoiled on account
of roads but cheer up you can always make the same trip
some other time under better circumstances and Im quite
sure you will enjoy it as much then as you would last
Ill tell the world my honey has some original wit and if
your car shone like a Marines buttons for inspection
then you sure must have done a good job.
Im glad you stayed home and wrote me that volume instead
of going fishing with your Dad although Im sure you
would have had a nice time but Im sure I should have
been jealous as the dickens because the fellows next
door was along.
I dont suppose its any use telling you again what a flop
our trip was but I will say that if our return train
hadn’t come when it did I would have started to walk
back. I was that anxious to get away from there.
No I didn’t know that I was being decorated for
decoration day but now that its all over I suppose its
to late to kick. I am thankfull though for the kiss and
the bear hug that I was decorated with at the end of
your letter. I think Ill see Coolidge and have him
declare 365 decoration days each year.
Ive met the Rev. Knapps of whom you spoke. It was
several years ago but I remembered him the minute I saw
the name in your letter.
I hope your scales lied a little because I dont want my
light heavyweight to be to much light or to much heavy
Well honey there goes my call to arms. My bunky has
asked me to do him a favor and I havent much time now he
ready to go already so Ill have to make this short.
Ill have one of those pictures taken the first chance I
get if the camera dont break. Im glad beyond words to
hear that you really remember Brooky and I hope you
never forget. Ill close now honey and go with my buddy
so write soon to the
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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June 3, 1927 Post Band Quantico Va.
Dearest Beatrice:
I waited for the mail today morning and afternoon and no
letter from you yet. I had hoped to hear from you today
although I just knew I wouldn’t but Id almost bet I have
a letter tomorrow.
Im sending you some scraps for your scrap book, most of
it is from China and some race track tickets to. Dont
think though that Im betting on the horses because Im
not. These are from the fellow that gave me the rest of
the junk. You will find some with this letter and some
in another envelope. Ill send some more later on. A
Chinese city directory etc.
Weve been pretty busy here lately by playing for the
farewell ceremonies of Maj. Gen. E.K. Cole yesterday and
last night and the welcome ceremonies for the new, Maj.
Gen. Nevell and I hope that’s all we play for generals
for a while at least although Im afraid it isn’t.
Im having a nice time here trying to write. I write
about five words and the lights get dim and I can’t see
so I have to wait about ten minutes for the lights to go
on again trouble in the power house.
Have you seen my sister since that day you saw her? She
hasn’t written yet. Im getting real sore at her now. I
disgusted and sore and don’t know what to do. Do you?
We have to play concert again night after tomorrow. We
have The Bronze Horse Overture and Vision of Salome and
a couple more Columbro Overture and several Fox trots
and a couple of Marches its all pretty stiff stuff to
You would like this concert Im sure. Its going to be
worth hearing. Not throwing any roses you know because
now Im an, “also ran.” Just one of the clarinet section
so without throwing roses Im telling you its going to be
Im lucky I came home when I did and I just found out
today. They aren’t putting out any furloughs at all, not
even sick leaves. Im going to try again in fall though.
I should worry for the present time.
I bought myself some very good French imported clarinet
reeds yesterday 40₵ each. Boy. Ill never again run into
a bargain likes that so I bought thirty of them enough
for a year. It’s a pleasure to play with a reed like
that. I get a much nicer tone and I can tongue just
about twice as fast.
What is my sweaty doing at Tech now? What is Tech doing
in the athletic line? Tell me all about it in your next
volume. Tell me about Hoppy and Ann to, you know youve
never told me if your falling out has blown over yet or
not. Im anxious to know.
Im going to close now before I start making this a mushy
letter. I know you dont like me to tell you how much I
love you in every letter so Im going to write every
other one like this.
Write soon to a Lonesome Marine
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June 4, 1927 Post Band Quantico
Dearest Beatrice:
I going to send the two copies of the Metronome and a
couple of old Leathernecks I have either this afternoon
or Monday morning.
I wrote a couple of letters yesterday or rather one
letter and an envelope full of scraps and I told you I
would hear from you today and I sure did. I felt it in
my blood. I just felt that you couldn’t keep me waiting
any longer. Im glad to hear that you and Hoppy are still
friends and still running around together. I know how it
hurts. I know how it feels to have the best pal tell or
rather say something that hurts like that. Ive felt it
and not so long ago either and it still hurts.
Oh a trip to Cleveland on a motorcycle wouldn’t be so
bad. That’s only about 550 miles or maybe a little
better and if I could get to make it I think it would be
worth the jars and bumps.
Im going to write Lill a nice letter today seeing as she
denies having received the other one and Im going to
register it so there wont be no mistakes made. Im going
to do the same to Joe.
I really shouldn’t be trying to answer your letter today
because I feel all out of sorts and all my other letters
sound enough like a funeral without writing when Im
disgusted to a point where Id like to committ murder.
One of the fellows went up to Washington today to get
married and boy what I mean every fellow turned out to
see him leave and wish him luck even if he is only going
to be gone till Sunday night. I can’t tell you how it
made me feel except that it made me realize more than
ever that I havent even got a promise yet and I just
feel like tearing loose and doing something. A riot or a
fight or even a cyclone would suit me fine right now.
You said that a girl prefers a man who is physically
fit, who keeps his teeth shining and who has a straight
forward look in his eyes. Well Im trying me best to be
all that so what more do I lack?
Im going to try to get one of the radios around here
working so I can listen in on the 12th Id love to hear
your orchestra.
Well today was the Irish Flag -- ? I mean the Jewish
Flag day in camp here in other words pay day. It doesn’t
mean much to me though so Im not excited most of the
fellows get week end liberty and go to Washington on
payday but I cant not if I want to take lessons. I cant
afford it especially since Im transfered. Im only
getting $32 per month now although I expect to do better
soon again then maybe Ill be able to be thrifty and even
if I was making three times as much I would rather stay
here and play pinochle or practice a little. I get more
kick out of it and its much easier to keep out of the
brigg that way.
Now honey Im going to ask you some more why you wont
marry me. Is it something the matter with me? Something
I can remedy or is it just that you dont ever want to
settle down? I would like to settle down and make a home
myself and I thought you would or I would never have
asked you. Then you know that I love you and I always
will. I would give up anything for you and you know it.
All you have to do is to day the word and – (“Not mine
to question Why, mine but to do or die,”) I dont know
what Id do if it wasn’t for the fact that I still have
hopes. Im starting to doubt however if those hopes will
last very long. I was at the point a few days where AI
would have thought nothing at all of dishonor and that’s
why my hopes look slim.
Now do you see why I cant keep my promise to be just
pals? Ive simply got to get those things off my chest so
you may expect lots of letters like this. Dont be
surprised if you do but at the same time dont think I
dont mean every word I say because I do and Im still
waiting for the promise. Its not sympathy I want cause I
can find that in the dictionary and I dont want it any
way. Just give me your promise or at least a chance to
prove my words.
You must be just about asleep trying to read this so Ill
say Chin Chin for the time being so write soon to
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
June 7, 1927 Post Band Quantico
Dearest Beatrice:
I wrote you a nice letter last Saturday and put it in my
pocket to be mailed and forgot to drop it at the post
office Yesterday my bunky and I decided to put on some
old cloths and we took a couple more fellows and hopped
a freight train for a ride. I put my hand into my pocket
for my smokes and found the letter still there unmailed.
I didn’t have any stamps along so I brought the thing
back here to be mailed. I changed my mind and decided to
mail this explanation with it.
To begin with I just came back from mailing the
Leathernecks etc. that I was going to mail Saturday.
Yesterday on our freight ride four of us left here about
2:30 P.M. and started out for Richmond but we got as far
as Dumbarton and got off that is five miles before
Richmond or eighty six miles from here. We got there
just at supper time and no restaurants so Stankus my
bunky goes to the General store and buys some Bread,
cheese, ham, and pie enough for four of us and some left
over and they asked all of 48₵ for all that stuff. I
think Im going to live in that town some day at that
rate. The biggest piece of change they ever see there is
a half a dollar. We caught our train back and should
have been back here by ten oclock but the air brakes on
our Quantico Special (Freight) locked and we were tied
up for two hours half way between here and No mans land
so we got in at midnight we were sleepy to and I dont
mean perhaps so I slept till breakfast time this
morning. I didn’t know anything about it when reveille
went I just slept till it was time to eat again.
I( don’t suppose I have any right to ask why I havent
heard from you seeing as I forgot to mail my letter but
nevertheless I havent heard from you since Saturday and
this is Tuesday. Is that Nice? Write soon to
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June 9 [1927] Post Band Quantico
Dearest Beatrice:
Im afraid you are going to have to make the best of a
letter written with pencil because the band isn’t here
and my buddy has our pen with him. I used my influence
and got out of the trip thinking I could practice and
write. You see your letter got here some time yesterday
but I was on another one of those freight rides and
coming back we caught a local and rode it for five hours
making the progress we should have made in one hour. It
was two oclock this A.M. when we decided to leave it and
wait for a faster one and it was 3 A.M. before our fast
freight came. We made good time with it and got back
just in time for reveille, then I slept a while and
after dinner I practiced and now Im writing.
What was there about Let it Rain that made you so
lonesome? I can’t remember any such a part in the
I hope to sneeze that picture of Jimmy is good. I got it
some time ago and I thought I told you about it. I sat
down and laughed till I cried when it arrived here.
Now who is Nellie supposed to be and how should I know
if I like her chocolate pie I dont even know who Nellie
is nor what kind of pies she makes. Make your statements
clearer or Ill always be in the dark. I dont suppose I
would be human though if I didn’t like chocolate pie.
Say Bea: tell me how much does Hoppy’s brother mean to
you? I hope – never mind I dont even hope any more I
just take things for granted.
Why don’t you think I should send so many kisses? You
admitted yourself that the only reason why you ever left
me kiss you was because the kisses were nice and you
liked them so why decide against them now? Ill send
twice as many for that and dont worry about me ever
running out if Im not economical because Im not built
that way
Why tell me that I should think of you sometimes when
you know that that is all I do all day long and all
night long and those same thought are liable to make me
nutts if you dont come across pretty soon with that
promise. I can’t see yet why you wont tell me one way or
the other then I could run according to schedule. Oh I
have every move figured out one way or the other so dont
laugh because I mean every word I say.
Ill close this now with more Love and twice as many
Semper Fidelis
P.S. Write Soon and dont forget E
P.S.S. I have found an envelope already addressed in ink
so dont think I found a pen in the last inning because I
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June 10, 1927 Post Band Quantico
Dearest Beatrice:
I finaly got it figured out just when to expect mail
from you and I expected your letter today so I didn’t go
away and sure enough here comes your letter.
Im praying for your nice day monday alright but what for
do you all want this nice day? Going on a picnic you
say. What kind of a picnic is it? Tell me all about it.
This letter will get to you just as soon as you get back
from the picnic so Ill expect all the details.
Did you receive those magazines and Leathernecks yet?
And the Chinese Restaurant sign? I used that sign here
just as a joke and as there is no more restaurant left I
sent you the sign.
Sure I sent Lill a letter. Do you think Im talking
through my hat? You know I dont do that.
Im sure you wouldn’t have enjoyed that concert because
the solo clarinet ruined it. I could have done as good
as he did myself.
Well they are pretty stingy alright with the furloughs
but Im going to try for one this fall or winter and its
going to be a real long one.
Why the heck dont you go to the formal? You dont
necessarily have to be in love with a fellow in order to
go to the formal, so why be so d!!X! particular. You
talk like you was going to pick a husband instead of a
companion to the formal or rather an escort.
If your definition of a mushy letter is like you say
(“Silly and untrue) then I take back that word and Ill
just call those letters (Love Letters) How is that?
Im not doing anything very interesting or at least
nothing beside practice and read. I read two and one
half books yesterday. Neither of them was much good.
I havent any more to say now unless I want to write
another one of those -- ? shall we call them Love
Letters? Ill write more later but don’t forget Im still
waiting for your promise or at least for a chance.
Semper Fidelis
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June 13 1927 Post Band Quantico
Dearest Beatrice:
Your kind of luck that today isn’t Friday because I
wouldn’t write if it was but I dont mind writing on the
13th but if the 13th comes on Friday then I get scared.
Im glad you liked the magazines I sent and I wish I had
many more to send.
What do you mean when you said you signed Tatlers? Did
all the seniors sign Tatlers?
I guess you always wind up on or around the athletic
field when you start out with nothing to do I dont blame
you because it gets pretty interesting sometimes
Im surprised to hear you ask if it was you that hurt me.
You know it wasn’t because there is only one thing you
could do that would hurt like that and you havent
exactly done that yet although you have hinted that way,
but it wasn’t that. Ive been hurt that way twice once
when Joe Joe may turned back on me and now when my own
sister goes back on me.
No danger of me having any peg leg or arms like a
scarecrow they are perfectly humane flesh even if they
are rather dark and sunburned and I try to keep them as
muscular and pliable as possible. Sure Ill admit that
“Patience is a Virtue,” but sometimes my patience gets
out of bounds and I cant hold it try with all my might.
Well I guess you are human to just like any other woman
only I dont believe you know how to translate or
interpret your feelings I know for instance that I could
make you happy and you say you dont care that way but
still you care enough to write all the time and always
think of me. I know you care only you dont know it That
is why I want you to give me a chance anyway and maybe I
could help and at the same time I would feel more sure
of myself.
