March 21 [1929] Phila. Pa
Here I am back in the good old U.S.A. again. I came in
here last night aboard the U.S.S. Langley, the plane
carrier. The trip took us nearly two weeks, cause we
makde so many stop overs. I suppose by this time youve
got the letter I mailed in Managua, haven’t you?
Im not at all sure where Im going from here honey but Im
hoping it will be Quantico. Ill probably know by the
time this letter gets to you and Ill let you know, till
then Im afraid I will have to do without a letter. I
probably won’t be able to get a leave now cause Ive only
got about 92 days to do, but even if I do get a leave it
wont be for a while yet. Im really anxious to come home
again honey. Id sure like to hold you in my arms again
and kiss you so Id know Im not dreaming. This last year
has surely been one long one sweetheart and I know its
been hard waiting. Ill try to make up for it though when
I do get out again.
Today will probably be a mad house around here we ill
probably make about 300 formations while they are
breaking us up into details for the various posts. Im
going to make this letter short and Im going to try to
write a few lines to my folks and then get some stamps
and mail the whole bunch before I get roped for some
formation or another.
Well honey this is all for this time but Ill write a
nice long letter the first chance I get maybe tomorrow.
Love & many Kisses from
XX 40 C.P.
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22 1929 Phila. Pa.
I guess this is going to be my address for a while it
seems like Nicaragua just about hasd me licked so
yesterday they saw fit to let me recuperate so they put
me into the hospital again. Now dont get scared honey
girl cause its nothing serious, only a strain Id got in
Nicaragua and I neglected it to long. When I got into
Nicaragua I got a job in the bakery there and that made
it worse, then on board ship I worked in the bake shop
again until it got so bad that I had to have relief. I
went to see the doctor here yesterday and he sent me
right over. Theyve even got me in a restricted ward,
wont even let me have visitors. They are so afraid of
any sick man from Nicaragua cause they are so apt to
carry other diseases with them. I guess theres nothing
wrong with me though beside that strain. They are taking
no chances though. There were nine men turned in with me
and every one of us has to get blood tests. I took my
first one today, it came back satisfactory. Knock wood
and hope the rest do likewise. Oh well honey let them
keep me here if they like. The only reason Im not
satisfied is cause it knocks me out of my chances for a
leave before I get paid off but Ive got them there. Ive
got 89 days and a flop to do. Then - -?
Next day.
I just had to quit last night. I was to darn tired even
to stay awake let alone to write, so I was just forced
to put the letter away.
I think that Im fairly safe in saying that the rest of
my service will be put in here so write to me here my
address is Pvt. E.G. Thomas Ward 6 Naval Hospital League
Island Pa. This is really part of the Navy Yard at
Philadelphia but the hospital is on a small neck of land
that they call League Island.
There seems to be only one thing wrong with this place,
its perfect in every respect but one. That is it keeps
me from coming to see you if I could see you for a while
Id be perfectly happy but don’t worry honey girl it cant
be long till you’ll see your Porter again so much Love &
XX 40 C.P.
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25 [1929] League Island Pa.
Dearest One:
I can’t seem to lay here and do nothing and still I
can’t seem to write either. The trouble is I feel like
writing but I can’t get into a comfortable position when
I write. I can only lay on my back and think nice
thoughts of you and dream sweet dreams of you it seems
that I love you more every day if that is possible. I
think of no one or nothing but you and Im afraid Ill go
nuts if I don’t get out of here soon so I can get to see
Ive written to Erv, Lill, and my Dad and although its
hard to write in this position Ill simply have to write
to Min and Max.
Well honey there’s one thing certain anyway, after what
Ive gone through in this last year there won’t be much
danger of me wanting to ship over. Im done when I get
out of here. I may have a few days to make up a few days
now cause this illness is due to my own misconduct. My
trouble is a swollen gland caused from a monkey bite and
the swollen gland is causing a strain. Im forced to heal
the sores caused by the poison in my system first and
after that Ill have to take treatment for my blood its
my own fault though. We were warned that a monkey bite
is serious down there we were told that they all carry
poison and disease but I wouldn’t listen I wanted one
for a pet. I threw him overboard with a hundred rounds
of ammunition tied around his neck. They seem to think
in here that Ill be in the hospital here for a long time
but I think Ill be out in a month. Heres hoping Im right
for once in my life anyway.
My one big ambition is to get out of this outfit once
more, get a good job and settle down with the most
wonderfull little pal and wife that a man could want.
With that idea in mind Im sure that I can do what I want
and succeed. Ill just show this old world sweetheart.
Its impossible to keep a good man down when hes got a
nice partner to work for.
Dont forget to write real soon honey cause Im lonesome.
Always Your
XX 40 C.P.
Mama Love Papa? Mmmmm
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27 [1929] League Island Pa.
Dearest One:
Im going to try to write you a few more lines today but
Im not at all sure how well Im going to succeed its
pretty hard trying to write in bed when you are laying
like I am on your left side.
Today has been fearfully cold here. We even felt the
cold in here and this place is steam heated its been the
kind of day that almost makes me glad that Im in the
hospital instead of out walking post somewhere. The nice
warm bed sure feels good.
This morning I got a letter from Erv and Ive already
answered it and Ive also written a few lines to Lill,
Min, and Joe May. Ive been putting this letter off till
this afternoon hoping to get a little letter from you
but none came. Oh Ive figured it out though. Both your
letter and Ervs left here at the same time but his went
to his office so he got his yesterday during the day and
got an answer in the mail sometime during the day while
you didn’t even get your letter till last night or
possibly this morning so I couldn’t possibly expect an
answer from you before tomorrow morning.
I wonder sweetheart just what its going to be like to be
a free man once more and I wonder what its going to be
like to have you for my own for the rest of my life.
That I believe would be much happiness for me to stand
at any one time but give it to me and Ill at least die
happy. No fooling now honey I sure do love you. I can’t
do anything without thinking of you, even in my dreams I
think of you and oh what dreams if our married life to
be is anywhere near like what my dreams call for then I
know you’ll be happy with me.
Can you figure heads or tails out of the last paragraph?
Im afraid it’s the wanderings of - - well say (sick
calf) or still better just a love sick Gyreen still if
you can figure it out for yourself it should tell an
awful lot cause it means that much.
I suppose you will be wondering where I got this trick
writing paper from it hails from Leon yet. This is
considered darn good taste in Nicaragua but I don’t care
Ill use it in this good old U.S.A. as well.
Honey Im going to bring this letter to an end now so I
can scribble a few lines to my Dad.
Oh by the way honey, Erv wanted to know if we had broken
up and he gave his reason for asking. What do you think
his reason was? He said he don’t see you any more so he
thought maybe we’d broken up. Can you beat that.
Love & Many Kisses
XX 40 C.P.
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29 [1929] League Island Pa
The letter I was expecting yesterday got here today and
after doping it out for myself I see that I couldn’t
very well expect it before today. This morning I also
got a magazine from Erv it’s a kind of funny magazine for
a service man to be reading but it helps to pass the
time away. The name is “The Nations Business.” it will
get me acquainted with the conditions that Ill bump into
on the outside.
Your letter this morning sure helps a lot honey it’s the
first one Ive had in a long time too. I got so excited
when you letter got here that I could hardly open it, my
hands shook like a leaf.
My condition has improved a good deal since I got here.
That bite is healed and Ive found out that it isn’t even
the results of it that caused my strain its just an
ordinary strain cause even my blood tests came back good
everything else about my condition or what you want to
call it has improved and Im looking forward to the day
when I can get out of here and out of the service too.
Theres one good thing about this thing Im not on any
diet and Im allowed to eat anything and everything I can
manage to grab. The other day the fellow in the same
room with me got a box and he don’t like apples so he
gave me about a half dozen and Im darned if I didn’t eat
them without taking a breath. They were the first for
quite a time you know then to Im eating everything I can
in order to gain that weight I lost in Nicaragua.
Don’t you worry any honey, from now on you’ll get plenty
of letters some of them might not have much news in them
in fact some of them may only say, “I love you” and no
more but the letters will be there just the same. And
sweetheart, if Im ever moving from one place to another
it will be very little use asking Lill when Im at or
anyone else cause if you dont know, no one else will
cause the first letter always goes to 4805 Wetzel Ave.
Yes you may send me a book or magazine any time you
like. They have a postal delivery right in the hospital
here packages and all so its quite sure to get here. I
believe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to have something
to read for a change all Ive been able to get so far is
one magazine and a few three day old papers so you see a
good story would be quite a change for me.
Well honey this is all for this time. Im getting kind of
tired laying in this position so Ill close now and write
more Mañana
Love & Kisses from
XX 40 C.P.
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31, 1929] Easter Sunday League Island Pa
This is another Easter Sunday for some people but I just
figure its another day closer to the time when I can get
out and come to see you. Id really enjoy this day if I
was at home but here its just the same as any other day
in the year.
I haven’t been to church for a long time now but still
its funny not to hear an Easter sermon preached. This
makes two years in a row now that Ive missed it. Well
heres hoping this is the last time I miss anything.
Im going to buy my civilian clothes here in
Philadelphia, honey. Ive got a chance to get wholesale
prices on a complete outfit. There is one corpsman here
who works after working hours in a big mens clothing
store and hes going to get it for me.