I got a letter from my Dad yesterday and it turned out
that it got here just one year after the last one he
wrote. June 12, 1926 was the last I heard from him till
yesterday. You know I wrote to Lill and Pa about that
picture and I was waiting for word from him and most of
all for that picture but he never even mentioned it. I
wrote back and told him for the last time to send it and
if he dont Well there is more than one way of getting
personal property returned when it belongs to a service
man and Ill go the limit
I sot suppose its any use of me telling you what I think
about my sisters good looks or try to compare them
seeing as you already know what Id say and then you
would only call ne a fibber but call me what I you will
Ive got my opinion.
I suppose Ill have to stop being so disgusted if you say
so though I dont know how unless you really mean that
you are My Beatrice.
Write Soon Honey to
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June 19, 1927 Post Band Quantico
Dearest Beatrice:
Ive been waiting all week now for the letter you was
going to write after Monday and it finally got here
today. I believe I would have gone crazy or come up to
meet the letter if it hadn’t got here today. You don’t
know how miserable I feel when I dont hear from you in
such a long time. Im always worrying and thinking maybe
Ive said something to offend and it nearly makes me sick
when I worry I was a little sick this week anyway from
Monday till Thursday and then when your letter didn’t
get here I got, well you might call it bloodthirsty
This band has been on the go all week playing for the
Marine Corps Reserves that are here, and as sick as I
was I never missed one formation I stuck right with
Last night or rather yesterday afternoon was the first
peace we got this week and then I got a little job on
the side repair job on a motorcycle and I need all those
little jobs if I expect to keep on taking lessons.
Well now that you are out of school what are you going
to do? I suppose you are going to start to working now I
know Lill is because you told me so and so did my
I havent heard from Erv or Jimmy for 3 weeks now so I
expect a letter from one of them tomorrow or the day
Well honey today I have two years and two days more to
serve in this Marine Corps. The past two years seemed to
go by on wings I cant even guess where they have gone
to. I seem to have a feeling that part of those two
years have been wasted although I hope it is only my
imagination because I have no use for a man who wastes
time. I would rather have anything else said about me
than that.
I dont suppose its any use asking if you have changed
your mind about me in the matter of matrimony yet, but I
dont see any other way out of it but to ask you every
time I write. I sometimes think it is hopeless but then
Im one fellow that believe (A man may be down but never
out) Do you believe that?
Im sending you one picture I had taken on a trip we made
to Dumbarton Va. via freight train. We all wore just
what you see on me a civilian cap a white shirt the
white trowsers from our blues and civilian shoes. Im
sending you this picture hoping you can help me to
decide which side of my face hurt me the most when the
picture was taken. We found an old stone quarry that was
filled with clear water from an underground spring so we
went in swimming and it was swell only we couldnt find
even one spot where we could touch bottom so I climbed a
cliff about 45 ft. high and dove of and tried to touch
bottom but failed so I tried jumping off with the same
result although the time I jumped I went so deep that
the pressure of the water was so great on my eardrums
that I couldn’t hear a sound for half an hour. I believe
you could have fired a cannon beside me and I wouldn’t
have heard it.
My father hasn’t sent me that picture yet and Im getting
darn tired of waiting but Im giving him another week and
if the picture dont get here a week from Monday I put
the matter in the hands of our company commander. Don’t
say anything about it but just watch and see if I get
that picture or not.
Well honey I havent much more to say only to ask you to
marry me again. Im not even going to go into detail
because you must be getting tired of it by now but it
never hurts to ask does it? It would make me very very
happy and I am sure I could make you happy if I got the
chance or I would never ask you. I still believe we were
made for one another.
Im going to close now and Ill write more soon hoping you
do the same
Semper Fidelis
P.S. I havent had a chance to take that picture in blues
yet but Ill have it taken and send it the first chance I
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June 22, 1927 Post Band Quantico
Dont think that I have neglected to write to you as
often lately because I didn’t want to because I did want
to very much, in fact this pencil is very dumb when it
comes to telling you how much I wanted to write or how
much I love you. I am still a soldier you know and my
first thought must dwell on duty but I promise the
second one shall always be of you. I wont have to put
you second very much longer though dear one because
yesterday I started the down hill journey I passed the
two year mark. I hope the next two may pass as quickly
as the first two did
I got a roll of films today and when we fall out in
blues Friday Im going to take your picture. If – it isnt
raining again. You havent a picture with blues and white
cap cover have you? Ill take one of those to.
No I havent heard a thing about my family going to
Michigan. Tell me more about it. What do you mean a part
of the family. What do they intend to do there? I
suppose my dad has that silly beet raising idea again.
He has decided to do the same thing eleven times in the
last twelve years and changed his mind each time.
I think Levey is either paid off or on leave or doing
duty some where else now cause I cant seem to locate him
around here anywhere Im sorry I cant give Hoppy the
desired information because I dont notice those things.
The main thing with me is that he is an excellent
athlete. I do know though that he is Jewish and his hair
isn’t red so I could notice it’s pretty dark in fact. He
seems to have a good set of teeth so far as I can
remember, but did you ever see a Marine who didn’t?
Those are some of the physical requirements. Ill see Cal
about that Army vs Marine Game and Ill also see to it
that mister Emery the weatherman up there is on the job
with plenty of sunshine.
Now to start the old story again. I wish you would get
the idea out of your head that it wouldn’t be fair to
give me a chance to make you happy by giving me your
promise I wish you would just take my word for it. It
seems that I can get just so far with a letter when all
I can think of is I love you and more I love you and
still more. My pencil seems to want to write nothing
else but that. My heart is saying the same How can I
help it.
Well honey Im afraid Ill have to close because I seem to
have only nine minutes till taps and I cant write in the
dark. Ill mail this tomorrow A.M. the first chance I
get. Dont forget now honey I want you always so give me
your promise in the return mail to
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June 24 1927 Post Band Quantico
Dearest Beatrice:
Your latest volume arrived this morning as we were going
out to practice parading for the benefit of those darn
Reserves. Boy we sure did some tall playing to to
Agilance call then march the troops on the line then
sound off and march from one end of the line to the
other and back we call it the trooping of the line Then
officers center and pass in review Then we started all
over for review and inspection which meant playing all
those same ceremonies and one more in addition while
they inspected the whole Batalion and keep repeating it
until the whole Batalion was inspected Then we went over
the formal guard mount for their benefit and after that
we had to play to bring them back. Tomorrow we fall out
early in the morning in Blues with white cap covers to
do the same thing for the Major General Comandant etc.
Thats when Im going to try to take those pictures.
Does it seem like so much more than two years since I
left home? I didn’t think that you even knew when I
left. I think or in fact Im pretty sure I can get
another furlough this fall But I don’t know if I can
afford one now because instead of getting better ratings
we lost what we had when we came to this band. I still
have a small one though and even at that if I do get
leave Ill come up if I have to ride a freight. Ive
smashed my motorcycle you know. I fell on a slippery
pavement. I didn’t intend to tell you but you would have
to know sooner or later anyway. I may fix it up but I
dont think so its to darn dangerous on those things
anyway (Sour grapes) my post permit was also revoked on
account of the accident. Nobody hurt though.
Why do you start my letter in such a formal way (Mr
Thomas) sounds like you wanted to cut my throat. Who
addressed the envelope? That sure wasn’t your
handwriting – Was it? Must have been Helen’s seeing as
you wrote the letter at her house
I even envy a dog. Can you imagine why? It for the
simple reason that I wished you thought as often of me
as you do of dogs. I think Ill have to catch a couple of
dozen of those around here and send them to you.
Ive been trying to do some reading to but I dont get
much time Ive read, “Une Vie,” by (Guy De) Maupassant
and also “The Odd Number,” by the same author. He writes
some very good and select books. They seem so different
from those written by other authors. If you havent read
some of his try them Im sure you will enjoy them. You
must understand him though in order to really enjoy his
Well you better go with Hoppy and learn all there is
about the Saturday shopping because I mean to have you
do our shopping sometime Why do you keep putting me off
all the time? You know yourself that sooner or later you
will come around to my way of thinking. I have told you
for the last year now that I would do my best to make
you happy and I know I would succeed. That is my big
ambition Why keep putting me off.
Im closing now to clean my Blues for tomorrow so
Love and Lots of Kisses
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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June 27 1927 Post Band Quantico
Dear Beatrice:
I received your last letter and it made me feel happy to
know that you are tempted to say the word but you said
you wonder how it is possible that I can love you and I
couldn’t understand that part. It isn’t really possible
to know you without loving you I cant help it. I wish
you would forget this fooling around and promise to be
my wife That should be fair exchange you would be
promising that and I would at the same time be promising
to try my best to make you happy. You would in the vows
be giving yourself to me and I would be giving myself to
you I just know you would be satisfied and Im certain
that I would. I would be very proud. Im afraid I would
get a swelled head.
You said you wish you could put down what you want to
Why don’t you? Try that sometime. That’s a good way to
get things off your chest. I know when I wasn’t to get
anything off my chest I wouldnt want to tell anyone only
a loved one.
Ill agree with you that housework isn’t easy. That’s why
I think you are making a sacrifice if you say yes to me
but in return you would be made happy Still in spite of
all that I cant say what would be a ladylike word to
use. Im not a lady you know I would probably tell you
what a real he man would say D:**!:;?-d could you
pronounce that? I hope not, at any rate dont try.
What did Hoppy tell you when you stopped to look at the
recruiting Sgt. You said it would keep but Im afraid it
wont. Im curious. Then to if you keep telling me about
the men you stop to look at etc. Ill be getting so
jealous that Ill be biting my arm off or something
D------ ouch! Some guy got some candy and he was
hollering at me trying to give me some and when he
couldnt make me hear him so he hit me with a carmel. Boy
that thing was hard as rock. I even got a bump in my
Do you mean that you are going to Cumberland Maryland?
If you was coming up there I could have come up there to
see you on a week end liberty. I guess you must have
gone to some other Cumberland though.
Ive taken those pictures but the Post photographer is
closed and I havent been downtown to drop the film in
there I will have them back maybe this week maybe next.
Ill send them as soon as I can if they are half way
I went on another one of those freight rides Saturday I
had a week end liberty. That is till 5:30 A.M. this
morning we slept in in the woods (4 other men and
myself) and went swimming till noon yesterday and came
back. That is, we started back at 12:15 P.M. and we
broke all records by getting back here in two hours and
eight minutes. That is we got back at twenty three
minutes past two yesterday afternoon then I slept till
suppertime (5:30 PM) and slept from then till reveille
this morning exactly twelve hours
Say! – if that darn sun is keeping you from writing to
me Im afraid Ill have to do some thing. Ill have to send
some awnings for your window or Ill have to pray that it
should rain up there or something like that.
Please excuse me for running out just now but the
photographer just came in and I got word of it so I took
a run over and dropped the films. I think I will get
them back Saturday if I can find a minute or two free
when he has the shop open
I just heard more news. I heard that I am making a 5 day
trip with 19 other men to Whitestones and Caho starting
Saturday. I dont know what time we start or anything but
I know we go Saturday unless I can get out of it. On a
trip to the backwoods like that we are always considered
city slickers and people treat us like Generals. They
dont let a person forget that they are wearing a uniform
they make us feel like big butter and egg men
Well honey Im going to try some baseball this afternoon
so Ill close now. dont forget to try telling me what you
want and try saying yes. Get the habit.
Write soon
Only yours
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
June 30 1927 Post Band Quantico
Dearest Beatrice:
I was expecting to hear from you today and waited for
both mail deliveries but no letter so Im writing one
I don’t remember if I told you that we are making a trip
to Caho Va with a twenty piece band this Saturday. We
were supposed to stay five days but Im only staying over
Saturday and Sunday. Its going to be some job. We had a
special rehearsal yesterday and today and weve got
another one tomorrow. The music was passed out yesterday
and weve got about a hundred numbers, some Fox Trots
some Overtures a couple of Serenades and a few trombone
Ive been trying to remember to tell you in the last two
letters that I cant see my way clear to let my folks
keep that picture. I would be an awfull coward if I left
them get away with it. That picture was given to me. I
hope there was a reason. No matter if there is or not
that picture means much to me, so if I start any trouble
Ill have to hope that you will forgive me. I just cant
see no other way out anyway I havent seen it yet.
Do you know what I did? I traded in my old motorcycle on
another one Im getting a Harley Davidson now. Its all
tore apart now being overhauled. I traded my other one
for it and Im putting a few dollars worth of parts in
this one and Ill have a good machine I intend to make a
trip home on it in a couple of months. Now what do you
think of that?
When the heck are you going to write and tell me that
word. Im still waiting for it. I love you so much that I
lay awake nights just wondering and hoping. I wish you
would say yes pretty quick now. I sure would be happy
and Im sure you would to. Im so much in love right now
that my pencil dont know what to write and my mind is
dead for fear that you might refuse me. I love you so
much that I dont know what I would do if you should
refuse me. I honestly believe I would go crazy. Say the
word wont you honey? I want you worse than anything,
whats more I mean to have you if I have to steal you.
What are you and Hoppy doing now? I suppose you are
still looking for work, arent you? Work is something
that’s pretty hard to find now, especially for women.
Are you really anxious to find work? Or are you just
doing it to pass the time away.
I havent finished my course yet and havent even sent in
a lesson in a month because there is no more Marine
Corps Institute now. They were forced to close out when
they sent all available men to the West Coast for China
and Nicaragua. Ill start work again and finish the
course as soon as they open up the Institute again.
We played baseball Tuesday with the Aviation team and we
lost 6 – 5. It was a close game to in the morning we had
two men on base with two outs and one of our best
hitters was batting and he hit a long fly to center
field and the center fielder caught that ball in a way
that was a miracle. Ive never seen such a nice catch.
That catch won the game for them and they sure deserved
it with a play like that. We are tie for the company
Championship with the Aviation now. I only hope they
dont win games like that all the time we play the series
off with them. They sure are the fighting boys though.
Last week when they played the Signal Battalion they
were losing 8 to 3 in the 8th inning and won 18 to 8 at
the end of the 9th. They sure fight right to the end and
they are good sports to. All of them.
Well honey weve got a little concert yet this afternoon
so I guess Ill have to close this letter now. I havent
anymore to say anyway unless I want to tell you a couple
more times that I love you. I don’t hardly suppose that
is necessary though. You must know it by now.
Well honey write soon and dont forget.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
July 3 1927 Post Band Quantico
I just received your letter now because I just got back
from that trip now. I believe the letter got here
yesterday yet but Im not sure.
The trip didn’t turn out a failure for a change The
whole performance was for the benefit of the church
which they are building. They were charging 25₵ and
$1.00 admittance for the concert. The open air concert
all day was free.
We ran into some reall Southern Hospitality up there. We
stayed with private families last night and nothing was
to good for us while we were there. All they w3anted to
know was what we wanted and they got it. The sky was the
limit. We made the trip from here to Fredericksburgh in
a buss and the rest of the trip in private cars.
Now honey you shouldn’t bawl me out just because I have
a little accident. Those things happen to the best of
drivers and it makes me feel bad when you bawl me out
like that. A Post Permit is like a liscence plate only
smaller it shows that the driver has permission to own
and operate a motor vehicle
Im sorry I forgot to answer that part of your letter
about the belts. No we aren’t supposed to run around
without them we are supposed to be in full uniform at
all times when out of quarters. That means when we are
anywhere where we may be seen by the public. That fellow
probably took his off so the rain wouldn’t make the
polish run onto his uniform.
Thanks for the picture honey I sure appreciate it and I
only hope that the individual in the picture will be
mine as well as the picture and I hope it will be real
soon if she don’t tell me soon Im afraid Ill go crazy.
Good Lord honey. Do you realize that if I have to wait
for your bright idea until I get to go on another
furlough it will be late this fall? Do you intend to
keep me in suspence until then? Ill be getting desperate
and do something rash if you make me wait that long. I
cant wait.
Why dont you say yes and tell me what size ring you wear
and what kind you want and Ill get it and send it to
you. Please honey don’t make me wait any longer I just
can’t stand it. Im only human you know and you also know
that I love you and even though you say you aren’t sure
you care still Im certain that you do. I saw it in your
eyes honey. I saw it more than once now please dear
don’t try to goad me any more and dont try to fool
yourself anymore either. It dont work. Now please dont
think that Im just trying to get wise, because Im not.
Im just telling you for your good and my good just what
I know to be true. Im telling you what your own heart is
telling you.
Ill tell you what honey. Ive thought this out to a tee.
This will have to be the last time I ask you and the
answer will have to be one way of the other. I only hope
it will be yes. Im saying this because I know it is the
right thing to do but still it hurts to say it. You dont
realize how much it hurts but I do because I realize
what it may mean it may mean joy and happiness for me
and it may also mean sorrow and grief To write letter
after letter and to hope in vain is breaking my heart so
I guess it will have to be up to you if I keep on
writing and always waiting in vain Im afraid the boys
will start calling me a cry baby. Im going to leave it
up to you now Bea. Im going to wait for your decision.
You know that I love you more than anything and that I
would do anything for you. Anything to make you happy. I
would sacrifice anything including my honor and self
respect. What more can I say?
Ill close now and hope and pray for one thing so tell me
soon as possible that you will belong only to
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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July 9, 1927 Post Band Quantico
Your letter arrived and Im afraid my pencil isn’t
capable of telling you how happy I am. I have been
waiting for that letter now for six days. Those six days
seemed more like years to me. I just couldn’t wait for
it. I thought I would go mad when I didn’t hear from you
at least by Thursday and when I didn’t hear yesterday I
was wild. I was rather hard to manage the last week. In
fact Ive had a couple of little scraps with the
bandmaster. Ive got it smoothed over now already.
Im so happy honey that Im afraid its all a dream. I
really can’t believe it although Ive been pinching
myself and reading your letter over and over for the
last half hour.
No honey the Harley Davidsons aren’t about the best
because the Henderson is a four cylinder motor and the
Cleveland is putting out a 4 cylinder affair now but of
the two cylinder ones I think the Harley are considered
Have you named your nice new Chevy, Elizabeth? or were
you in another car? Just think now. If I had been there
when the machine stuck in the mud then you could have
sat on my shoulder and let me carry you through the mud.
There were two little children at the place where I
stayed at Caleo to. Both girls one was six and the other
eight years old. I made a nice acquaintance with both of
them the older one was Dorothy and the younger one was
nicknamed Buster Bean. I love children and they were no
exception I played with them all night on the kitchen
Ive got those pictures I took that day they all turned
out punk as you will see from the ones I am enclosing.
They look like I had a pain in one side of my face. They
were taken while we were falling out for the big doings
just before the Reserves left. There is another bunch of
Reserves coming in tomorrow to keep us busy for a couple
of more weeks.
I know you would love one of those Marine rings honey
and Ill get you one of those but you will want an
engagement ring and that is the one I meant when I
wanted to know what kind you wanted.
Ive had two offers now to get transfered to the motor
transport company to work in the garage. More chance for
advancement there and they need mechanics and drivers
but I think Ill stay in the band for a while longer
after all the advancement and better pay isn’t
everything, not unless a man wants to put more time in
than four years.
Im afraid darling that from this letter or any other one
I can write you would never know how happy I am or how
much I really love you but Ill make up for lost time
when I come up again and I hope that that time may be
Im going out to the triangle now honey to work in my
machine but Ill write more tomorrow – so drop a line
when you get this to one who is
Semper Fidelis
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July 11 1927 Post Band Quantico
Dearest Bea:
I promised to write this letter yesterday but I went out
to the garage right after breakfast and worked so late
that I nearly missed the concert last night. I just
barely got back in time This morning weve played colors
and went to the depot to meet another company of
Reserves. We just got back and Im writing this letter
Do you know honey Ive been trying to get transfered to
the tropics for the last eighteen months and never got
it now there is a Nicaraguan detail going this week.
Since youve said yes Ive been very happy and now I don’t
want to go. So far Ive missed this detail but I may have
to go yet. Then if I dont go on this detail Im fairly
sure of going in September to Haiti if that’s the case,
Im going to try to get another furlough before I go so I
can come up to see you. Im just so much in love with you
that I cant bear to think of putting more miles between
us than we already have. There is a better chance there
for a man to get a rating but I just dont want it but of
course what ever my superiors say goes.
Have you told your folks that you have said “Yes”? I had
forgotten but I think they might have something to say
about your ----- shall we say (ball and chain) or shall
we say your (hubby to be)? Nevertheless I think they
have something to say and Ill have to ask them when I
come up again. Dont you think so?
Do you know what I did honey? I looked over a couple of
the new Chevrolets and when I get out of here Im going
to get one and build it over into a speedster that’s
going to be so fast that nothing will pass it. Ill put a
long classy body on it. How would you like that?
Next Saturday the same twenty men that went to Calio go
on another trip to some Hick town around here Hicks
crossing is the name I think. Im not sure though and I
really dont care.
What are you doing with yourself? Are you and Hoppy
still looking for work? I suppose you look for a job all
day and for a good show at night, dont you? I wish I
were up there with you so I might go where you go
Do you see my sister anymore? If you do see her please
dont give her a bit of information about me. If she
wants to know anything leave her write to me. That
surely isn’t to hard for her to do. I hope you get angry
because Im telling you this Bea: but I think Im doing
the right thing in this case. Dont you think Im right
here? You remember how she insulted my friends and I
even wrote first after that and she never answered so Im
not going to write to her till she tells me that she was
Do you know honey that I worked all day yesterday even
missed dinner and supper to get my motorcycle engine
overhauled and I burned the old paint off with a torch
so I can paint it I expect to have it all painted and
ready to run by the end of the week. Ive put in a lot of
new parts the crankshaft bearings the connecting and
bearings new wrist pins and bushings and a mob of new
nuts and bolts. I washed every part with coal oil and
put the engine together already to put back into the
frame. I had every part off every nut and screw. There
wasnt a part I didnt have entirely apart. Im going to
put a tandem on the back when I come up and Im going to
show you what kind of speed that thing will make.
By the way honey I have a chance to get transfered to
the Motor Transport Co. here to work in the garage if I
want to. I would lose money at first but Id make up for
it and I wouldn’t have to leave the States. Do you think
it would be wise? Tell me what you think about it honey.
You are the big Boss now you know. Whatever you say goes
you know.
I suppose by this time you are wondering just why you
took a chance on me and said “Yes” Arent y9u honey? Are
you sorry? I hope you will never be and Ill do my best
to keep you from being sorry. Ill make you happy or Ill
know the reason why. I know Ill be always happy as long
as I have you. Do you know I still cant believe its
true. I have to drop everything about a dozen times a
day and read your letter over and over just to be sure
Im not dreaming. I sure am a lucky devil.
I was dreaming of our trip to Brookside last night and I
was going to take you in my arms and kiss you and
instead I fell out of my bunk. My bunky has threatened
to more down the other end of the barracks for fear that
I might dream of fighting. He says he dont mind a black
eye as long as he can stand up to get it but he’s afraid
of getting one while hes asleep. Wait till you get to
know him. He’s going to come to Cleveland with me when I
get discharged. Boy he’s a reall buddy.
Well honey Im going to close now with lots of Love and
P.S. Dont forget these nice fresh hugs Ill make them
good some day soon I hope
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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July 12, 1927 Post Band Quantico
Dearest Bea:
Im in charge of quarters tonight and cant leave so I
thought I might as well get a little practice in
writing. I only wish I could write well enough to tell
you just how much I love you. So far Im quite sure that
I havent succeeded. But! Someday Some-way in the near
future Ill prove it.
My intuition tells me that tomorrow I should have a
letter from you. Am I right? I hope so. I dream about
you all night honey and then watch the mail truck all
day hoping to get a letter from you and after the last
mail truck I begin all over by telling myself that your
letter will arrive the next morning. Im proud as a
peacock and as happy as they make them since youve said
you would be my wife. That is now my big ambition honey.
That and making you happy. I know and Im sure you do to
that I wont be able to keep you in luxury all our life
but Ill sure be able to make a comfortable living for
the two of us and be able to put aside a bit. The first
thing we will have to get will be a Chevrolet for you
for Im sure you would never be happy without one. At the
rate they are paying me now I wont have very much saved
when I get out of here but Ill show you how to save
money in two years or so. Ill be able to save enough at
any rate to make a nice sized payment on a house or to
get some furniture with, then we wont have to do like my
sister did. She had to stay at our home till they got
theirs ready well beat that. Well have one ready. Ill
tell you what Id like to do for a honeymoon Beatrice. Id
like to motor all over the western part of the United
States unless you might have something else to suggest.
Of course we can always cross those bridges when we get
there but I just love to plan things out like this. Dont
you Honey? I love to sit around and just think how happy
we will be. Im so happy now that Im afraid I wouldn’t be
able to stand the greatest of the great happinesses but
if I can die that way Im sure I won’t mind
The men from Nicaragua who havent much time to do came
in tonight and I expect the replacement will leave in a
couple of days now. Those men sure were glad to get back
to the good old U.S.A. Those boys would do any kind of
work tonight without a growl because they are so glad.
Well dear Ill close now because its nearly taps and Ive
got to turn out the lights and secure the quarters for
the night so Ill close this volume. Ill write tomorrow
if I get the chance. Write soon to the one who loves
only you and who is only your
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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July 14 1927 Post Band Quantico
Dearest Bea:
Your letter arrived this morning but weve been busy all
day. You’ll have to excuse me for saying with those damn
Reserves but thats the only way I know of referring to
them. Weve been out with them since 7:05 A.M. this
morning stopping only long enough for dinner.
No I didn’t have anything the matter with my arm last
week honey. Ill tell you why I didn’t write. Do you
remember my very impatient letter that I sent about the
third or fourth of this month? Well I was just as
doubtfull as I was impatient. In fact I still cant
figure how I could be so lucky, any way I was so much in
doubt about what your answer would be that I couldn’t
write till I heard from you. I was so restless that
these fellows must have thought I was a maniac. Do you
understand now why I didn’t write?
All right honey Ill agree to the Marine ring all right
so lets go. They dont have regular sizes in those rings
so you will just have to tie a string around your finger
and cut it so it will just fit the finger and send me
the string and Ill get the ring.
The Triangle is a small dot on the map. That is on some
maps. The place forms a triangle where three roads run
together. They have three garages and a general store
there. What did you think the Triangle was.
Im not surprised to hear that your tummy hurt if you eat
as many cherries as you do pieces of candy every hour. I
think if I ate so much candy as you ate one Sunday
Morning when I was there I think ------- well I think
they would start measuring me for an overcoat. I might
as well add that it would be wooden.
By the way honey. If you really dont want me to start a
war on account of that picture you will either have to
get it and send it to me or get another one. The only
pictures I have of you now are two snap shots one that
was taken in a pair of overalls and one with the
sweater. Both of these just fit in my billfold but none
to go on my shelf. Try to get the one I forgot at home
if you can I would rather have that one. It seems to
mean so much more to me.