I wonder if Im going to get a letter tomorrow, or do I
have to wait till Tuesday for one. I guess I should have
one from Lill one of these days too. She’s had time to
write now since I sent her my address yes I believe Ill
have a letter from her tomorrow “Quiene Sabe”
Im coming along fine here in the hospital Im getting so
I can lay in most any position and be comfortable. My
side isn’t hurting me near as much as it was a couple of
days ago so I take it for granted that Im improving as
far as Im concerned they can turn me loose now and send
me to duty it would make their head swim how fast Id put
in a request for a leave no use of thinking along those
lines though cause I know they wont send me to duty yet.
Well honey girl, I guess that’s all for today Ill write
more mañana
Love Your
XX 40 C.P.
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2, 1929 League Island Pa.
Yesterday I got a nice April fool heres what it was
(Three letters that I didn’t expect till today) I had
one from my dad one from Lill and last but by no means
least I had one from my sweetheart. What could be
Who knows sweetheart maybe I am just about done getting
rotten breaks and will get at least an even break from
now on. I can’t think of more than one real good break
Ive had in the last four years,a nd very few that were
even anywhere near even but you just can’t keep a good
man down.
I thought I had told you what I done with that picture.
The fellow who painted it extended his enlistment two
years for Ocotal and when he came back he decided he
wasnt satisfied with the painting so he took it and he’s
either going to improve it, or paint a new one, or get a
punch in the (Ojo) eye when I see him again if I ever
do. He is going to mail the painting to me some way or
another when he gets it done, probably by some Marine
who is returning to the U.S.A.
Now listen honey I said that its my own fault this time
that Im in the hospital, and so it is if I hadn’t been
damn fool enough to keep right on working instead of
turning in Id be all right now. I was just to scared
that Id miss the darn boat and Id rather do 3 months in
the hospital here than to miss a boat and wait about a
week or two for another one. I thought the same as the
doctors did that my blood was bad due to a monkey bite
but blood tests show that my blood is fine except of
course its thin from being in the tropics a year but
otherwise its O.K. and this strain I must have got from
lifting crates of flour in the bakery in Managua and
again aboard ship. The trouble is I never know when Im
licked or if I know I wont let on that I do.
I wish you could read German so you could understand
some of the letters my dad writes its just to funny
still if I was to translate them into English they would
lose the humorous side and would be very commonplace but
in German I just read them and roar. I just can’t help
Did I tell you I was getting my civilian clothes here in
Phila.? Well I am. A Gob friend of mine has arranged for
me to get wholesale prices so Ill be getting a suit for
$45 that would cost $65 for any one else. Ive written to
Min to send me a draw slip so I can draw the necessary
cash from the bank cause while Im in the hospital here
there will be no payday. Im expecting to ehar from Min
about tomorrow or maybe the day after tomorrow.
Well honey Ive still got to write to Lill and maybe to
my dad so Ill close now with
Love & Kisses
XX 40 C.P.
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3, 1929 League Island Pa
Your tongue lashing arrived here today and even though
there is no news Im going to try to answer it tonight.
You did just right by beating around the bush. Minnie is
a darn good sister to me and I think a lot of her but if
Id wanted her to know more about me Id have told her,
not that there is anything to hide but if my first
letter is vague then shes more apt to write sooner in
order to find out more about my ailments. Get the idea?
Now about my tongue lashing. Certainly I belong to you
and I sure am belonging willingly and sure you should
know whats the matter with me. I told you didn’t I? Well
heres some more dope. I havent got any more nor less
temperature in fact I havent had any now for over a
week. I dont have to lay on my left side now in fact
right now Im laying on the slight beer belly Ive
acquired while in Nic. The trouble with my beer belly is
its growing out the wrong way (inwards) No I havent got
a headache either.
Now I think Ill start some bawling out. Don’t you belong
to me? and arent you willing? Well then why am I never
informed of the fact that you love me as much as I love
you but no, instead of that you tell me of the new good
looking pastor and all about his charms and once I was
told all about some Marine who had all kinds of medals
pinned to his blouse who will it be next? Whose
sweetheart are you anyway? Mine or the new ministers? Or
do I only get second choice. Have you been bawled out
enough now? If you have then we will proceed .
Well honey Im real anxious to see you and to be with you
again but it cant possibly be so very long now and then
we can realize all the happiness that we have dreamed of
for so long. Im afraid we won’t have much to get married
on but it won’t take me long to get a good and steady
job and I guess its easier for a married couple to save
than it is for a single person so maybe we won’t have
such an awfull long time to wait till we get married.
Im expecting to hear from Min tomorrow but I may get
fooled like I did today but I dont think so. I have a
hunch Ill hear from her tomorrow.
This is all for tonight honey but dont forget Im still
alive and lay off the good looking pastor.
Love your
XX 40 C.P.
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April 6
1929 League Island Pa
Today I received your package of books and magazines.
Thank very much honey Im sure enjoying them Ive read
several short stories in the Red Book Magazine already
and now Im started on The Further Adventures of Jimmy
Dale. The only thing you forgot was a primer. Ive got to
learn to read the English language all over. I could
hardly read English at first. I kept trying to read it
in Spanish all the time. Im learning though.
Honey whats the matter with you? I havent heard a word
about Hellen (Hoppy) since I got back to the States and
even in the last couple of letters that Id received in
Nicaragua. You havent fallen out with each other have
you? I used to hear a little about her in every letter
before and I just couldnt help but notice that you
haven’t mentioned her lately.
Did I tell you sweetheart that I am buying my civies
here in Phila.? Well I am Im getting a good price on some
high grade clothing through the efforts of a friend of
mine and hes going to help me to select because he knows
more about what is being worn. He dresses very well
himself so he should be a good judge.
I got a letter from Min the other day and she wanted
more information about myself so I explained everything
to her she told me that you didn’t seem to know exactly
what was the matter but you said something about a
monkey bite so I knew that she was referring to the time
you told me where you beat around the bush and gave no
information so I cleared up the whole thing for her I
told her all about myself
I got another letter from Erv today. Good old Erv he’ll
stand by me through thick and thin hes a good Buddy. Hes
in love now too. Can you blame a guy though? If any guy
can find himself a swell little pal like I did and not
fall in love with her Id like to know who he is and
whats wrong with him.
Well honey girl write to me soon often and much so Ill
know that my Derby still loves
XX 40 C.P.
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9, 1929 League Island Pa
I havent written you for a couple of days now, not cause
I didn’t think of you though, but because there was
nothing new to write about. This place is about as
lively as a morgue or at least it was till this morning.
I started the ball rolling this morning by asking the
doctor if I could get up and move around. Ive been out
without permission so this A.M. I asked and he gave me a
nice regulation growl and told me I couldn’t get up yet
but soon. I got out last night and stolled over into the
other ward where they were having movies. I saw “The
King of Kings,” a religious picture and it was good it
was the Old Testament shown in colored pictures and I
want to say I considered it a good translation of the
Old Testament. Im anxious to get so I can go on liberty
so I can go to town and see a Talkie Movie. I havent
seen any yet you know.
Those books and magazines you sent me were fine honey. I
think Ive read just about all of the Jimmie Dale books
now, havent I? Boy I sure did enjoy them. Those
magazines too, I passed them around to some of the other
patients when I got done with them.
I kind of looked for a letter this morning but none came
and I was kind of disappointed but Im sure Ill get one
tomorrow. Im bound to dont you think so? Im sure Ill
hear from Min tomorrow I should get about three letters.
I guess the tailor is coming up tomorrow afternoon to
measure me up for my suit he’ll come up here after all
the doctors leave so no one will stop us and by the end
of the week Ill probably have my civies.
They are putting on a Vaudevill show here tonight for
the benefit of all the patients but Im not going over
tonight cause I got direct orders not to get out of bed
now so Id have no excuse at all if I got caught.
Gee honey I cant see how im going to make out for the
next couple of months knowing that Im so close to you
and yet I cant even see you. I believe Id give
everything I own just to be able to hold you in my arms
and kiss you right now it seems like thats all Ive ever
got to do, just wait for everything thats all Ive been
doing for the last couple of years just wait. Well honey
some day they are bound to turn me loose and then we’ll
make up for lost time. Ill be out to see you as many
nights a week as your folks will let me come around and
maybe a few extra nights.
Well honey I guess this is all for this time cause there
isn’t anything more to write about so
Love Your
XX 40 C.P.
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11 1929 League Island Pa.
Yesterday I received a letter from you and one from Min.
I just knew Id have one or two letters yesterday today
though I dont get any mail. I wasn’t going to write this
until this afternoon when my new stationary gets here
but seeing as you always expect a letter on Saturday Ill
write this now and get someone to mail it so it will get
to you by Saturday.
Well honey now that weve both had our bawling out we’ll
have very little to write about again. Wait a few
minutes maybe I can find something to bawl you out for.
Yes Ive got it. Youve gone to a bunch of trouble and
mailed me another package you shouldnt do that honey I
appreciate your sending me things and everything and I
love you even more if that is possible but its not
necessary to go to all that trouble honey if you go to
taking all these silly things I do and say to heart like
that Ill not tell you about any of my goofy stunts any
more. I dont want you to go to all that trouble of
making up a package and mailing it all the time. I love
you any way and even when you forget to tell me how you
feel about it still I know just how you feel. I know you
love me so please don’t go to all that trouble after
this honey.