Guess what Im figuring on doing honey. Im figuring on
making a nice furlough in about a month or a month and a
half. I might come up on the motorcycle. Ill save about
$14.00 each way and when a man looks forward to getting
married he’s sure got to think of saving all he can. I
was just going to add to buy the baby shoes but instead
Ill say to buy a wedding ring.
I would like to have you see the way Im sitting here
right now. All Im wearing is a pair of trousers and a
undershirt and a towel around my skull to keep the sweat
from dropping onto this letter. This sure is a hot day
here. When we came in from playing for those *-!!
Reserves we were soaking wet. We all made a rush for a
cold shower and a change of clothes and every one is
trying to keep cool. Not even I the practical joker and
champion kidder is cracking wise. That is saying a lot
for me as a rule Im always taking someones bunk apart or
putting nice tight knots into someones bed sheets or
tying their bedding to the ceiling or nailing their bunk
up there. That is of course when Im not writing or
studying. Then I dont fool around and nobody that likes
the way they are put together ever bothers me at a time
like that because Ill tie them to a rafter or something
if I have to knock them cold to do it. I cant think when
someone bothers me and these fellows all know it and
when a new fellow comes in he soon learns.
Well honey Im going to close this letter before I miss
my chow and Ill be waiting for your next letter.
Heres lots of love & Kisses from
Dont forget youll give me these or Ill take each one
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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July 17 1927 Post Band Quantico
Dearest Bea:
Well honey, I went on that trip yesterday and just got
back at five oclock tonight just in time to play the
Sunday night concert. When I got here I found your
letter laying on my bunk waiting for me.
Ive made up my mind to stay in the band a while longer
anyway honey. I didn’t intend to go to the Motor
Transport to get in practice you know honey because I
get all I need on my friends cars around here. I would
like to do duty in the tropics dear, but I just couldn’t
bear to think of being away from you for eighteen
You saved me a little job then didn’t you honey? I mean
by telling your mother about being engaged and Im glad
she consents and Im glad she is strong for me as you put
it. Of course I dont care if you tell Hoppy. You may
tell her anything you like you are the boss. The only
persons I don’t want to know are my folks. How did your
Dad take the big news? Did he say he was going to beat
up on me if I take his daughter?
Well honey I don’t think you will need the advise Im
going to give now but Ill say it anyway. If,!! Lill or
anyone else ever says anything about me that you dont
like please don’t you get your temper going but just
tell me. Let me do the fighting for this family honey
you can do all the bossing and managing but please let
me do the fighting.
My word, honey, sure you can keep a collie or any other
kind of a dog you want. Ill get you a dozen of them if
you want. You know dearest that Ill get you anything in
my power just so you will be happy.
I think Ill be able to get one this fall but Im not a
bit sure of it. A man never can be sure of anything in
the Marine Corps except food and a place to sleep. In
the service language we say, (three square and flog each
day.) Thats how we tell how many days we have to do, we
just say so many and a flop which means so many days and
an extra nights sleep. Im afraid we might not be able to
arrange for my buddy to get a furlough the same time I
do so Ill have to come alone but don’t worry you will
meet him some day sooner or later.
Sure I would have to drive most of the time honey girl.
You dont know of very many times when I went out in a
machine that I didn’t do the driving, do you? Except on
occasions when I had a good excuse such as holding you
on my lap or when I was trying to steal a kiss when you
werent looking. Otherwise I almost always do the
driving. I suppose if your Dad thinks enough of my
driving to let us use the car then he must approve of me
Oh! I nearly forgot to tell you about eh adventure I had
Friday night honey. Its a long story I was a deputy that
night and I brought back a brand new Hudson Coach with
120 gallons of corn whiskey in it I happened to be
working at the garage on my motorcycle when the Marshall
came in and caught one bootlegger and got information
that another one was going to pass in a while so he gave
me the power of deputy and put me in charge of two men
and the fellow that owns the garage was one of the men
so when mister bootlegger comes by we went after him in
the garage mans motorcycle side car and all. We couldnt
catch them but we could keep real close so we shot holes
in their rear tires and they deserted the car and took
to the woods. We never did get them but I got into the
Hudson and drove back with the 120 gallons and the
Marshall confiscated both car and whiskey.
I agree to the Marine ring all right honey but I havent
been silent about it. Have I? I don’t think so anyway.
Im glad to hear you say you are thinking of me honey.
You cant possibly realize how really happy you are
making me dear. Im afraid Im the only one who can fully
realize that, because my vocabulary is to limited to
explain it fully enough. I haven’t a voice for singing
honey but nevertheless that is just what Ive been doing
since you said (yes)
Ive been swimming a bit and Ive tried the big swim but
cant quite make it. Im to short winded four and a
quarter miles is my limit and the big swim is about 80
ft less than seven miles. I bit off more than I could
Ive seen a couple of small games around here but one big
league games. They never play those there you know.
Well honey Ive told you all the latest news so Ill close
now but write soon to your Greatest of the Great
XXXXXXXXXXXX add these up
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July 21, 1926 [1927] Post Band Quantico
Your letter arrived here is the noon mail yesterday but
I was out working on my motorcycle from 9 oclock in the
morning and didn’t get back till 3 oclock this morning.
I was going to come back at about 7 oclock but the
constable required my services on the revenue squad. I
couldn’t quite get my motorcycle working so the
garageman let me use one of his. We had a bit of
information saying that the big bootlegger was going
through again last night and we were ready for him but
he didn’t come so I came back here at about 3 oclock.
I found your letter here and Im sorry to hear that your
grandmother has passed away. I sure would have liked to
have met her sometime.
Im sorry I didn’t come up to your expectations by
writing at least two letters by today I would have
written sooner today but weve been busy all day so far
now weve got forty five minutes off then we fall out for
a funeral. There was a bugler here who dove to deep
while in swimming and hit something. His neck was broke.
They are having a military funeral for him at 3:30 P.M.
This lad was about 16 years old and well known and well
liked and every one will be out to pay their last
tributes to him. The nice part of these funerals is when
they blow taps over the coffin and as this lad was a
bugler I think it will be a very touching ceremony.
Say there honey if you go talking about eats here very
much Im going to have to do something, especially if you
talk about olives and baked ham and other such luxuries.
Ill have to go down and buy me about four quarts of nice
olives and bake myself about twenty pounds of ham. Im
afraid I would eat myself to death.
Ill admit it is loads of fun to ride the roller coaster
honey but I know something I would have looked for
before the roller coaster could even be heard. I would
have looked for the roller rink. Do you ever do any
roller skating honey? If you dont then Ill have to teach
you someday. Thats great sport and its also very
Im going to work on my motorcycle tonight if I can find
time. Ive got to get it in good shape so Ill be able to
come up to see you dear. Im thinking of coming in
September but Im not sure. I just cant seem to wait. I
want to hold you close to myself so bad that that month
and a half is going to seem like ten years.
Ill close now honey seeing as it is nearly time to fall
out in Full Khaki for the funeral.
Lots and Lots of Love and Kisses
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July 22, 1927 Post Band Quantico
Dearest Beatrice:
I had some good intentions to write you today but Ive
been busy all day. I argued with the First Sgt and
Lieutenant till I got blue in the face. I was trying to
get liberty tonight so I could go out and get the
motorcycle tuned up and running good. I finally got the
liberty but it dont start till 3:30 this afternoon and
its now 2:45 so Ive got 45 minutes to wait yet so Ill
try to write a letter in that much time.
Are you sure honey that your ring size is 7 ½? Why that
is a half size larger than the one I wore when I was
home I only wear a seven. I think you better get a piece
of paper that just fits your finger and we are more
liable to get the right size. You send something like
that and Ill get the ring the next time I get to go to
How do you like the way the big fight came out
yesterday? I was pretty sure Dempsey would win and at
any rate I was wishing he would because I know that
Dempsey can beat Tunney anytime and the same for Sharkey
and the last thing I would want to see would be for a
gob to take the title from a Leatherneck. Id much rather
see Dempsey get it back.
I haven’t been doing much practicing here lately. I got
so disgusted as far as music is concerned that I believe
I would have sold my musical knowledge for two cents and
considered it a bargain on my part. I guess I was just
overdoing it. Those things shouldn’t be practiced to
much either because to much is worse than none.
Did you find out yet if your dad is going to beat me up
for taking his daughter or if he is giving his consent.
What is Helen doing now? Is she still keeping house for
her father or is she working now? Tell her I said hello
etc. and tell her that when we get married we will leave
her come and keep house for us and we will leave her
bake bread.
Do you think you are going to like my motorcycle? Ive
painted it sky blue and instead of the dark red stripe
Ive got a silver gray stripe. The name is light red and
trimmed with gold and the foot boards and pedals etc.
are all black, also the lights and seat are black.
I like a motorcycle. I dont know what is nicer than to
ride along at about 50 miles per hr and feel the air in
your face. I dont know of anything nicer unless it’s a
chance to kiss you but next to that honey I like a
motorcycle best.
Well honey its time to leave now cause I want to get
started as soon as possible so write soon. Heres more
Love and Kisses from
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- - - - - - - -
July 25, 1927 Post Band Quantico
Your letter arrived here yesterday but again I wasn’t
here when it arrived. I started out Saturday to go out
on my motorcycle and when I got out to the garage the
owners wife asked me to take one of his motorcycles with
a sidecar and go to Alexandria to tow him in. He went up
for supplies for the garage and for the lunch counter
and coming back he broke down. I got up there alright
but he made repairs by then and came in by another road
and my battery went dead so I worked around trying to
get it started but no use so I called back to the garage
long distance so he came out to me with a battery. That
one didn’t last long either because I had a short so I
taped that up and started again and it was dark as the
dickens and no lights except to follow the garage mans
tail light at about 48 miles per hour then to make
things worse my chain broke 6 miles from the garage so
he towed me in. We got back in time for breakfast so
after that I went to sleep in the back of the garage and
slept till about three oclock then I took care of the
garage till nine oclock last night so he could get some
sleep because he stayed open all night in Sunday. I
stayed with him till two oclock this morning and now Im
all in.
Why the deuce didn’t you send me your (wobbly) letter as
you call it? Im sure I could have understood or rather
read it. I know your handwriting pretty well now so dont
hesitate to send a letter even if it is wobbly. Ill dope
it out.
You would let on a gob! Why didn’t you ask me who to bet
on. I know because you couldn’t get anyone to bet on
Sharkey on a bet. Not even the gobs in the sick bay.
Sharkey was no match at all for Dempsey. Sure thing
honey the fight in September will prove much but thats
going to be an even fight and I wouldn’t bet on it at
all unless of course if I got some nice odds. Nobody but
a fool would bet otherwise on this coming fight honey so
go easy no matter which way you bet.
I sure wish I could be up there to protect you from
being mobbed by your bunch. Ill be doing that some day
alright but Id like to start right now. I love you so
much honey that even this life that I liked here is a
bore. Im always thinking of you now and the life here
makes me sick when I think of the joy I could get out of
life if I were with you.
I dont know what to make of this weather here honey some
days its nice and warm sometimes its extra hot but half
the time its cold as winter on the nights when the day
is warm we have to use two blankets and I never use much
more than that all winter. Im beginning to think our
summer will start this November or maybe December.
Well honey I havent any more news now cause nothing is
happening around this dump but Ill write more as things
happen around here
Semper fidelis
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July 27, 1927 Post Band Quantico
Dearest Bea:
Im afraid you have the big advantage over me in the
matter of writing letters honey. You answer at most any
hour of the night but Ive got to write during the day
with all kinds of noise and scuffling going on Ive got
about twenty minutes till chow time now so I dont expect
to get much of this letter done by then.
We are having some pretty heavy rehearsals this week. We
are preparing a big programm Sunday night. Our band
officer Lieutenant Culpepper is leaving for duty with
the Gendarmy in Haiti and he is going to direct us
Sunday cause this is his last with the Post Band. Boy
what music they are putting out. The Sextell from Lucia
is one of them and a couple more I cant remember all the
names and I havent got time to go find our from my folio
if I want to get this written. There goes chow call now.
Back from chow and feeling fine.
Well honey I dont think four quarts of olives can be
much worse than two quarts of Bacardi Rum and Ive gone
that much down at the Bay and didn’t even get sick.
Thats why I quit drinking cause I dont get anything out
of it. I dont even get a headache like most men do. dont
worry. You wont have to go in mourning cause Im not
built to die. Im built to die in my boots. In other
words food will never kill me.
I dont know just when in Sept Ill come up and it may not
even be in Sept Then again chances are I might not get
another furlough Im going to Haiti in the next bunch
that goes and no one knows when that will be. I do know
that Im on the list though. If I do come up just let me
know when in Sept Ill let you know if I can make it and
you tell me when and Ill try to come then.
Sure honey I put in lots of time on my motorcycle. Ive
painted it and striped it and everything. I also put in
new bearings and wrist pin Bushings and ground the
I guess you were pretty near right after all about your
ring size. I didn’t think I could get a ring of yours on
my small finger but according to that string you sent I
sure can. Ill get the ring the next time I go to
That is the Reform school at Mansfield not a
penitentiary The penitentiary is in Columbus Ohio and it
looks lots different. You wouldn’t think the Pen is so
nice if you had to put in a little time in it. When it
comes to brigg’s just ask me.
I didn’t even know you were taking a course in math
honey. When did you start?
Ill close this letter now honey and Ill write more
Love & Kisses
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July 29, 1927 Post Band Quantico
Dearest Bea:
Your letter arrived here this noon but Ive been unable
to write sooner. I wouldn’t have time now if it wasn’t
raining. Like this the concert for this afternoon is
called off.
Last night the whole gang that goes out to the garage
got together. That is all those men who are in the band
and we all went to some benefit chicken dinner and dance
and we were known as the Triangle Tire and Service Co
orchestra. They had both round and square dancing. Did
you ever go to a square dance? Boy what fun honey. I
didn’t know the first thing about them but I soon
learned and I danced one set. I sure enjoyed it honey I
only wish you could have been with me so you could have
enjoyed it to. I got so dizzy from swinging and turning
that I could hardly stand up. I don’t think it would
have been very hard to make a mistake and think I was
drunk either, I was just that dizzy.
No honey thats no way to look at a prize fighter. I
don’t like Dempsey either but I still think he is a
better fighter than Tunney even if he isn’t as much of a
sport. I don’t think that he deliberately lost that
other fight with Tunney I still think he wasn’t fit
physically but I think he is now.
So you just kept quiet when your Dad mentioned a hope
chest. Well honey I thought he knew about me but seeing
as he dont think Ill have to let him know about the
secrets that his charming daughter keeps from him. Do
you think he would spank you for fooling him? I know I
would if I were him. I think Ill have to let him know
about it.
Do you know why the first place I think of when I think
of my last furlough is always Brookside? Ill tell you
dear it because that was the only time when we were
really all alone. The rest of the world just seems to
fade out and leave Brooky dominant. I’ll admit it was
wet and muddy and everything honey but I would go up to
my ears in mud any day to have you all to myself like
that again. Im afraid I would b]never leave you go
Yes honey that fellow was my buddy on that picture. Do
you think you would like him?
I wish I could be there to hear Sousa’s Band. I sure
would enjoy hearing them. I say Lindy at a distance of
about 250 ft You know the U.S.S. Memphis came right up
the Potomac going to Washington and everyone went to the
dock to see the ship pass and Lindy was on the bridge.
Well honey no more news now but I’ll write more soon
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August 1, 1927 Post Band Quantico
Dearest Beatrice:
You aren’t the only one that was mad I guess I was
pretty mad yesterday. My buddy and I went out on the
motorcycle Saturday. We had only the weekend and we had
to get excused from concert to get that. We started out
for New Freedom Pa. That is about forth miles north of
Baltimore just over the Pa. border. We got there fine
and stayed over night. Yesterday morning we started back
right after the heavy rain and I hit some wet sand and
took a nice spill. I didn’t get hurt though except to
take all the skin off my right knee and also my right
arm. They are both pretty stiff right now but they will
soon be all right. On the way back we stopped at Jepson
Maryland to watch the Motorcycle Hill Climb. That was
great sport and I wanted to try but I didn’t belong to
the club and anyway those fellows use special machines
so I had to be satisfied to watch the sport.
Why make me wait to tell me why it is Im going to have
to bake my own bread. What’s the matter? Is Hoppy going
to get married, or something? Tell me why Ill have to
bake it myself. Dont make me guess at riddles all the
time honey cause Im really no good at guessing.
Ill try this coming stunt in September although Im not
sure how things will turn out. Yes Ive got to go to
Haiti. In one way Im glad but in another way I dont want
to go. The time passes much quicker down there but on
the other hand there is no chance at all of coming on
furlough while Im there and I dont see how I could stand
that. If I go down it will be for a period of eighteen
months and I would be a short timer then I would have
about three or four months to do when I got back. The
duties down there are the same as here only (Mano Mano)
meaning more so and maybe a little police work and guard
thrown in.
Oh honey what a dumbbell I turned out to be. The light
just now shone through my head about that Math course.
Of course I know what you mean. That wont really be Math
though. It will be only addition, in other words only a
branch of Math. I think Ill have to study auditing then.
Didn’t you ever see a stamp like that one before? Gee
honey thats a White plains stamp. They are supposed to
represent the battle of White Plains which took place
during the Revolutionary war.
Im afraid you will have to do all the praying yourself
Im afraid God dont hear my prayers but Im sure he won’t
refuse to soften someones heart long enough to give me a
furlough I sure want one bad. I love you so much honey
that the days here drag along like months and because I
know that my furlough is no certainty I get even more
restless. I love you and I want you and I don’t think
the Marine Corps is playing fair when they won’t let a
fellow go to see the girl he loves any way its not fair
when they do it just to be stubborn and for no apparent
reason at all. I have one consolation though sweetheart.
I know that you will be mine one of these days and that
thought alone is enough to make me extremely happy.
Do you know what I do down here most of the time? Ill
tell you honey. I just day dream. I build castles in the
air and unlike the proverbial castles in the air in this
respect. They seem to stand, they dont break so easily
Well honey Im afraid if I keep telling you of my castles
in the air and how substantial they seem to by you will
be thinking my mind is wandering so Ill close with
another lesson in Math
Semper Fidelis
P.S. I dont know but what I ought to make this lesson in
something beside addition but the only thing I can think
of is multiplication so take this lesson
(X) X (100X) X (100) = ?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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August 2, 1927 Post Band Quantico Virginia
Dearest Bea:
Ive just been teasing around with, “Stubby,” Thats the
dog that one of the fellows brought back from Port Au
Prince Haiti. Ive tried to buy him several times but
couldnt get the fellow to part with him for love or
money. I havent anything to do today except to lay
around here. I went to the sick bay for my knee this
morning and was put on light duty and restricted to the
They are asking for five men to get transfered to the
Navy building in Washington and I was thinking of going
because then I could stay in the states, but they
wouldn’t let me out of Band duty. Im afraid Im doomed to
be a bandsman the rest of my enlistment and if I do it
means Ill have to go to Haiti. Last spring or last fall
I would have been only to glad to go but now things have
changed. Its very funny how a man changes when he falls
in love, he seems to look at every thing from a
different angle anyway I do.
I guess you should be wearing a big smile today honey.
Your favorite team, (meaning the Indians) won yesterday.
I don’t think it will do them much good though theyve
lost to many already. Id like to see them put out a real
good team next year. It seems that all the men they get
are real good until they start playing with Cleveland
and then they always seem to go stale.
I got a new pair of officers Breeches today for
motorcycle purposes they are tough Khaki waterproof and
lace tight around the calves of the leg which makes them
very neat. Ive got to get myself a pair of leather
puttees now then Ill be all set. Id like to ride tonight
but cant get away because Im restricted to quarters.
Well honey I really didn’t have any news to write about
today in the first place but I was just thinking of you
all day so I decided to write you a few lines.
Write soon to your
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
August 4 1927 Post Band Quantico
Im still on light duty on account of a sore knee, so Ive
nothing to do now but write. Ive practiced all morning
and waited for the inspecting officer to come through
but I guess he isn’t going to come, so Ill try to write
a few lines. The lord only knows what Im going to write
the way this knee bothers me. The knee wont let me sit
still long enough to think what Im writing about.
Do you know what I think honey? I think Im going to give
up the motorcycle idea. The darn thing weighs quite a
bit and especially when it tips on to of a fellow. I
don’t want to break a leg or anything like that you know
because then I wouldn’t really be in good shape to get
married and that is the thing I want most you know. I
think if anything happened now so I couldn’t marry you.
Well I don’t know what I would do. I think all in all it
wouldnt be a half bad idea to stay away from
motorcycles. This is the second time now you know. What
do you think about it honey.
If my game leg permits traveling I think Ill go up this
weekend and get your ring. Ill have to be off of light
duty though because they wouldn’t let me check out when
Im on light duty. I think Ill be all set by the weekend
August 5th
Same Place
I quit writing yesterday because between my knee and my
headache I was having a very nice time. I received your
letter in the noon mail and I was happy to learn that
you were thrilled when I kissed you goodbye. This is the
first time I knew that honey judging from the way you
always tried to get away from me when I tried to kiss
you I would have said that you didn’t like those kisses.
Im glad to know that you did like them after all. I know
I did.
I believe you are right about anyone having a job on
their hands if they were going to try to spank you. Im
afraid I wouldn’t want the job, even if I could perform
the operation I wouldn’t want the job.
There is no definite information to be had about Haiti
as yet everything is still rumor except the fact that I
go with the next bunch. I know that.
Ive read, “The Mark of Zorro,” but its been such a long
time ago that Ive even forgotten what it is about.
How did you like, “The Yankee Clipper.” I liked it
myself. I missed out on, “The Big Parade,” but Ill see
it when it comes around again.
I just approached the Drum Major about a furlough next
month and he wouldn’t say yes or no so that means that
if Im still here he will do his best for me. I hope Im
still here and lets drink to his power and influence I
love you so much that if he gets me the furlough Ill
kiss him. You dont mind do you Love & Kisses Porter
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August 10, 1927 Post Band Quantico
Dearest Bea:
Your letter arrived here but I couldnt tell you when. I
got a pass the day before yesterday and slept till this
morning I just checked out on liberty and stayed asleep
until my pass was up and then got the pass extended so I
could sleep some more. Im sending you a couple of passes
so you can see what they look like.
Say listen honey. If any of these fellows around here
ever write to you don’t pay any attention to their
letters. There are some fellows here that like to swipe
an address and write to any girl they get a chance to
There was one fellow wrote to my sister like that once
and I dont approve of their method of getting
acquainted. There have been two fellows trying to get
your address and Ive had to be very carefull not to
leave any letter or anything else laying around for them
to get your address from. If any one ever writes to you
like that don’t answer their letter but just forward it
to me.
I went up the other day to get your ring honey but I
couldn’t get the kind I wanted and the other kind they
only had in large sizes. They expect a new shipment of
them in about the 18th or 20th of the month. I was so
mad I was going to get you another kind but you told me
you wanted a Marine ring so thats the kind you will get.
Its to bad and Im sorry you have to wait so long for
your ring honey but I cant help it. I wish I could!
You tell your cousins husband, The one thats the ex gob
that you know a dandy Marine who likes to have gobs
start to use him for breakfast and tell him Id be glad
to accommodate him any time Im home if he wants me to I
weigh 182 lbs and never train so if he wants to let him
come up to my weight. Ill give him an exhibition of a
Marine. Ill have gob hash for show yet.
My knee is still stiff but Im doing duty now. Im still
limping though. Im one legged Pete around here and peg
leg and all such things.
Which gas station on which corner do you refer to in
your letter? We stopped at about a dozen and passed many
dozen more. Do you mean the one between Ira and Wetzel
Ave. on Pearl Rd. I do remember our Brookside trip
though. You had me so much in love on that furlough that
you are the only thing I can remember of the whole
In your letter before the last one you asked how you
were going to wait eighteen months more and told me how
the girls are driving you crazy singing, “Thinking of
you,” and, “Lonesome and Sorry,” etc. Now I know that,
“Absence makes the heart grow fonder,” I knew you would
get to care just like I do in time. I told you so all
the time you were hesitating. Didn’t I? Dont worry
honey. Im not gone to Haiti yet. I may have to go but
Love will find a way. I imagine I could get a furlough
before going if I tried but if I go it will probably be
before payday and I dont know where Id get the necessary
funds from before then. If I do go Ill try anyway Ive
just got to come up there honey if I dont get to see you
soon Im afraid Ill go crazy.
I guess stubby could tell a lot if he could talk. In
fact he could tell more than Id want you to know about
Haiti. Im afraid you would be worrying about me if I
went if you knew what Stubby knows. I know how to take
care of myself though honey and I love you so what else
Only Your
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO add this to your lesson
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August 11 [1927] Post Band Quantico
I suppose you will be surprised to receive a letter on
this kind of stationary and I guess you are still
wondering what its all about Well the Red Cross is
getting big hearted and is furnishing us the paper, and
just at the right time to. Im just out so Ive decided to
use this if you don’t mind. I wish they would get us
furloughs this way, Don’t you? Im sure I wouldn’t kick.
I received your letter this morning but I was a little
bit puzzled. The handwriting isn’t quite the same as in
the majority of your letters. I was thinking that
someone else might have addressed the envelope but the
letter was written the same way. What is it all about. I
thought at first that something might have happened. I
thought you might have been excited when you write it. I
sure was relieved after I read the letter and nothing
was wrong.
Now I know I wont kiss him if he gets me a furlough. Im
jealous of him because you said I should kiss him for
you to. Ill split the difference with you though if its
all right with you. Ill take a punch at him to see how
he looks when hes surprised. Hows that?
What do you mean that Helen dont like heavy duty, and
why underscore the word, “heavy.” Im not sure that I
catch the drift.
Say! Young lady. Don’t you ever get tired of going to
shows? I should think five in one week should be enough.
How many do you go to? About three each night? Ha Ha. Do
you know honey Ive tried going to the show several times
since Im back but Im afraid I can’t really enjoy one
unless you sit beside me. I turn around and look for you
on either side about fifty times during every picture
but only find a Marine sitting next to me every time.
I hope you have had a good time on your moonlight ride,
honey. I wish I could go along. Im only afraid that
someday you will meet some nice guy on one of these
trips and Ill be heartbroken. I just cant bear to think
of it. I cant imagine anyone else getting your kisses or
your love. I think Id go crazy if that were ever to
Ive already got rid of the motorcycle. I sold it to a
fellow that needs it. He’s got a wife in Fredericksburgh
and he is trying to support her on $30 per month and
still go down and see her once a week. The motorcycle
saves R.R. fare for him and I sold it to him for just
what it cost me and Im giving him time payment
priveliges to Say there Sweetheart. What do you mean
calling me the, “Boy Friend”? Do I look that way? From
now on if you can’t think of any worse names to call me
Im just “The Old Man.” Do you get me?