Your letters are getting back some of the old time pep
again. I notice you told me all about Hoppy again and
about where you went and so forth.
Well you don’t need to feel bad cause Hoppy has other
friends honey it seems that your main idea was to get
some one who loves you and only you. Well youve got some
one like that now so you can let your friends and chums
have other friends now cause you’ll have some one who
loves only you for the rest of your life soon now. It
cant be very long now darling here are 11 days of April
gone already and this is a short month too then May and
after that June, the month Im supposed to get out of
this Ole Marine Corps.
Im coming along fine now and if I had my way about it Id
be discharged from the hospital to duty but the old Doc
won’t even listen to me we had another argument this
If Ive said anything in this letter that has hurt your
feelings in any way honey Im sorry and please over look
it. Im kind of riled up this morning on account of my
argument with the Doc this morning and there is no
telling what Im liable to say but you know that I love
you and what else matters
Write soon honey to
Your Porter
XX 40 C.P.
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11, 1929 League Island Pa.
Dearest One:
I wrote one letter today but Im afraid it wasn’t much of
a letter. I was kind of peeved cause the Doc refused to
let me get up out of bed. Why I was so mad that I shaved
without so much as stropping my razor the pull of the
dull razor and the sore face helped to cool me off a
little then on top of that your box arrived here this
afternoon so Im in fairly good spirits again.
This afternoon one of the corpsmen going on liberty took
my pen to a hospital to be repaired the same guy is
going to bring it back when its fixed. I hope he takes
it to a good place and gets it fixed good.
This afternoon I got the first fitting of my suit it’s a
nice brown with a sort of a pin stripe and a hard finish
and a nice classy count to it I know you’ll like it.
Those cookies sure are good honey they arrived in the
middle of the afternoon just when I was getting hungry.
Ive got them stuck away in my box now and they will come
in right handy tonight at about 9:00 P.M.
I sure hope I get out of this hospital soon. Ill swear
Ill go nuts if I stay in here much longer. They don’t
only have Gobs and Marines in here they also have
veterans in here and Ive got one right beside me and hes
nothing but a bum he told me himself hes got no home and
before he came in he frequently stole stuff he could
hock for booze and he never ate unless he could bum or
steal something yet he comes in here and gets three
square meals a day and he growls about the chow and
everything else and he makes himself a pain in the neck
in general. He wakes up in the middle of the night and
makes all kind of noise don’t even try to be quiet.
He’ll drive me crazy if I stay here much longer.
Well honey if I don’t have any time to make up (and I
don’t think I will) Ive only got 71 days to do, then to
H!!!! with this Marine Corp.
Love from
XX 40 C.P.
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- - - - - - - - - -
12, 1929 League Island Pa.
This morning your letter arrived here along with one
from Lill. Ive already answered Lills, and even though
this is the third day in a row Im going to write you a
few lines anyway.
Isn’t it funny when you write to me everything else goes
blooie and it’s the same way here in fact its so much so
that I even forget what I wanted to write about here I
have a nice letter all thought out in advance and when I
start to write I forget about everything but you. I
wonder what makdes that.
Dog gone it honey it seems like every time you get
started good on a nice letter that darn bell calls you
back to work. I think some day Ill just come around to
Van Gantels and tear that bell down just to get even
with it.
I wonder if Ill ever learn to forget some of the things
I saw and done down in Nicaragua. Do you think I will?
some days I can lay here all day and never give it a
thought and other days I just can’t drive it out of my
mind and it makes me so darn mad and bitter that I can’t
even bare being in the same bed with myself.
Have you seen Lills new boy friend yet honey? Lill
writes and tells me quite a bit about him and she seems
to like him quite a bit. I wonder just how much she
likes him. From what Lill says he is very considerate
and I judge also very bashful. Oh well he’ll most
probably get over that sooner or later like another guy
I could name if I wanted to brag. Well I just can’t be
bashful when Im around you, who the heck could it seems
like when I get near to you its just imperative that I
would hold you in my arms and kiss you a little. Oh
well who wants to be bashful when they are around their
sweety. I don’t. How about you.
Write soon to
XX 40 C.P.
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- - - - - - - - - -
15 1929 League Island Pa.
I just received your letter and thats the second good
thing thats happened to me this morning. The letter is
one and the Doctors permission to get up out of bed and
move around half a day is the other maybe it wont be so
long now till I get out of the hospital.
Im sorry to hear that you are working so hard but I
guess it can’t be helped. I think Id sooner work
overtime than be out of a job any day in the week.
I haven’t been to any talkies but I don’t think Im going
to like them. I’d rather leave something to my
imagination when I go to see a movie.
Im surprised that Hoppy should link a wedding with a
funeral. Tell her we’ll get even with her some day anyway
I don’t think she’ll stay single forever, and when she
does get married we get even.
I really couldn’t say why it is that we dont enjoy
gruesome and ugly things in real life when we do in
stories but Im here to guaranttee that its so, and I
think I should be a good judge just last night a couple
of other Marines that came up from Nicaragua with me,
came over to my bunk and we compared notes. There was
one man down there 3 days less than two years and I was
in two more contacts than he was and in all hes only got
3 notches in his rifle stock so you see 9 contacts and
over a dozen gooks in less than a year is quite a lot
for my part its entirely too much and Im willing to call
it quits.
Do you know what Im doing to pass away the time? Im
working crossword puzzles and when I run out of them I
make up some and sxend them to the New York Mirror to be
published it’s a nice pastime.
Well honey I guess this is all for today so write soon,
often, and much to
XX 40 C.P.
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16, 1929 League Island Pa.
I guess you will be wondering whats got into me to make
me write so often well Ill give you my excuse for
writing today. I just got my pen back from town this
morning and Im forced to try it out on someone and
seeing as you get the most of my other letters I thought
one more wouldn’t hurt it don’t does it? you can send it
back if you don’t want it. Im not expecting it though.
Im expecting to go to duty shortly now, maybe Friday,
who knows? This morning the doctor told me I could get
up for good so I must be very nearly well and I feel
like I am.
Im going to send to Quantico for the green blouse Ive
got stored there and to Hampton roads for the box of
clothes Ive got there so Ill be all ready to duty when I
get out of here. I dont suppose there will be much left
in the box at Hampton Roads its probably been ransacked
but Ill take whats left of it.
This is an awfully rotten day here I winder what its
like in Cleveland today. Id sure like to come up myself
and find out but Im afraid thats out of the question any
way for the time being it is.
Ive gone cross word crazy here the last couple of days.
Im always sitting with a paper in my lap either making
one to be published or figuring one of the daily ones.
Ive only managed to complete one out of three today. I
can mostly get two out of three done and sometimes all
three. Oh well Ive still got all night to work on them
and the ones to be checked by the evening paper are done
so why worry Ill dope it out soon enough.
It looks to me like I haven’t got the new pen point
broken in yet the ink seems to flow kind of irregular
yet but it wont be long now till its O.K.
Well honey do I get a letter tomorrow? Maybe I will I’’
probably get one that was written on the Sabath (if
thats spelled right) and mailed the next morning
These wont rub off.
XX 40 C.P.
They will last forever.
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18, 1929 League Island Pa.
Another letter arrived here yesterday but I didn’t
answer it yesterday cause I figured I was writing to
often and might spoil you. You don’t want to be spoiled,
do you?
Yes I guess it is another day nearer and since you wrote
that letter its five more days nearer. Ive got a nice
toast or motto for us but Ill have to tell you the story
to appreciate it. You remember during the war, every
time a German took a drink his toast was, “to the day.”
That meant to the day when the Kaiser would rule supreme
so our toast or motto could be “To the day.”
I realized why you sent those packages honey, but I also
told you why I growled, cause I don’t want you to put
yourself to that trouble but suit yourself we’ll just
drop the matter. Shall we?
I hope you get into the mood to impart those funny ideas
that pop into your head. Id like to know about them,
really I would.
A three hour program of Irish jigs. That program must
have been from the Sears Roebuck Co. station in Chicago,
wasn’t it? I haven’t heard any radio for a long time but
they were the only station broadcasting that particular
kind of programs at the time when I left for Nicaragua.
Yes that kind of music makes me want to get up, go
places, and do things.
Talk about getting up. Ive done that and am about ready
to go to duty as far as I know Im completely cured, or
anyway I feel like I am.
I can’t imagine how a hike could possibly be complete
without someone falling in the mud. Did you take along a
few pack mules to drag along? No hike is complete
without them also about any where from 40 to 90 pounds
of an Armory, you know rifle, ammunition, bayonet, pack
etc. Thats what the well dressed hikers will wear you
know, especially in Nicaragua. I hope you have lots of
fun hiking honey. Ive had mine and maybe part of some
one else’s and Id like to meet the person or persons who
will ever get me to hike again, not me. Im going to ride
until theres nothing left to ride on and then Ill get
some roller skates.
I guess you forgot what I told you about moods a person
can’t always steer clear of them but theres no use of
letting a mere movie change your mood unless its from
bad to good.
Yes Ive been measured for my suit and Ive got it here
already it’s a pipin, good material and a nice cut only
I feel so darn unnatural in it due to the fact that Ive
worn a uniform so long now.
Im losing some of the Sun Burn if thats what you mean
but dont worry about the tan you’d have to skin me to
get rid of that.