Im getting to be the big cheese around here as
automobile and motorcycle mechanic. They consult me
before buying new car and before buying or repairing
used and old ones and want advise about repairing them
and also want me to do all the big work when it comes to
the overhauling part. I just brought down a new
Studebaker Special Six Coupe Comander Type body from
Alexandria today for our Bandmaster. I also gave another
fellows some advise about buying a used car or rather
some used junk. He wants to buy a Jewett Sedan. Then I
told a fellow that owns an Excelcior Super X motorcycle
just how to go about gearing it up so he can get 90
miles per hour out of it. I think Ill start a garage
here when I get out. From the reputation Im getting as a
mechanic now I ought to have a lot of steady customers.
Dont you think so? I would start something like that if
this state only wasn’t so far in the interior of Russia
or Japan or somewhere If Virginia only was located in
the United States and not in No Mans Land.
Well honey I really dont want to send this by freight so
Ill have to close while it will still go as mail. Ill
write more tomorrow after our concert if I get a chance
Love & Kisses
See other side for P.S.
P.S. By the way dear. When do I get that long promised
picture. Soon I hope
X mm – Boy that tastes good.
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[August 14, 1927] Sunday morning Early
The first mail today just arrived and with it your
letter. Im sorry honey if Ive caused you to worry by my
not writing oftener. I wrote on Thursday but then that
is when you wrote this letter. I think you must have
received mine by this time though. I intended to write
some more on Friday night and mail it in the morning
yesterday but Friday night I got one of these last
minute notices that I would have to go with the 20 piece
band to Hamilton Va. We had to start right after colors
yesterday so instead of my writing I had to prepare for
the trip. We didn’t get back till about 2:30 A.M. this
morning. I should be making up for that lost sleep now
but Ive simply got to write this letter first. I hope
you will understand honey, that I didn’t neglect to
write on purpose. Don’t worry about me honey cause if I
do get shipped out of here in a hurry Id sure find some
way to let you know about it. Id either find or make
time to write or tell my buddy to let you know. They
always tell me that, “Love will find a way.” Do you
think so? I do.
You said in your letter that neither of you felt like
dancing on the moonlight ride. Does that mean that you
didn’t enjoy yourself? I rather hoped you would honey. I
lay awake half of Thursday night just thinking about you
and hoping you would be having a good time.
I feel Beastly this morning. These country affairs
always make me feel that way the next morning. You know
the people appreciate our coming to play for them and
are always ready with the best of food and drink. The
most of the fellows forgot when to stop though. Those of
us that did know when to stop sure had a job on our
hands to get the others back so they wouldn’t get locked
up. I’m beginning to think that, thats their reason for
making me go on all these trips, because I know when to
quit and Im always able to take a couple of the fellows
in hand that don’t know when they’re beat.
Yes dear. I did get a letter and a card from Jimmy and a
card from Erv that I havent answered. Im going to answer
them when I get this written. I really should have
written to both of them much sooner but I just didn’t. I
will Today.
Ive just had a little intermission of about five
minutes. I felt a little sick so I went out for a little
fresh air. I feel much better now. I guess I had to much
Lemon pie yesterday. Thats my old favorite you know.
I think Ill lay around and day dream some this
afternoon. I can’t seem to get my ambition to practice
today and anyway Id much rather day dream and think of
Do you know what Im singing all the time? Theres one
line goes like this, “To think that im the Lucky one. I
cant believe that You’re in Love with me.” I really cant
believe yet that Im the Lucky One. Im always afraid Ill
wake up to find it was only a nice dream. Tell me if Im
dreaming honey or is it really true. I wish someone
would stick a hat pin or something into me.
Ive been poking my nose around the office quite a bit
for the last week but I cant seem to get any more
information about tropical details or about furloughs
either. I know I can get the band masters O.K for a
furlough but the Drum Major is going to be a little
hard. If I cant come in Sept Ill come in Oct. Ill tell
you a little secret. The Doctor at the sick bay gave me
what we call G.O. time I other words he claims I hurt
myself due to my own misconduct and Ill either have to
do a month extra after my time should be up or Ill have
to forfeit a months pay so I told them to stop my pay
for a month Id rather lost twice as much than to do an
extra month now and then to if I was to do an extra
month it would go on my record and even onto my
discharge and its worth that much to keep G.O. time off
my record. Dont you think so honey? Ill be alright
though if I can only get a furlough. Ill be up if I have
to walk. I just cant imagine myself walking though as
long as the trains beep running. Can you? Ill make it
some way though. Trust me.
Well honey I dont know if you will be able to make head
or tail out of this letter or even be able to read it. I
cant write nor can I think of anything to write about
now so Ill close and Ill try to write oftener.
P.S. If I dont get a picture pretty soon my arm will get
so it will stay up by my left hand shirt pocket
naturally cause Ive got to reach up there every time I
want a look at you. Do you want a deformed husband?
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August 16 [1927] Post Band Quantico
Dearest Beatrice:
I received your letter this afternoon just before time
for concert so I had to wait till I got back to answer
Dont you think that I got a laugh out of your last
letter honey cause I didn’t I know just how it feels to
look for a letter day in and day out for a week as you
say. Ill addmit its enough to worry a person.
Im not exactly worrying about the ring but Im kicking
myself for not going for it about a week earlier because
they had a full stock of them.
Since I remember the gas station on Broadview honey and
I remember putting water in the radiator but Im darned
if I remember any girls being across the street. If
there were I didn’t know them.
We don’t have Heavy Duty around here. Light duty is hard
enough work and straight duty is twice as hard as any
respectable nigger would work in civilian life. Do you
mean that you and Hoppy both dislike hard work? How do
you know what hard work is like? Oh! Yes I remember now
you are the hard working young lady aren’t you? Really
honey you’ve never answered that part of one of my
letters which asks you why Hoppy wont bake bread for us.
I asked you if she was thinking of getting married.
Really dear I think you would rather see a wild west
show and so forth than to eat a good meal.
You wait till I come home and if you say so Ill hit a
couple of dozen men for you so you’ll get used to seeing
accidents. It will do my fists a lot of good to. Is that
I dont know as its my place to give this advice but you
said the more you earn, the more you spend and Im about
the same way. Thats why I shouldn’t say any thing but if
I were you I wouldn’t get into the habit cause its hard
to break.
Im going to Fredericksburgh tonight to a wedding. One of
the fellows here is getting married and Im going to be
best man I don’t like the fellow myself cause I think
hes crooked but when he asked me I couldn’t very well
refuse. Could I? That would be an insult. Ill learn
something about weddings anyway and thats something Ill
need to learn anyway someday.
I had such a large head the last letter I wrote that I
forgot to give you a lesson in math, and I dont want to
lose out on those kisses so count the ones in this
letter twice. Half of them are meant for the other
Write soon to
The Old Man
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About Aug. 18 [1927] Post Band Quantico
My clarinet is in the repair shop this morning getting a
new set of pads put on so I don’t have to go to
rehearsal this morning nor can I practice without it so
Ill try to write you a few lines.
I saw an article in the morning Herald on a page that I
very seldom read but the subject caught my eye and I
read it. Im enclosing the article so you can read it. I
think its good common sense. What do you think if it?
I spent all day yesterday working on the band masters
car. I took out all the valves and refaced and reseated
them and then ground them down. I was going to write
last night after that but a fellow from the Triangle
came in for me so I could go out and fix his radio. I
didn’t get in till after taps again so I wanted to get
in some sleep today but again I can’t because we have
inspection of quarters this morning so I guess Ill have
to wait till this afternoon for my nap.
I wrote to Jimmy and Erv the other day. I expect to hear
from them again about Sunday or Monday. I also had
another letter that I wrote to you night before last but
I forgot to mail it until yesterday on account of going
to a wedding where I was Best Man and yesterday I was
downtown working on that car most all day.
No kidding honey Im getting a drag with the Band Master.
Yesterday he told me that the Drum Major gets discharged
in a couple of weeks and there is going to be a captain
takes his place so he is going to use his influence as
Band Master and try to keep me if that detail going to
the tropics. Id like to go in one way but I think its
best that I dont go, so Im glad hes going to try to keep
me off the detail. He also said he would approve of my
furlough but he says he don’t think Headquarters will.
Not next month anyway.
Do you know honey I kind of expected a letter from you
this morning and still at the same time I knew there
wouldn’t be one. I just felt it in my bones. I don’t
think there will be any in the later mail delivery
either. Not till tomorrow morning. I do expect that
picture today though and Im keeping my eyes open for the
Well honey there is really nothing ever happens here so
I haven’t any more news but Ill write more later. Write
soon and let me know what the answer to all our math
lessons is Ill close now with
Love & Kisses
P.S. See other side
P.S.S. They are showing Rookies here tonight so I guess
I might go to see a show for a change. I wish you were
here to see it with me.
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August 23 1927
I hardly know how to start this letter seeing as I have
so much to say, and still I suppose by the time I get to
it Ill forget half of it.
To start with thanks for the picture. I also received
two letters from you since I wrote last. Ill try to
answer both of them in this one. I went on a liberty
with the fellow that bought my motorcycle because he
cant drive yet. Our rear tire blew out coming back and
we took a spill. The other fellow and I got knocked cold
when the motor fell on me. I came to first and carried
him back to the first garage where a pint of bootleg was
secured and it sure revived him. Well I didn’t get back
till today. I got liberty extended and I went out with
my buddy today to look at a Dodge Sedan he wanted and he
bought it so you see honey this is the first chance Ive
got to write
Well honey Ive got my experience at Weddings so I guess
its your chance now. I hate the idea of standing before
the minister Id just as soon go to a “Justice of the
Peace” cause they don’t make a man as uncomfortable as a
minister does. Of course Im not trying to tell you how
we will get married cause thats up to you just so you do
marry me. You can have any kind of wedding you want.
Yes I saw Rookies and I honestly believe I got as much
kick out if it as I did the first time even though I
wasn’t watching the picture to close the first time.
I wish I could get that habit of going to the bank every
payday. Im afraid the banks would go bankrupt if they
depended on me though.
Tell Helen thanks for accepting the job if baking our
bread even if it will only be for holidays etc. Tell her
I said she should get married so you can get a little
Im writing this out at the garage sweetheart so you will
have to excuse the paper etc. Im even using a pen from
out here and it sure is no good. I don’t think we have
anything to do tomorrow honey so Ill try to write some
more then.
The idea! Taking my coat and pants to the shop to be
pressed and leaving me to go home in a barrell You
better wait a while for such monkey shines honey.
Ill close now and write more tomorrow.
Lonesome but Happy
1 year and a butt.
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August 24 [1927] About 7:00 A.M. Post Band
I wrote you a letter last night but I didn’t get to a
place where I could mail it. I guess it was about
midnight when I wrote it and the General store and Post
Office was closed so I had to bring it back to camp so I
might as well write some more.
We took the Dodge out onto the road after the traffic
thinned out a little and I taught my buddy to drive. We
drove back and forth from about one oclock this morning
until our liberty expired which was 5:30 A.M.
Today we are going to take one of the motorcycles from
the shop and go to Alexandria for the title and a set of
liscense plates and when we get them we are going for a
little ride.
I was talking to my buddy last night and we are going to
try to get a furlough together and come up together in
the Dodge. What do you think of that idea? If it works
out. Pretty nice I call it. If I cant do that then Ill
come home this fall sometime at the first chance I get.
I can hardly wait for that chance honey. It seems that
now that Ive got you to look forward to, the days seem
to drag by so much slower, each day seems like a year.
Who are you going to get for a girl friend for Paul if
he comes home with me? Have you any Lithuanian girl
friends? Real nice ones you know or are you going to be
nice to Helen and leave her go with him?
How did you manage to get that picture? Is that the same
one I had before. Have you seen Lillian lately honey? Do
you know Sweetheart that no matter how sore I got at
Lill and as sore as I still am I still expect to hear
from her. It feels sort of funny not to hear from her in
such a long time. I can’t be worried though. Ive still
got you honey and nothing else matters. I only wish I
didn’t have so much time to do before Ill be able to see
you all the time. I wish I was an officer so Id marry
you right away and take you along every where I go. I
think you would like the tropics. In fact I know you
Well honey Ill have to stop for a while now to get ready
for colors and Ill finish after colors. Well Im here
again honey. I really don’t know how Im keeping my eyes
open or anything but here I am any way still trying to
Paul is on his bunk right now trying to see just how
much sleep is equal to two hours or so. We intend to go
out and take that run to Alexandria in about two hours
and he is intent on making the time till then count. Do
you know what honey? Im going to learn to pray and Im
going to have to employe those means every time I ride
that motorcycle until I can get a decent set of tires.
Oh say Bea. You must be puzzled cause I told you I sold
the motorcycle. Well Ive another one now that I have the
use of until a fellow gets back from China. This one is
a Harley Davidson to, not so fast as the other one but
its powerfull and dependable all but the tires and Ill
get a good set some time and Ill be all set. This Harley
is slow but the slower I go the less chance there is of
breaking my fool neck and 68 miles per hour is plenty
anyway Im satisfied.