With the help of one of the other patients Ive made up
two original cross word puzzles and submitted them to a
couple of New York papers. I don’t know if they will be
accepted or not cause were really not experienced you
know its only the first and second try.
I think Ill pipe down now honey and get this into the
mail and heres hoping Ive got a letter tomorrow.
Love and Kisses
XX 40 C.P..
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20 1929 League Island Pa.
I just knew Id been writing to many letters, -- just
think of your having to answer three at once. Ill be
that hurt.
Isn’t it the truth honey? I do put some funny endings on
the letters I write but its just what my thoughts are I
try to write just whatever Im thinking about if I think
black I write black and I was thinking some explosive
thoughts when I closed that letter. Things are different
now though. Im out of bed and I expect to get out of
here about the middle of this coming week.
I don’t know how a bum feels when hes around a real
fellow honey. I can’t seem to figure them out.
I guess you are right at that honey, when you say that
Ill never forget some of the things that have happened
in the past, but when I get home and get settled down
they might become a very dim memory. Some things that
have happened down there that I saw and done Im sorry
for but just the same there is the memory of them. There
are some things that Ill never speak about and the rest
Im going to try to speak about as little as possible
then of course there are the nice things too and a
person never regrets them.
Yes I guess thats true. I have got something good to
look forward to. I often sit and wonder of Im going to
be worthy of such a great blessing and all I can do is
to resolve to be worthy no matter what happens. The mere
thought of you has kept me from doing many things that
Im sure I’d be sorry for. I only wish I could have used
that method at all times but unfortunately a mans duty
comes first for the four years immediately following his
oath of allegiance and some times he has no choice of
his actions.
The other night the guy that is in the same room with me
cracked he lost his mind entirely and he wouldn’t let
anyone in the room except myself and one of the corpsmen
whom he likes pretty well. They had to put a special
watch over him so the corpsman stayed up half the night
and I stayed up half the other half. The patient almost
died once and his pulse was sluggish but afterwards he
fell asleep and yesterday morning he was O.K. again in
every way.
Well honey I guess you didn’t get your regular Saturday
letter this week but you got one on Friday and those
other three should kind of make up for the loss of one.
Ill try to do better this coming week.
Im working in the Diet kitchen here and Im going to use
that as my argument for going to duty if Im well enough
to work here Im quite well enough to do duty.
Write soon honey cause Im always anxious to hear from
Love and Kisses
From Your
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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23 [1929] League Island Pa. “To the day”
Dearest One
I was reminded of the fact that this is my birthday.
How? You told me so in your letter. I received three
from you today. I’ll explain how that happened. Two of
those went to Ocotal and just got here today. Thanks for
the nice (sticky on the edge) birthday kiss, I could
almost taste that one.
I was surprised to read in the one letter you sent to
Nicaragua that you were doubtful as to how our married
life would turn out, but it was during one of your blue
spells that you wrote that letter. Darn hootin were
going to make a go of it honey just let your mind rest
easy on that point. Those marriages that you hear about
are an entirely different thing honey those people don’t
marry for love, they marry for any one of countless
other reasons including, Hate, spite, necessity, and
passion, and money, luxury and ease. You just take
notice of some of the divorce cases (I even hate to
write the word divorce) and you’ll see that one or the
other mostly always sue’s for a fairly large amount of
money denoting fairly wealth conditions and some get
divorced just for spite or because theyve had their
spite out on someone and want to be free seeing as its
all over. You couldn’t very well classify us as any of
those so ours is bound to last and I don’t have the
least doubt of it. Who could have. Why even our folks
approve of the match and who knows us better than our
own folks.
You are right again when you say that as we get older we
learn to think of the present and the future. I can
remember when I didn’t think of a darn thing, as long as
I knew where my next meal was coming from I didn’t care.
How different it all is now.
Now for your most recent letter. You said, “to the day”
and may it be a prelude to our most happy life! I could
add to that shall I. May there be several little
Thomas’s to help us along to a ripe old age. ¿Bein
Lord I wish I could spoil you so there would always be a
reason for you to love me if I thought that writing
letters would insure your love for me Id devote the rest
of my life to writing you letters.
Sure what is a little clean mud between friends why Ive
never slept sounder in my life than when I laid down in
some nice soft squashy mud (the kind you use to make
pies with) its ever so much softer than a nice feather
bed and it keeps one warmer from the bottom as long as
you keep the cold air off the top and a nice poncho or
raincoat just does the work. What could be nicer than a
nice mud puddle (except of course when you have to clean
your weapons next morning) Thats the exception that
proves the rule.
Audios Nina Mio
XX 40 C.P.
P.S. I wrote to Lill during the day. Id started the
letter last night and ran out of ink and time so I
finished today. P.
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24 [1929] League Island Pa. “To the Day”
I just received my birthday gift this morning and I sure
am surprised and pleased. I never could have guessed
what it was. Thanks a lot honey, those brushes sure are
nice and also usefull.
This morning I got up bright and early and went down and
drew chow then when I was ready to put it out I found
only one helper on hand and its quite a bit of work for
two men now I sit down to write a letter but its going
to be mighty short cause in about forty minutes Ive got
to be over at the store room to draw supplies and Im not
even ready to go yet and Ive got to stand by when the
doctor comes around so I can give him an argument about
going to duty.
I should have a letter from Lill this morning when ever
the 1st class mail gets here, which should be in about
an hour or a little over. I wonder if my hunch is right.
Maybe Ill hear from Erv today too. Tomorrow Ill hear
from you again. I know that.
Im writing this letter so early honey cause Im happy now
and after my (debate?) with the doc Im liable not to
feel so good.
Heres hoping I have a letter from you tomorrow honey.
Mill Besos
XX 40 C.P.
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25 [1929] League Island Pa. “To the Day”
Dear One:
This is Thursday and if I expect to get a letter to you
by Saturday Ill simply have to get it into the mail this
I tried to see the doc yesterday morning about going on
duty, but my work took me away just as he came around
but I asked him this morning and he sent me down for
another blood test and said if it comes back O.K. Ill go
to duty Monday. I hope its O.K. and Im going to keep my
fingers crossed until Monday.
I didn’t get the letter I was expecting yesterday nor
the one I expected today. Oh well theres still one more
mail to come in this afternoon and it may be in it.
I was outside yesterday too getting some fresh air and
sunshine. Today there is no sun only April showers.
Im not sure yet if Im going to stay here or if I get
transfered but just keep writing here until you hear
differently from me. I was just reading over some of my
old letters and one from my dad made me think. He seems
to know you almost as well as I do. He told me that you
used to come over to the old home quite often come to
think of it he even said that he liked you a lot and it
made me jealous cause I didn’t think he knew you so
well. Hes sure set on seeing us get married and I
believe that’s all he thinks about and hopes for.
I found out for sure today that Ive got to make up my
hospital time or at least part of it so it will be late
in July before I get discharged but keep this under your
hat I may have 90 days to do when I get out but Im going
to do some of that in Cleveland probably a 30 day leave
and get paid off at the recruiting sta. don’t tell
anyone though cause Im not sure if I can do that yet but
believe me Ill try and if they don’t let me do that Ill
find another way. Im just sitting tight now waiting to
see which way the ball rolls.
Well honey I should hear from you tomorrow at the latest
so Ill close and hope for a letter soon thick and newsy.
Love & many Kisses
From Your
XX 40 C.P.
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26 [1929] League Island Pa. “To the Day”
Today I received the juiciest letter I ever did see. Do
you know anything about it? Right the first time it’s
the one that had a picture in it and also several old
letters that had traveled some.
I guess Ill just have to keep on writing then if you
insist even through there is no harm in walking down the
street with a well behaved shadow still – well I guess
Id better keep writing any way.
Did I neglect to tell you how much I love you honey?
Well I do love you and very much at that, but what I
cant quite understand is how I wrote six pages without
telling you so. Ill do better in the future, and pretty
soon Ill try to do more than just write it Im bound to
get out of the service some time.
Ive been reading between the lines honey and I know just
how you feel cause I feel the same way, but Im kind of
depending on you to help me cause you remember what I
said when I was home. Thats the whole trouble honey I
love you till it hurts and Ill always love you the same.
Don’t worry honey if you ever get as sick as this guy in
this room was a week ago it’ll take a regiment to get me
away from you and then I wouldn’t guarantee all of
their safety. As for your losing your head thats nothing
I probably will too but that will have to be as it is
for a while and no more. ¿Savey?
Those letters werent stale honey, the only thing stale
was the date on them, but Im peeved anyway. Why you were
sick and the letters got here to late for me to worry,
so I feel cheated.
Don’t you like Sabatini’s books honey? Why I would have
thought you’d like them I read several before I went to
Nicaragua but Ive forgotten the names now but I remember
I enjoyed them I believe I would much sooner read some
of Frank Packard’s or maybe Sax Rohmer’s books though.
Why not leave the nurses be who ever heard of having an
affection for a nurse when – Oh well lets forget it.
Yes I hate mail men too, but only sometimes but often
they are a handy thing did you ever think of it in that
way? What would we do without them?
If you ever see that nosey doctor again tell him to pay
a small visit to Hades and forget to come back and tell
him I said so.