Well honey you arent sorry that youve promised to marry
me are you? I hope hot. I know Im not a bit sorry. In
fact Im so glad that I love you more each day. They say
that absence makes the Heart grow fonder and Ill back up
the man that makes that statement and Ill also say that
it makes the heart yearn.
I wrote a letter to Erv and one to Jimmy but I have no
answer yet but I guess Ill hear from them soon. Ill
close now honey so write soon to Your
Porter Old Man
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August 26 [1927] Post Band Quantico
Dearest Bea:
This is Friday night and everyone has gone over to the
enlisted mens dance so Im going to try writing a letter
while its quiet.
To begin with I would have written sooner but I was on a
working detail to get Ferns, wild flowers, and leaves
from the woods to decorate for some officers dance, and
weve been out all day.
Last night I went to Fredericksburgh to tow in the
motorcycle I sold cause after our spill we just left it
there in some garage. We went up and I towed it in with
mine. We started out right after concert which was at
4:30 P.M. and we didn’t get back till midnight.
I was looking for a letter from you today honey but for
some reason or another it never arrived I suppose it
will tomorrow though so I wont kick. Ill just stand by
and watch the mail tomorrow until the letter gets here.
Do you know what I just did honey? I just got an
inspiration to draw your picture just as I see it and I
started to draw it on the blotter pad So far Ive made a
pretty good job of your head but Im terribly afraid Ill
never get the nose and eyes in the way they belong. If I
ever do, Ill send it to you and see what you think of
it. Ill have to wait for further inspiration to finish
it Im afraid.
Id like to do a little practicing tonight because I
havent been doing it as much as I should lately but Im
afraid I cant because my one hand is full of poison ivy
and it makes my fingers stiff.
We aren’t hearing any news here lately about tropics but
the last I heard was that they are going to send the
detail down a couple of months late. That is instead of
September it might be October or November before they
go. Id like to go in one way. To get out of this (Sunny
Virginia). This state is the coldest in the United
States. We havent had any real summer yet this year
except a couple of days and they were nothing to boast
of, and now its getting colder again. Right now Id like
to wear an overcoat it so darn chilly.
Im afraid I can’t finish my course in electrical
engineering honey because they are discontinuing the
M.C.J. Schools for an indefinite period of time. No one
knows for how long. If they ever start up again Ill
finish though cause I liked that course. I think Ill
send my reference books away for storage or Ill throw
them away or something. I get so mad to think that I
cant finish the course now that Id really enjoy doing
something to them just for spite.
Well honey Im getting cold sitting here and Ive been
sleepy all day so I think Ill just tumble in.
Your Porter
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August 28 1927 About 3:30 A.M.
I received your letter today just as I was about to
start out for the garage and I intended to answer it as
soon as I got out here. When we got here though the work
was standing knee deep and three deep so I pitched in
and helped by doing all ignition work and weve been kept
busy most of the time since then and that was about one
oclock yesterday afternoon. There seems to be a lull
right now though so Im going to try to write.
Of course I still love you honey. I love you more than
anything else. Please dont think that I dont love you
anymore just because Ive neglected to write a couple of
times Ill really try to do better honey cause I know I
should write oftener but I just leave things slip like
that, but honest honey I do love you and I always will.
Yes Im still on the outs with Lill. God knows I would
write if she only would but I wrote the last letter in
fact I wrote the last two letters with no answer so its
up to her to break the ice I think.
Ill tell you how fast we were going when we took our
latest spill. We were going about 20 miles per hour and
we are darn lucky we werent going faster or we wouldn’t
be here to tell the tale cause the spill took place on
top of a big bridge. I cant tell you now what made me
slow down unless it was another one of my lucky hunches.
Ive got my motor out cause a hanger in my frame broke
and Ive either got to weld it or use one of the frames
that are laying around here. Thats what I came out for
in the first place yesterday.
I dont know when you will get this because I dont know
when or where I will mail it. Im all alone in the garage
now so I cant leave now but Ill mail it first chance I
Can you read this letter? Im writing this in my lap
using a magazine for a desk. Ill write more later on
honey and this is just so you will know that I still
love you as much as ever and Im still tickled pink to
think that you are to be my wife.
Well honey its getting daylight around here and Ill have
to keep the fire going so the steam pressure dont go
down so by by for this time.
I Love You
Write soon honey to
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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August 30 [1927] Post Band Quantico
Dearest Bea:
Your card arrived this morning and it sure fits. Ill
admitt that much although I wrote to you I mailed the
letter yesterday honey. I wrote it out at the garage on
Sunday Ive landed myself a spare time job at the garage
now. Im getting $10 per month and I make about as much
on tips so even though it is small wages its experience
and even those small wages help. I got liberty yesterday
and made a run to Washington on business for the garage
to get some tools and also some parts for a job Im
working on now. I stopped in to see about that ring and
he didn’t have it yet so I told him not to bother and I
found another place to get one that even nicer than what
I could have got at the other place. Im going up again
on payday to get some stuff I need and Ill get the ring
then. Would you rather have one like mine was with the
red glass or ruby or what ever the dickens it is, or
would you rather have one thats gold and no stone?
Either one is nice. I don’t know which one I like best
Well honey they are making up a detail for tropical duty
right now but its going to be Nicaragua and not Haiti So
far Im not on it yet and if I can help it Ill not be. I
think I would die if I had to go down there for 18
months now, still if I was one the detail I don’t
suppose there would be anyway out of it. Still if I did
go Im afraid Id die of a broken heart. Ive set my heart
on coming home to see you and Im afraid I might not get
there if I was on the detail and I love you to much to
leave without seeing you first. If I should be on the
detail Id try to get a leave honey although if it comes
before payday Id have to ride freight trains so you
would have a pennyless lover on your hands for a few
days. No shows or anything. I don’t think we have to
worry about that though cause myself I dont think Ill
have to go so I won’t be coming up for nearly another
month or so when Ill be rich enough to come up by train
or motor so lets not worry any honey.
Im not feeling so rozy today because Ive got a cramp in
the tummy for some reason or another. I guess its some
more of this good Marine Corps chow that cant be
digested. Ive had these cramps since 9 oclock last night
and its one oclock in the afternoon now so that gives me
about 15 hours of misery so far. Lets hope it quits
I found a nice poem in last night Washington Herald. One
of Edgar A Guests poems and Im going to enclose it. Do
you know honey that man writes some of the most
beautiful poetry that Ive ever seen. I cant understand
where or how he gets all his ideas and thoughts. I read
his poems every time I get a hold of a paper with one in
Weve got a concert to play this afternoon at the
Generals house and if everyone is feeling like I do Im
afraid it would be all noise.
Gee honey those cramps kept me awake most all last night
and Im so sleepy Im almost going to sleep sitting up
here while Im writing and I sure don’t want to do that.
I just now had to bawl out my buddy for making so damn
pardon lady I meant to say darn much noise. He was
rolling around wrestling with women other bozo and I was
called upon to bawl them out and if they start again Ill
feel called upon to beat up on them. Now I just got
through trying to tell these guys about regulations on
furloughs. I won the argument though.
Well honey Ill close now and start getting ready for
concert Ive got to shave yet and I haven’t any to much
time so bye bye for now and write soon to Porter
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Sept 1st 1927 Post Band Quantico
Your letter arrived this noon but till now I have been
busy with a rehearsal and a concert. Its raining out but
we got into the band stand and played just the same. We
just got back so I decided to write till supper time.
Thats what I call nice entertainment It seems to make
one feel like an entirely different person when one does
something to make some one else happy like that,
especially when the someone else is a child.
Have they got Balts and his team mates at Brookside
permanently now? Id like to see them when I come home
again. Lets hope that is pretty soon.
When you were in Brooky did you think of our afternoon
together? It seems to me that the whole park has a
different glitter to it since then When I think of you
now I always think of Brookside at the same time and I
never think of Brookside except in connection with you.
Do you know honey Im not really slipping on my music
cause they dont give a fellow a chance to slip but I am
getting disgusted with myself as a clarinetist and
although they tell me that its just my imagination Im
sure that Im playing worse every day instead of better
but Im sticking by my boots and saddle just the same
Dont worry about me going to the tropics for a while
honey cause Im not on this detail now although I was. I
got another clarinet player to request to take my place.
Im going out to the garage again tonight in fact Im
going in about 20 minutes cause Im going to finish the
overhaul job Im doing now and Ill collect a couple of
dollars. The little extra money I make there sure comes
in handy or anyway it has so far this month.
I going to see about a furlough tomorrow so Ill let you
know more definitely what its all about either tomorrow
or as soon after that as I can find out for myself.
If I come at all I think Im going to come up on the
motorcycle if I get that far. If I dont get that far
just send a bunch of violets and never mind the mourning
Well honey there goes chow call so Ill have to close in
a hurry and Ill write some more as soon as I get some
information. Tell Hoppy hello for me and dont forget to
keep writing no matter what happens
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[September 2, 1927] Saturday Morning Library
I received your letter yesterday but didn’t answer
because I was at the garage when it came and I was
working on a big job. I decided to write this morning
and just as I was about to start I hear of a police
detail being made up so I came over here to write and I
might be able to keep out of police work and get this
letter written.
The first thing I did after colors this morning was to
put my name on the liberty list cause Im going up today
to get your ring. You haven’t told me yet whith which
one you wanted so Im going to get the one you asked for
first. I was going to go you yesterday but I didn’t get
the chance but Im going up today in spite of everything.
Well honey the detail for Nicaragua is approved and Im
not on it. I can’t tell you just how it all happened
because I dont know myself. It’s a big mystery to me,
but I have more than a hunch that the band master was
working for me because I don’t see any other possible
way it could have happened.
Do you know what I wish? I wish I had the means of
supporting you for the next year and nine months. Id
bring you down here and we would go to the tropics
together. Thats one place Im sure you’d like. Do you
know why I said that honey? Its because a soldiers or
Marines wife always lives the life of Rielly as they say
because they do plenty of traveling. I only wish you
could share this life with me honey. Im sure you would
like it.
Im going to get the best of my dumb pride today and Im
going to write to Lill today if I don’t get caught on
that detail. I dont know I may be foolish and I may not
but Im going to get over this stubborn spell.
Im thinking of a furlough the end of this month or the
first of next and Im going to go the limit for it. Ill
go so far as to fight for it if I have to. They can’t do
any more than lock me up you know and this wouldn’t be
the first time either.
Im afraid if I didn’t get a furlough you would think
that I dont love you any more but I do. I believe from
the scarsity of letters I write you have already formed
a little doubt, and I really can’t blame you either.
Well just you be patient and Ill do my best for a nice
Im going to expect a letter from you tomorrow or Wednes
Monday. You will have to excuse the scratches but I
havent much paper along and I dont want to go to my
quarters on account of that police detail.
Well Bye Bye for now honey and write soon to
The Greatest of the Great Privates
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August 6 [1927] Post Band Quantico
I wrote you a letter Saturday so I expected a letter
this morning but I was fooled for none arrived. Ive been
away from here since Sat. noon. I stayed at the garage
all night helping out and got new liberty from Sunday
night until Reveille Tuesday which was this morning so
Paul and I went out for a little Labor Day trip in his
Dodge and we had a nice time we went to see his friends
at “New Freedom Pa.” It’s about 118 or 120 miles I guess
it might even be more or less we didn’t watch the
speedometer Just think honey I was about one fifth of
the way home then.
I believe I told you in my other letter that I was going
to get your ring Saturday and send it didn’t me? Well Im
sorry honey but I didn’t get it yet. I got there too
late. They didn’t have a ring in that size left with the
emblem. I was going to get a seven but that’s too small
and there is no sense in getting one to small you know.
Ill get it as soon as possible though honey.
Gee Im sleepy today. I stayed awake all night Saturday
and all day Sunday and we didn’t even start on our trip
till Sunday night and I drove all the way because
traffic was heavy and Paul is just a beginner at driving
so I drove all night Sunday and fooled around all day
Monday and drove all Monday night till we came in this
morning. I was so tired I fell asleep at the wheel two
or three times. This morning at our rehearsal I fell
asleep while playing and Id always wake up just before
Id fall out of my chair. After rehearsal I started to
get my stuff out to write to you and fell asleep doing
it so I just layed down and slept all day. Im still
sleepy though.
There were some men came back from China and some from
Nicaragua last night. All men who are ready for
Discharge. I don’t even know if they are going to be
replaced or not but why worry.
I still love you honey so write to me real soon and let
me know what all is happening
Only Your
P.S. Do you still count these honey?
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August 9 [1927] Post Band Quantico
Dearest Bea:
Why don’t you write? Ive gone half crazy in the last
week trying to figure out a reason for you silence. You
aren’t sick are you? I hope not and I felt sure that you
would have let me know if you were sick and I can’t
figure any other reason for you silence unless I might
have said something that would make you sore at me but I
really cant think of any thing I might have said that
would offend. Well so much for that Ill just have to be
patient until you do write
I got a letter from Erv if you want to call it that. It
seems he is trying to learn to operate a typewriter and
is trying to learn on my sisters machine. Im enclosing a
part of his letter so you can get a good laugh out of
it. Id like to send you the whole letter but I can’t for
it is written in such a way that it even makes a hard
boiled Leatherneck blush. I sat down while I was reading
his letter and laughed so much that I very nearly missed
colors by forgetting to fall out.
Ive been quite busy here the last couple of days. Some
drunken fellow ran smack into the side of the Dodge on
me and the sheriff got him and told him to either get
the car fixed as good as new or go to jail so he is
having it fixed, everything new, including two doors.