Talking about cars, yes I guess we’ll ride a car alright
when I get out, but it’ll be a street car for a while at
least. I guess Ill just have to put my nose to the grind
stone for a while so we won’t have to wait to long to
get tied married. I didn’t like that word. You know it
will be quite necessary to have at least a little cash
laid by when we get married and if we wanted a honeymoon
it would take even more. You are the judge.
Sure we can have the ceremonies performed by a minister.
Id like it better and Id just as soon be married at the
house as any where and the ministers house would suit me
just as well of course Ill let my parents know but I
don’t think they’ll be able to come in cause they ve
really got to be there to care for their stock, but I
would like to arrange to pay them a visit a day or two
after were married just to say hello but as for their
coming in I doubt if they can manage but Im sure my
sisters would like to be present (to get rid of me).
They’d probably pay you a nice sum for taking me (how
Ill chuckle) What Im worried about is Joe and Erv. One
thing Im sure of is that Erv will stand up for me and
Joe May might get sore cause I ask Erv instead of him,
but even though I lose every other friend on Earth Im
determined that Erv be best man or rather next to it. I
intend to be best. Yes I could just imagine the joy mom
would get out of getting a supper for the guests if
anything like that happens Ill see to it that she gets
help, if I have to do it myself don’t forget Im a cook
and baker myself.
To come back to weddings. I really don’t care how many
people see me get married as long as I dont have a
couple of million running along behind me cause someones
liable to throw something from behind and Id get riled
up cause since I went to Nicaragua I always shy when
some one fools around in back of me and Im liable to
cause more trouble than a cyclone in an egg factory.
Thats all I want to avoid so Ill leave you to judge
whats best in the way of a wedding.
Thanks for that picture honey its just what I was
waiting for. I seem to have mislayed or packed
my other ones during the trip up from Nic. I hope they
are in my seabag and not lost then too this is the first
picture showing the much talked of boots and coat.
¿Verdad? and anyway I was kind of lonesome for a picture
from you and of you.
I wonder whats got into me today here Ive come to the
last page of this tablet and this page is the first of
another tablet, but now Im getting out of the mood
perhaps I’d better quit now before I spoil it.
Don’t forget to write soon and much honey try to match
this letter with
XX 40 C.P.
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27 [1929] League Island Pa. “To the Day”
Wonderful One:
Why is it that Im always writing to you (spoiling you)
Ill tell you my excuse for this letter. You see I wrote
to my dad today and instead of addressing the envelope
to him I went and addressed it to you so Im now forced
to write a leter to go with it. What do you think of the
idea? I wonder what caused me to make such an error on
the envelope. I believe I must be in love. Think so?
Ive just been thinking honey that if I hadn’t been such
a fool with money during the last four years, Id now
have enough for us to get married on just as soon as I
can get home. Now Ill have to get a good job first, and
work at it a while before we can drop a visit to the
minister. Oh well Ive learned a lesson any way and Ill
know better the next time. I can’t help but wish it were
different though cause by the time I get paid off Ill be
so fed up on waiting that Ill never want to wait for
another thing as long as I live. I don’t know how on
earth Ill manage to wait until I get in a position to
get married. Im sure my first impulse will be to take
you off to a minister right away. Thank God we are both
young yet and waiting just a wee bit longer won’t hurt
us any but -- ? when this wait is over there’s two
things Ill never do again one is wait for anything and
the other is carry a rifle over a mountain or in other
words climb a hill. Ill even hike with you honey as long
as theres no hills to climb but there I draw the line.
(No hills and no waits)
When someone loves another person like I love you honey
its misery to wait. Take that from me and take my word
for it, it’s the truth.
Well Ive taken one oath and stayed with it and Ill take
one more, and that one wont be for four years but for
life. Im through with these four year oaths.
Well honey its getting late in the day so if the letter
I mailed last night gets to you Monday, this one should
get to you on Tuesday.
Don’t forget to write soon much and often honey and
Love your
XX 40 C.P.
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28 [1929] League Island Pa. “To the Day”
Isn’t it funny honey I haven’t been able to so much as
sit still for the last three days? I start out with an
eleven page letter one night and the next day I’m not
satisfied till I write six more pages and then today
there isn’t a bit of news to write about but yet Ive got
to write. What causes that, I wonder. Maybe its your
uncle’s old old story (sick calf) Well my story is that
I don’t want you to pine away to a mere shadow, and Im
going to stick to that story.
All fooling aside though honey my real reason is this.
All day long I keep thinking that maybe you are blue and
a letter might cheer you up and make you a trifle
happier so I sit down and write even if there is nothing
to tell.
What I can’t seem to understand sweetheart is how I
wrote a letter without telling you that I love you, of
course you know very well that I do love you, more than
anything else honey, but yet I should have told you so.
I just today thought of a good job for me when I get out
its civil service and steady and pays fairly good wages
even to start. The job is mail carrier. Do you think you
would like to be a mail carriers wife? Its better than
police force cause you have about the same hours every
day and Sundays off and 15 days vacation every year with
pay. Im going to see if there is any way of finding out
when the next applications may be made, who to, and when
the examinations and the appointments take place and if
it should happen to take place before my service is
complete Id take a leave in order to make out my
application and take my examination or rather Id put in
my application by mail and come home for the examination
and if the appointments take place before my service
expires Id have reason for a special order discharge or
Id get a leave and have my discharge forwarded to me.
Ill see if there is any way of getting information on
how to go about it all.
Ive read your last letter and those that were enclosed
about fifty times in the last couple of days and I
always find still more in between the lines.
I wish I could explain to you how I feel honey but words
don’t seem to do the work in other words Im happy in the
thoughts that I have you and that you will some day be
my wife God only knows how happy that makes me but on
the other hand again Im blue because we are so near and
yet so far apart if I could only hear you voice just
once, Id be happy for the next three months until I get
paid off.
I can hardly wait for the time to go by honey so Ill be
able to hold you in my arms again and kiss you, and
maybe look in your eyes for a couple of hours at a time.
I love you more than Ive ever loved any thing and I love
you with all my might so lets both be patient for just a
little longer honey girl and then the time will come
along when I won’t have to look at the clock and
remember its time to go home cause we’ll be there.
Love & Kisses
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29 [1929] League Island Pa. “To the Day”
Today Ive got the best news for you that Ive had for a
long time. Tomorrow morning I get out of the hospital
and incidentaly it brings the day we are both waiting
for just one more day closer. Im so darn happy that Im
getting out that I can hardly sit still. I really
shouldn’t be writing tonight. I should be getting my
stuff ready to go now but Im letting it wait till later
and any way Id hate to have you pine away to a shadow so
Im taking no chances either. Im going to write even if
it is only a wee short letter.
I wonder if you still think of little Joseph the way we
used to. I do, and it just makes all my dreams seem
perfect, (Both day dreams and others) and I don’t skip
sixteen or seventeen perfectly good years. I started
dreaming of a nice small wedding and I end up with a
lovely old couple. (Not to old to love each other
though) and a home and fireside, and children, grown up
by that time. I don’t even forget a nice Sheppard Dog.
Do you still have dreams like that honey?
Ive been working in the diet kitchen for the last week
and a half but I don’t really help though. Im to much in
love to work and Im in love with no one else but you.
You can keep writing to me here until you hear otherwise
honey but even so I believe it would be a good idea not
to write at all till you hear from me about where Ill be. Ill probably be stationed here in the navy yard until
I get paid off and again I may not ¿Quien Sabe? Then to
I may pull a fast one on this old Marine Corps who can
tell. Ill write as soon as I find out anything.
Well honey girl Ill just sign off for this time with
Love from Your
XX 40 C.P.
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30 [1929] Navy Yard Phila.
Dearest Bea:
More news for you today. Im at duty now but day after
tomorrow I go to Quantico again. I dont know how Im
going to like it now. Theyve got new barracks and a new
Commanding General (Smedley Buttler) His name alone
stands for regulation.
Tonight Ive got to repack and tomorrow Ive got to draw
clothes and get all ready to transfer so I won’t have
much time to write now or tomorrow but Ill write as soon
as I get to Quantico and get settled.
Im writing this on my knee so I dont know if you’ll be
able to read it but do your best any way and (Ill not
forget this time) I love you
Love & Kisses
XX 40 C.P.
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May 3,
1929 Post Band Quantico Va. “To the Day”
Her I am back in my old home again. I arrived here last
night and Ive spent today so far in getting organized
here. Im not through yet. Ive still got to draw an
instrument but Ill postpone that for a few minutes. Ive
got to write to Lill, my dad, Erv, and Min to let them
know my new address.
I read a nice poem the other day and Ill copy it for you
to read its entitled
“The Bride”
White lilies glimmer through the gloom
Where many starry candles flare.
Fair fragrance fills the lofty room
Where two hearts’ joy is like a prayer.
The organ tones are soft and sweet
As (Beatrice) beauty paces down the Isle,
P.S. (The part in () is my idea)
And all lifes lesser dreams retreat
Before the rapture of her smile.
Before her wait the unknown years
But she will greet them, unafraid
Find again in loss and hope through tears:
For such as she the world was made.
Through perfumed twilight candle-starred,
The measures of the organ roll:
While lilies gleam, may heaven guard
The greater whiteness of her soul.
How do you like that little verse honey? I think its
kind of nice, don’t you?
I should have a letter here from you tomorrow or
possibly on Sunday. (We get on mail here on Sunday and
two daily during the week.)
I wish I could come home for a couple of months now
honey but just for the present Im afraid its quite
impossible, but Im going to try something else that will
be a fast one on the Marine Corps.
Well honey girl I love you yet and always will so heres
hoping I get an envelope full of about eight pages of
Love & Kisses From Your
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
May 5
1929 Post Band Quantico “To the Day”
Im going to make this nearly a perfect day. I started it
off by going to church this morning and Ive written to
my Dad and to Lill and now Im going to top it off by
writing to my sweetheart. I wonder how she would like a
nice letter right now.
How are you anyway honey? You never tell me. I wish you
were here real close to me where I could see you every
day - - - - ? well lets not worry honey it can’t be very
long now. I know thats what weve been saying right along
but they really can’t keep me much longer. They are
making me make up 40 days of my misconduct time as it is
and I guess Im lucky I don’t have to make up more. I
really should have only 46 days to do but now Ive got 86
days instead but thats bound to pass soon honey girl.
These last days may drag by as slow as a snail for us
but in reality it’s a very short time so lets just buck
up and take it like a couple of good soldiers. I know
its hard and I hardly believe myself when I say it but
you know that you love me so with that in mind I believe
we can both wait for (The day - - ?
I started my band duty again yesterday by drawing my
clarinet and falling out an hour later to render honors
to the secretary of the Navy. That took up all the
afternoon and tired me out worse than Ive ever been
before (no exceptions, not even Nicaragua) They are
sending out a detail to China tomorrow but no it don’t
interest me a darn bit cause they can’t send me on it
cause Im to short. Im laughing at them.
I wonder why I haven’t heard from you today honey. I
should absolutely have had a letter today. Ill bet the
reason is that you didnt get my letter till Friday, you
probably was out on Thursday and probably stayed at
Hoppy’s Thursday night. Am I right?
This coming Saturday part of the Band goes to Richmond
and part to Calio and Im on the Richmond schedule. Im not
sure yet if Ill be able to go cause my blues were stored
in Hampton Roads and if they don’t get here before
Saturday Ill either have to borrow a suit of blues or in
case I can’t Ill just have to get taken off the detail.
I hope it’s the later. I hate those trips.
Well honey there is no more news except that I love you
more each day, if you care to call that news. Ive still
got to write to Nicaragua in order to let a guy down
there know where to send a certain picture when he gets
it done, if he does.
Love and Kisses
From Your
XX 40 C.P.
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- - - - - - - - - -
May 9,
1929 Quantico Virginia “To the Day”
Your letter arrived yesterday but I didn’t find it till
about midnight cause I was out when it arrived and it
was put under my pillow and I went on liberty out into
the country to see an ex Marine who is my old buddy and
when I got back and went to bed I found the letter so
Ive got to answer today and I haven’t got much time
cause weve got to play for the show this evening.
Those changes that have been made make the place look
different but so far they dont effect us in any way yet.
We now have General Smedley Butler in command of the
post and he’s made it a pleasure. No leggings except on
duty and better liberty conditions and easier
Well honey if this girl or woman (or what have you) that
is called El can drag you around like a bag of flour she
must be some husky cause its all I can do to make you do
as I want especially such things as wearing your boots
and several other things I could mention.
My pen went dry and when I filled it, it wrote heavier
so your letter will be shaded.
Who would every believe that a machine could possibly
turn turtle. Was the guy in it a magician?
Sweetheart you may be to other people only a common
every day girl but to me you are every thing. I worship
you honey and my every thought and every thing. I can’t
do without you. I love you to much and Im only afraid
that sooner or later you will leave me for someone else
or else I will wake up to find that it has all been a
very pleasant dream.
Now I guess its my chance to say that if getting an
eight page letter is spoiling me, I want to be spoiled a
whole lot.
I hope the next four pages get here pretty soon
sweetheart cause Im really lonesome and even a little
home sick and very much love sick and those letters sure
help a good cause along. Just like bread to the starving
Armenians. I hope in fact that Ill have a letter
tomorrow cause Saturday I go to Richmond and I dont
think we’ll get back here till late Sunday night cause
they’ll probably make arrangements for us to broadcast
and maybe play half a dozen concerts again, or if I dont
get a letter tomorrow I probably won’t get one till
Monday so heres hoping.
I guess you also notice that I haven’t been writing
quite as often since Im back here but between trying to
build a lip again and one thing and another Im kept
quite busy. Ill do my best though sweetheart. But please
lets have a letter here tomorrow.
Love & 30 thousand Kisses
From Your
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
May 12
1929 quantico Virginia “To the Day”
This morning I received two of your letters that had
been forwarded from Phila. But as it always is I was out
in the country helping my ex Marine Buddy to fix up the
place he moved into. I also got acquainted with his 3
month old son today and he’s a jolly good specimen
although he did quite a bit of squaking to let me know
that he knew I was around. I was even allowed to handle
him around for a while, and Ill learn.
Its now just a little after the regular Sunday evening
concert (about 8:00 P.M. so Im going to devote the next
two hours to trying to write a nice letter. I may be
forced to give up before then but Ill try not to.
I wish I could think of things faster than I can write,
like this I have to sit for a half an hour to think of
one or two little lines.
Im sorry you thought I was bawling you out honey when I
said Id read between the lines, (you see Ive don’t it
again) but no I merely told you that I had read between
the lines. Lordy honey I hope you aren’t expecting me to
be continually finding something to bawl you out for.
Don’t you see honey I love you to much for that. I just
can’t help it. Oh Ill admit I sometimes find fault, but
you will also admit that it is very seldom. Am I right
Well honey the best way to feel find out how Anne feels
deep down in her heart, is to invite her and if she
shows up for the wedding you’ll know and if not you’ll
know. “Tampoco.” Spanish
I believe myself that a mail carriers job is pretty nice
just think of all the happiness I would be bringing
daily for some sweethearts just as someone is bringing
ours now.
I can’t blame you for wanting to wait awhile honey cause
your reason is sound enough and there are more reasons
too, but we are only human you know. Both of us. How
will we ever stand the strain and anyway you will always
have a big friend and a sweetheart honey in the person
of your husband but we’ll wait a while any way honey or
at least try to.
I guess maybe you are right sweetheart when you say that
the only mar on our happiness is that we are both
lonesome and Im sure that I also have much to be
thankful for. I have you, and that in its self is enough
to declare a national holiday then too we both have our
good health and we must be thankful for that all in all
maybe we are pretty lucky.
Im sending you a couple of little verses that Ive
scrawled onto a piece of paper I hope you like them.
My time is no where near up honey but Im still tired
from that trip to Richmond yesterday and the work today
so as there is nothing more to write about Ill just
close with
Love From
XX 40
C.P. X X X X
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May 14
1929 Quantico Va. “To the Day”
Dearest One:
Im writing this letter in pencil not because Im to lazy
to use my pen but because I got my pencil back, and ive
got to try it out to see if it still works.
Lat night there was one ship load of Marines got back
from Nicaragua, today a few more got here. They seem to
be withdrawing them pretty fast now. I hope it continues
not for my benefit but for the guys that still have time
to do.
Speaking of time, mine os getting short again. Ive got
about 76 or 77 days now it just can’t be long now honey.
Tell me sweetheart, who addressed the envelope on the
second last letter I received? Was it your new friend
“El”? Im quite sure it wasn’t Hoppy’s writing so that
happens to mean that only one other person could have
addressed it, am I right?
Tonight we have a smoker on at the Gym and about 8 bouts
of good fighting we (the band) have been ordered to
furnish the necessary music well to tell you how I feel
about it Ill have to explain what happened at rehearsal
this morning. Tuesday mornings we always have a visitor
to come down from the Washington Marine Band to play a
little for us and to give us pointers. The guy that came
this morning also played clarinet and after listening to
him Im disgusted with my own playing and Ive tried every
way I know of to get rid of my clarinet today. (No
success) so you see why I don’t even want to hear music
tonight. Im glad Ive only got a little more time to do
cause as a musician Im disgusted with myself and I quit
or at least I quit clarinet. Ive got a real nice grouch
on today, no fooling, but maybe that helped me get my
pencil back. Who knows?
Im afraid these next 70 some odd days are going to pass
kind of slow for us sweetheart. If I could only see you
for one day Im sure it would help a lot, but we’ll just
have to take it like good soldiers. I do so want to take
it like a soldier honey but how can I when I love you so
much and am forced to stay away from you for so long. Oh
well sweets we’ll just day, “To the day,” and grin.
Shall we?
Love & many Kisses
From Your
XX 40 C.P.
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May 16
1929 Quantico Nicaragua “To the Day”
Dearest One:
I received your letter today along with a nice big one
from Lill, her first one for a long time. I sat down
right after dinner and answered hers and had intended to
answer yours at the same time, but they pulled a
surprise parade and review on us so we had to drop
everything and get ready for the parade. We got back in
just in time for second chow and when we got through
eating we had to get ready for our Thursday night
concert. Thats over now though and most of the gang are
at the movies so now I think and hope I can write
unmolested, if I can only think of things to write about
quick enough and think of enough things.