The accident will cost him plenty cause the Bill for
Pauls Dodge will amount to over two hundred dollars
alone then the fellow will fix his own car up I suppose.
I had to go to Washington last night on account of that
to see that two new tires are put on and to see that the
doors are fixed properly.
I went to see about your ring while I was up there but
he hasn’t one in yet he said to come in Monday and I
told him if he hasn’t got one Monday August 12 that I
would send to the factory for one so now I know he will
have one cause if I wrote to the factory and told them
that I tried to get one at his place and couldn’t they
would take his agency away from him.
We are having a lot of duty around here lately. One
thing after another, parades colors fall out to meet
someone or another and concerts and trips to different
fairs etc. They are splitting this band up into three
orchestras and two bands tomorrow. The two bands each
play for a different Fair and the orchestras for God
knows what kind of dances and functions. I think Ill
have to break my clarinet and take a chance on not being
able to get another one for a few days.
I don’t suppose you know it but Ive been bawling you out
half a dozen times each day for over a week now cause
you know thats how long it is since your last letter
arrived. Ive got so I cant look at you without giving
you a bawling out for not writing cause you know I
havent any way at all of knowing just why you quit
writing and the suspense is terrible. I don’t suppose
Ive got any kick coming though cause I did the same
thing not so long ago. Im making up for it though cant I
am I not? I believe that is better English.
Well honey I still love you as much as ever and I still
think of you real often and you are still part of my
dreams. I believe I love you more than ever if that is
possible. By the way honey you told me once that you
don’t know what (love) is. Have you found out yet?
Well sweetheart Ill close this volume now and hope to
hear from you real soon so write to
Your Porter XXXXXXXXXXXX OOOOOOOOOOOO [portion of letter
from Ervin J. Laykun]
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August 11 [1927] Post Band Quantico
Dearest Bea:
Your letter just arrived and it has solved the big
mistery. I just couldn’t guess why you weren’t writing
and all the time my letters were going to a different
part of the United States from where you were. I saw the
light of day just as soon as I saw the postmark.
Oh Ill admitt I dont exactly dote on police work but
after all you know a fellow really can’t be blamed.
Im sorry but I guess you will have to wait a few more
days for your ring. I hate to do this but Ive just got
to because I simply can’t get away today or tomorrow and
it might not do any good if I could. I wasn’t supposed
to make that trip to Indian Head yesterday but I was
told to go in the last minute so I missed my chance to
go up yesterday on that account.
No Im not on the Nicaraguan detail and don’t want to be
either. Im going to try my best to get out of every
detail that leaves and then maybe Ill get to come up
with the band that goes to Cleveland for the football
game this fall. Dont misunderstand me honey Im not
worrying about the tropics because there have been lots
of men went there before now and I think I can stand as
much as anyone so you see it dont worry me only I dont
want to go now.
See now honey if you had your hubby with you to fix the
flat tire you might not have had to cuss cause you could
have made me fix it. Thats one of the advantages.
Grrrrr!!!**??!:;,. Why in the heck do you always insist
on talking about goodies such as home made ice cream and
so. You know I never get any of that here and it makes
my mouth water. Cut it out. Orders from Comanding
General Emil G. Thomas the Greatest of the great
Sure thing sweetheart we can go anywhere you want when I
come home and Id love to meet your folks. What are some
of these obstacles we have to overcome to visit these
people? They say that Love will find a way so we ought
to find two ways cause I love you just twice that much.
Do you know honey I haven’t overcame my own pride yet.
Not enough to write to Lill anyway. I suppose I will one
of these days though.
Why worry about diets. Don’t forget you are still my
light heavyweight you know. Ill be the proud man when I
claim that light heavyweight for a wife. Don’t think I
wont either.
Well honey Ill close and you will hear more from me
Your Lonely
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Sept 14 1927
Dearest Bea:
I received your letter a couple of minutes ago and Im
going to try to answer it although this one will have to
be in a hurry if one ever was.
Do you remember my telling you about the drunken fellow
running into my buddy’s car and smashing it up? Well
they are taking every one concerned out today, that is
the Post Inspector is and they are either going to
straighten the trouble out or that fellow has to face a
charge of being drunk while driving and hauling whiskey
in his car and take a chance on getting from $100 fine
and 6 months to two years imprisonment which would mean
that he gets a bad conduct discharge and loses 17 years
of service that he already has to his credit. The Post
inspector is taking us out to see the sheriff and have a
look at the booze that was found in the fellows car and
they are going to try to bring all of us to an
agreement. So you see honey why I say that this letter
is going to be written in a hurry.
I thought you told me you are working? How can you go to
watch football practice then? Or do you quit in time to
go over there.
I had a nice boil on my neck and just opened it this
morning and boy what I mean they sure hurt especially
while opening. This one hurts so much that I cant even
move my foot and the boil is on my neck. It interferes
with my wiggling my ears to.
Well honey Im going to have to close now but Ill write
more tomorrow morning cause I dont expect to be back
till late tonight
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Sept 17 1927 Post Band Quantico
Do you want to know why I didn’t know about your going
to Pataskala? Ill tell you cause I just found the
letter. Who ever got the mail that day just put it under
the cover of my table and I never found it till just
Yesterday I was on a police detail all day and started
to go fishing at night or rather crabbing. We started
out on three different motorcycles and they all broke
down we got two of them running again and went on then
and we had salted Herring for bait but when we got to
the place most of it was gone. The fellows in the second
motorcycle ate the bait. We fished for crabs until 1
oclock and then we lost the one dip net so we ate our
sandwiches and drank our coffee and after swapping yarns
for about an hour we came in minus crabs. The darn
things saw me coming I guess. Next time I go Ill
disguise myself behind some wiskers an sneak up on them.
No honey I havent given up hope for a furlough yet in
fact I put in another request this morning for the sixth
of next month but I dont know how far it will get. All I
can do is hope it goes through cause I sure want to come
to see my sweetheart in the quickest way possible.
Im going to go to Washington again this afternoon for
that ring and if they havent got the right one now then
Ill wait till just before my furlough if it comes
through and Ill bring it with me. Will that be alright
honey? You dont know how much I hate to keep you waiting
so long honey but there are no two ways about it and if
they havent got one by next month then you will get a
real ring whether you want it or not. The old man is
speaking now.
We are all waiting for the twenty second but very few
bets are being made although everyone expects Dempsey to
win and although it is customary to give odds in favor
of the champion no one seems to be willing to give odds.
I believe this is going to be one of the best fights in
the history of the ring.
Tell Helen that I agree with her about shows they are
alright if an exceptionally good picture happens to come
along but otherwise Bah! And Humbug!
I feel like bawling you out some more cause th you are
starting to threaten me and Im hoping you beat me up
good cause I need it. Ive nothing to bawl you out for
Well sweetheart I guess you will have your hands full
trying to read this much so give me a kiss and let me
close this letter.
just Porter
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September 20 [1927] Post Band Quantico
Dearest Bea:
I just received your letter you wrote on the twentieth
of September and mailed in the nineteenth. Don’t you
think you had better turn your time back a day or so up
there anyway I was glad to get the letter no matter what
the date.
I was just up to see about my furlough this afternoon
and I think Ill get it cause two fellows backed out and
now I think Im fourth on the list and that gives me a
chance anyway. If it comes through it will start on the
day after payday and by the time I get up there Ill be
nearly broke. Ill only have about twenty dollars so we
wont be able to see a show each night. But if you don’t
mind Im sure I won’t. I wouldn’t mind if I had to walk
home. All I want is to see and be with my sweetheart.
Yes that drunk sure was a Marine and he is a fair
example of what the Marines can make of a man in one way
and of course there are examples the other way to. Just
what a man makes it.
Honey Im going to have to hurry this letter a little to
get done by supper time. I just found out that our
supper comes at 5 oclock now where it used to come at
5:30 oclock and its nearly 3 oclock now.
You asked what Ive been doing lately. Ive been thinking
of you and wondering how I could manage to get a
furlough short of committing murder. Do you know Ive
been thinking of you so much and wondering about a
furlough that Im getting down right lazy and the only
remedy for that is a furlough. Im only hoping they will
let me undergo that treatment. Id love nothing better.
Well honey time is getting close so I suppose Ill have
to close but Ill write more as soon as I get more
definite information about my furlough so now Ill close
Love Your
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Sept 23, 1927 Post Band Quantico
Your letters are making me fall more and more in love
with you all the time I was getting kind of disgusted on
account of Tunney getting the decision over Dempsey and
then along comes your letter and drives the blues away.
Certainly honey certainly I know that Ill get your ring
but what gets me is all the useless delay.
I don’t care how bad you think a motorcycle is
sweetheart but I know that if my furlough comes through
my motorcycle is going to be a blessing cause if I
didn’t have it Id sure have to walk but like this
everything will be rozy.
Honey if you mention the (Mr Bryant from downstairs)
again Ill have to beat him up when I come home so he
will know better next time and not fool with my girl.
Private Property
Today we had general police work again. We have every
Friday now. This new Comanding General sure is ambitions
when someone else has to do the work. My knuckles are
all skinned up and bruised up and what is left of my
hands is all torn and bleeding from the thorns. My left
eye is closed because I got a cold in it from the
motorcycle rides of course. All in all considering the
second boil on my neck Im a very good Marine for the
shape Im in. I think Ill live though unless they leave a
couple of bombs lying around loose for me to stub my
toes on.
Do you know what I think Im going to do starting in
November? I think Im going to manage the garage out
there during the evening until about next spring. It
will be a wonderful oportunity for me to learn all about
the tire repair business and maybe Ill realize my big
ambition some day and be a master mechanic. I can make
an automobile engine do everything but talk now. A
little experience with tires and a little more ignition
work should fix me up fine. Dont you think so?
Well honey I really should be out at the garage now so
Im going to close cause the boss is waiting for me so
bye bye for now and Ill let you know more about my
furlough later
Your Old Man
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Sept 25, 1927 Post Band Quantico
Dearest Bea:
This is Sunday afternoon and as Im not doing any thing
else I thought I might as well write a little.
I was out at the garage all the afternoon and drove one
of the fellows eighteen miles over a dirt road last
night to a square dance just for his sake and I nearly
froze. The nights down here are worse than winter. I
came back to the garage at about two A.M. and it was
closed and no one there and me without my keys so we
came into camp and Im not going back out till after
concert tonight.
My request for a 30 day furlough went in to Washington
yesterday so if everything goes right I should be home
by the eighth of October cause Im going to drive up and
seeing as it gets pretty cold Ill just have to take it
kind of easy and make a stop to get warm every once in a
while. Ive been looking up the roads and if the maps
don’t lie I should have good roads all the way up and if
I have a warn dry day and my tires dont get to hot I
should make it in 16 hours but Id rather take it a
little easier and be sure of getting there. I may have a
riding companion most of the way up if his furlough
comes through.
How much did you win on the fight? I lost but Im not
saying how much. I do wish I had bet the way you told me
though. I could have made a nice 6 months furlough on
it. I dont know how you judged the fighters but you did
judge them right and my hats off to you. If Dempsey came
back again Id bet on him again though cause I think he
is the best man and I still maintain that there isn’t a
man living that can knock Dempsey out. I dont care how
big he is.
I dont know why it is but Im still froze since last
night. I slept till noon to plenty of time to thaw out
but I dont seem to be any warmer. I think I should have
slept till supper. Im going out and work on the
motorcycle some more tonight cause I want to be darn
sure its in good condition before I start my furlough. I
dont want to breakdown on the road no way.
I think Ill have a letter from you tomorrow so Ill close
now so Ill have something to write about then so bye bye
for this time with
Love & Kisses
P.S. Dont forget to Write Soon
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Sept 29, 1927 Post Band Quantico
Dearest Bea:
I received one of your letters yesterday afternoon and
one this noon so I’ll answer two in one. I would have
answered the one last night already only I went on guard
and it isn’t like the Tenth Regt. guard was. There isn’t
a chance to write between watches here. I came off at 8
o’clock this morning and got breakfast and went to sleep
till noon and still I could sleep quite a bit more.
Sure thing honey Im coming home to see you if I have to
come A.W.O.L. – but I dont think Ill have to although I
won’t be able to come on the sixth. Im fairly sure Ill
get to come on the tenth. They arent giving any more
furloughs till then on account of the tri monthly report
but I am figuring on the tenth We will have to consider
ourselves darn lucky that I get a leave then because it
isn’t the custom to give furloughs to the band during
the football season but I think Ill get mine anyway.
Our football season opens this Saturday when we will
beat Washington University or at least when we hope to.
The game is going to be played right here and I suppose
the entire camp will turn out. I know one private that
When you told me you were calling for Lill to go to
church I knew without my reading another word that my
father would ask about me but! The idea is Did Lill ask
about me? I suppose not. I guess she is just as stubborn
as I am. I really dont care how much my dad knows about
me just so I don’t have to do the telling.
Im afraid you dont quite understand honey. In the
service a man can never say anything for sure so I
really can’t see into the future far enough to say for
sure when I will come. All I can say if when my furlough
is requested for and if I think Ill get it or if I think
I won’t. I have a half way decent reason though for
thinking mine will go through and that is why I seem to
be so confident.
For the love of mud honey wish for anything but snow
cause Im going to drive that motorcycle home and snow
would make the driving pretty hard. You know It would
make it nearly impossible.
Well honey all I can think of is I Love you and I can’t
get my mind off of it long enough to think of anything
else to write so Ill close hoping for a nice furlough to
come through real soon
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