Last night I went out in the country again to visit my
old pal out there and build a cloths closet for him. Ha
may move up to Cleveland with his wife and baby next
spring. Ive only seen his wife three times but I think
he’s got a good and nice wife. She’s sure steered him
into the straight and narrow path. She’s very young
though not 18 yet. They all marry young though in the
You and me both wish I could come home once more before
I get discharged honey but Im afraid it would take quite
a magician for to talk them into giving a clarinet
player a furlough right now cause thats one thing were
short on right now. I doubt though even if I could get a
furlough if it would be wise for me to come home right
now. Im afraid Id never come back and desertion is fool
hardy in itself but when a short timer deserts its crazy
and thats exactly what it would be if I were to come
home now cause they’d never get me to leave you again
unless they sent a guard up to do it. I love you to much
to desert honey and spoil our chances for a happy life
and yet I love you to much to leave you again when I
once get home again. Do you follow my reasoning?
Why keep me in suspense when you have something to ask
me honey? Why isnt one mood just as good as another to
ask a question? Im sure its also just as well to write
it as to say it, and if you wait till I come home you’ll
surely forget to ask me and all this wondering and this
worrying will have been in vain.
To me it seems like time has just stopped or
started to go backwards or something. I don’t know
exactly how many days Ive got to do now. Ive quit
counting them and maybe they will pass quicker now. I
hope so.
Do you realize honey that today is exactly 15 months
since we last saw each other? Do you remember the last
thing you told me? That was pure bravery honey and I want
you to know that it helped me that day and often since
then. I wonder what Id do without you any way. I don’t
think I could have stood this last year if it hadn’t
been for you and those letters of yours. I can truly
sing that song, “Count your many blessings,” and it
would always be referring to you.
I think theres going to be another trip to one of these
towns back in the sticks this Saturday. I hope I don’t
have to make it. Those trips give me a pain and not in
the neck either.
Well honey girl this letter isn’t quite four pages long
but its closely written so there should be plenty in it.
Id like to write a couple more pages but there really
isn’t any more to write about tonight so Ill close with
Love and many Kisses
XX 40 C.P.
P.S. The artist fellow in Nicaragua sent word up that
the portrait is nearly completed so I expect it in
another couple of weeks.
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May 21
1929 Quantico Virginia “To the Day”
Yuour letter arrived just before dinner so now Im going
to answer it unless we catch a parade and review. I
don’t think we will though. I guess I haven’t been
writing quite as regular as I should honey, but I
haven’t even got an excuse. I guess Im just like you in
the writing line, Ive got to be in the mood or I can’t
By the way honey is it as cold up around home as it is
here? Weve still got March weather down here, cold and
plenty of rain. Theres been only three real nice days
since Ive been here it seems like summer never will
arrive at Quantico. We are still wearing our winter
uniforms (Greens) where its high time that we should be
in summer clothes (Khaki). I hope the old weatherman has
seen fit to give you a nicer spring than he’s seen fit
to give us. Im really frozen now.
How did I get the pencil back? Ill give you three
guesses, (the first two dont count), any way Ive got it
back and there aren’t enough men in the Marine Corps to
take it away from me again.
Your friend, “El”, looks nice in the picture and if she
is half as nice as her picture Im most sure that we’ll
be good friends. Tell me though honey, Who else was in
the picture with ,”El,” and why did you cut off the rest
of the picture?
Yes I read in the Washington papers of the Cleveland
disaster but all it said is that it was a clinic but
didn’t tell where it was at nor the name of it.
I heard from Lill the other day and she told be about
the house across from Mins being bombed. That same house
was also set on fire a couple of years ago. Those people
must have some rotten enemies somewhere.
Theres no maybe about me honey if I was at home right now
I know Id be perfectly happy, in fact of I was at home
now they’d play H!! – ever getting me back here again. I
don’t believe Id ever come back to be discharged. Ive
just figured up that Ive got 71 days to do so lets cheer
up honey thats only a little more than two months.
Last night I started to build a sort of kitchen cabinet
for my friend out in the country he’s kind of unhandy
with tools and he hasn’t got much time anyway so Im
building it for him Ill probably finish it tonight and
paint it tomorrow or the next day.
We had another soloist here from Washington this morning
to give us some pointers and play the English horn for
us. He played “William Tell” overture with us, and also
gave us a little solo, “The Largo.” He plays beautifully
and has a very wonderfull tone and nice style. I wish I
could play as good.
Ive been kind of at peace with the world here lately
honey, since I got the letter of yours where you said
you’d wait, (forever if necessary), it won’t be that
long though honey I love you and because of that I don’t
intend to be kept away from you for any length of time
anymore. Im going to be a civilian 71 days from now and
Im going to stay that way, and the next time when they
go to sending on expedition to Nicaragua, China or any
hwere else Im going to be on the side lines waving a
little flag and saying, “go to it boys Im right back of
you,” just like the ones higher up said to us. Im
enclosing a clipping for you to read, its most
realistic. Take my word for it.
Love and kisses honey and
“Hasta la dia.”
XX 40 C.P.
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May 23
1929 Quantico Virginia
Dearest One:
The papers got here just before dinner and your letter
right after dinner. Thanks for both. The clinic incident
was pretty bad, wasn’t it? I recognized among the dead
the name of one of my old friends’ mother. Do you by any
chance happen to remember the “Henry Epstein,” who went
to Tech with me? Well it was his mother anyway. [The
Cleveland Clinic fire of May 15, 1929 resulted in 123
deaths, mostly from bromide gas.]
It would be kind of nice for both of us if my old buddy
was to come to Cleveland to live. Im sure you would like
both him and his wife to say nothing of his son.
Well honey its this way I don’t exactly approve of girls
smoking but on the other hand I don’t condemn a girl just
because she does smoke in the first place it isn’t for
us to judge any one. Thats left to the good Lord, and I
don’t think he will condemn anyone for that. The only
thing is I don’t like to see a girl smoke but as long as
it isn’t my girl I don’t care and Im sure, “El,” and I
can be good friends even though she does smoke so don’t
worry about it honey. I guess she’s old enough to decide
what is or isn’t good for her. She looks like a very
nice girl to me and Im sure we will be good friends.
Certainly you were brave the day I left honey a person
is only human (and you and I are no exception) and a
human being can stand just so much and no more. You were
as brave as could be expected and a little more on top
of that. and Im proud of you for it honey and its for
just such things that I love you more than ever.
Last night I went out to my friends place again just to
pass the time away, and if I didn’t tell you before hes
a crack third baseman, and last night was the night for
the town team to practice so I went out to see him
practice and he still handles a ball, bat, and glove,
like a master.
Well honey I guess thats all for this time so Ill have
to quit writing and sign off with love & kisses
From Your
XX 40 C.P.
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May 26
1929 Quantico Virginia “To the Day”
Sweetheart of mine:
Her it is Sunday night, but unlike other Sunday I do not
have to play a concert tonight. The reason is that they
are putting on some other sort of entertainment tonight
so Ive decided to stay in and write a be-lated letter.
Last night some fellow over the hospital died so today
we had his funeral, took him down to the depot and the
day was done. They dont often have a funeral on Sunday
nor do we often fall out for one in dress uinform, but
we did today, and let me say it was plenty warm. I
havent quit sweating yet and its two hours since we got
back here. The funny thing about this fellow was that he
spent (I think it was two years) in Nic. and came back
to the States and died, or at least so I hear.
The other day I got a letter from the band in Ocotal
they all wrote a few lines in it and believe me honey it
was a joke. Im going to be equally funny. The artist
fellow says he has your painting done and he’s sent it
to me but addressed it to Philadelphia cause he thought
I was still there. I suppose it will get here sometime
or another in the near future just like their letter
did. He says that hes changed everything, background and
all even the dress (Ill be getting peeved here directly
if you let strangers give you a new dress like that.) I
only hope its good cause I sure want that one thing to
be good, as a rememberance of Nicaragua.
Ive got 65 days to do now honey I only wish I could drop
64 of them. The time seems to go so darn slow now that Im
getting short. I wish there was some way to accelerate
the days a little it seems like all I do is sit around
and think of you sweetheart. You and my day dreams are
the most precious things I have. I believe going out to
see my old pal out in the country and seeing how happy
he is since hes married and has a baby, has made me long
for you even more than before, if thats possible. I do
want some place that I can call home, so bad honey, and
you there to meet me when I come home, and a son I can’t
imagine how a man could help but be happy if he has all
that, can you?
I saw a good picture last night. Wm Haines & Joan
Crawford in, “The Dike steps out.” It sure was a good
picture. I also saw, “The object of testimony,”
[actually “Object – Alimony”] the other night. Ive
forgotten who played in it but Ill look at the list in a
minute. Its Hugh Allen and Ethel Terry. It also was very
I haven’t heard from my father now for quite some time
and Im beginning to worry. I really shouldn’t cause I
know hes got to much work this time of year to write but
just the same it does worry me a little.
Im afraid my writing is getting worse all the time
honey. I can’t even read it my self any more I wonder
how you manage to decipher it.
Well honey these last couple of months are going to be
hard sledding for both of us but I guess it’s the way
you say, if two persons love each other as we do they
are bound to reach their ultimate goal sooner or later
we’ll just have to take things as they come for a while
and strive for, “The Day.” Those two word mean a lot to
me honey some way or another they seem to draw you
closer to me.
Well honey Ill close now till I hear from you.
XX 40
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- - - - - - - - - -
May 31
1929 Ocotal Quantico Virginia
Ive got two letters here to be answered but I didn’t get
a chance so far. I intended to write today but we had a
parade and review and retired some guy on 30 years. We
didn’t get back till 4:45 so we went to chow and I just
got back.
Do you notice the goofy way I started this letter? That
just goes to prove that I should have been sent back
long ago. The tropical sun is the cause of things like
that. Then this paper isn’t exactly good stuff but its
all Ive got till tomorrow then too Im writing this in my
lap put all those things together and this should be a
pretty good letter.
Well honey this day should bring me down to sixty days
and a flop. Tomorrow Ill have less than two months to
do. I say it that way cause it sounds so much shorter
that way. Do you think we can wait that long? I came
near going over the rise long enough to pay you a visit
yesterday but I decided I had no right to spoil both our
chances for happiness that way, and any way I figure
thats the cowards way out of a close place. I do feel
sometimes like I would sacrifice any thing though just
to see you for a little while before I get paid off. I
guess I can stick it out though honey.
I don’t remember what happened now when I wrote the last
letter honey but anyway I forgot the kisses and didn’t
remember till Id got the letter in the mail. The reason
I forgot was cause something or another called me away.
Oh yes I remember I had to help some guy get his car in
it was broke down out on th road away. Don’t worry about
things being different honey. I love you more than
anything else and I always will.
Gee you should be a Marine in Haiti or Cuba honey you
like to sleep so much and thats all they do down there.
They have a four hour siesta every afternoon and taps
goes at 9:00 P.M. and reveille at 6:30 A.M. Hows that?
Oh well honey pretty soon you won’t need to get up to go
to work you’ll be able to sleep half of the day if you
Theres some guy here was supposed to get paid off
Tuesday (past) and hes still here it seems like they
forgot to close his accounts out. They do that twenty
days before and they forgot his so naturally his
discharge didn’t get here. Im not going to give them a
chance to forget mine. Im going to keep reminding them.
Well honey write soon to
XX 40 C.P.
For the last letter
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June 1
1929 Quantico Virginia “To the day” (59)
This is the first of another month and now I can say one
month and a butt. This makes 59 days to do and believe
me honey this is once in my life Im going to run from
anything the minute they give me my discharge Im going
to leave and this time its going to be final. Today was
poppy day here and I got mine, in memory of the boys who
gave their all on Flanders fields. Thats something I
never got before but my last fifteen months have taught
me many things I never knew. Ive come to the conclusion
that it took a lot of spunk for those men to cross those
poppy fields in the face of machine guns and almost
certain death and my hat is most certainly off to them.
I bought a nice poem for Mothers day too, but forgot to
get it in the mail. I had intended sending it to your
mother but completely forgot it till it was to late so I
kept it and Ill bring it out when I get home. Im really
ashamed of myself for forgetting to mail it cause I
really am gratefull to your mother because after all it
was she that gave me you, and you are my all Im afraid
life would be very dreary and hardly worth living for me
if I didn’t have you to look forward to. I often wonder
if its possible for you to realize how much I love you
sweetheart its really beyond my powers of speech to
explain it to you but take my word for it honey I do
love you, more than anything else in this world and Ive
seen quite a few things and lots of this world but
nothing to compare with you.
I had a letter here a short time ago from Erv but as yet
I haven’t answered it. I think Ill do that as soon as I
finish this one and then Ill write to my dad and perhaps
to Min if I get the chance.
By the way honey when I get paid off it will be
necessary to give a forwarding address so they can
forward my mail or anything that may come here to me.
Would it be alright to give your address?
I think Ill go out on a short liberty tomorrow. One of
the fellows here has a car and has asked me to take a
ride down to Fredrecksburg and back with him just for
the sake of the ride and to pass the afternoon so I
think Ill accept his invitation.
I kind of expected a letter from you today honey but for
some unknown reason or another none came. Ill have one
tomorrow or Monday though. I don’t know what makes me
think so but Ive just got a hunch that way. I think a
letter is just about due from Lill too but it will get
here about Tuesday if there is one, cause I most always
hear from her on Tuesday, cause she mostly always writes
on Sunday night.
How are you any way honey? And what are you doing to
amuse yourself? Id like to hear all about it, so write
soon and very much to
XX 40 C.P.
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- - - - - - - - - -
June 2,
1929 Quantico Virginia “To the day”
Im going to try to write now but Im not sure if Ill
finish so far Ive spoiled half a tablet of paper by
putting the wrong date or place or something in it. I
can’t seem to get my mind to working properly and Ive
lost all patience already. Im peeved today anyway Ive
lost my khaki cap and everything seems wrong. The reason
is that its another one of those cold, dreary, wet days.
A day like this seems to take all the life right out of
a person.
Yesterday afternoon we took a ride with one of the
fellows to Fredricksburgh and visited the Confederate
cemetery. That sure is one nice place and I enjoyed
every minute of the time I spent there. I wish you could
have been along. We came back in time to play the
regular Sunday night concert and then I stayed for the
services and for the show immediately afterwards. The
catholic chaplain made the speech on the subject that,
“Most of us were not made to do big things and become
famous but most of us were created to do little things
with a big heart.” A great lesson for all of us. The
picture last night was, “Mother Macree.” I though it was
Well honey it looks like our patience will soon be
rewarded. Im down to 57 days and a flop. Those days are
getting fewer and fewer all the time and even though
they seem to drag still it’s a fact that they are moving
along with the precision and regularity of a clock, and
soon they will be all gone. Then - - - - ?
I only wish I knew what I should do when I get home
again it will take a little time before I can manage to
get an appointment on a civil service job you know and I
can’t stay idle all that time no way in fact Id like to
save enough money to get married first so we could take
a few days leave, which I don’t believe I could get on a
civil service job until I’d been at it a year or so. One
thing I know though I must do some kind of work or Id go
crazy cause Im not built to lay around doing nothing.
There’s some guy around here thats pretty nosey and
seems anxious to know what Im writing when he looks over
shoulder again Im going to show him the letter and then
Im going to spoil his looks.
I wrote to my dad, to Min, and to Erv the other night
when I wrote your last letter and Im going to write to
Lill as soon as I hear from her that should be tomorrow
(maybe) I was expecting to hear from you today at the
latest, but the second mail is in now and there was no
letter. Oh well honey, I know Ill have one tomorrow in
the first mail.
You haven’t been out to Milton Davis for quite a time
now, have you honey? You havent been out to your Uncles
farm lately either, or at least you haven’t mentioned it
if you was. Tell me about yourself and the gang and what
you are doing with yourself.
I read a good book the other day, “The Old Blood,” by
Palmer it is very good I think, at least I enjoyed it.
The first time I get a chance to go over to the library
Im going to see what they have over there by, “Dante.” I
like to read his stuff cause it seems like his
imagination is very vivid, at least it seemed to be when
he wrote the, “inferno.”
Well honey I know Ill have a letter to answer tomorrow
so Ill close this one now with much love and many kisses
XX 40
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June 9
1929 Quantico Virginia “To the day”
Ive received another of my traveling letters. This one
seems to have gone every where but to Patagonia. I also
received one of the recent ones. I think Ill go to work
at the range for the rest of my time now it seems like I
get more mail that way. Just think honey, four letters
in two days, isn’t that nice? Two from you one from my
Dad (also a traveling one) and one from Lill.
Im afraid you’ll have to excuse this ink but I came to
the library to write only to find that my pen was dry
and Im much to lazy to go back to the quarters for some
so Im going to use what they have here. Am I excused?
Well honey it can’t be so very long now fifty one days
and a sleep. Then Ill be a free man again. Id like to
some home before then but its impossible and any way Im
afraid Id never come back again, or at least not without
Theyve offered me a good job and a rate if Id extend or
ship over. I told em to go to Hades and I told them in
such a manner that there is no doubt left in their minds
but what I mean it.
Go to it honey. Ill give you permission to hug me as
tight as you like, and if I drop dead Ill at least be
dying happy;
Last night I was out with my old pal in the country and
his wife and we had a little argument. I know now how
you felt when you fell out with Hoppy he came over and
made his apologies a few minutes later and every thing
is O.K. again, but it does hurt a little to know that he
wanted me to go back on my word, even though it was very
little. The whole argument started over drinking and all
because Im up the pole. Now Im convinced more than ever
to stay up the pole it hurt though. I cried like a baby
for a while and even now I feel a little bad about it.
We are playing a pretty nice concert tonight. The two
large numbers are, “Wm Tell,” and “Pale Moon,” both of
which are work outs for the flute and piccolo, and very
pretty at that.
Headquarters in Washington seems to be bringing the
Marines back in droves now. There was another bunch came
in here Thursday and theres many more on their way back.
Nearly all the original 11th Regt. Band came back on the
last boat. The artist fellow however is staying down
there yet. He sent word to me that he is going to make a
few more changes in that portrait before he sends it.
Well honey I guess this is all for this time so consider
yourself hugged & kissed.
By Your
XX 40 C.P.
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11, 1929 Quantico Virginia “To the day”
I owe you a leter now and although there really is no
news to write about, still Im going to write, even if I
break my arm doing so.
That letter that you called blue was quite cheerful
compared to the one following you probably have it by
now. I couldn’t help it though I just felt that way and
just like you say, it helps to tell it or write it to
I believe I told you Id got a letter from Dad it was a
nice longish one too. He tells me that he hopes, and is
quite sure he can manage to come to Cleveland for our
big day. I only wish I was free now so we could set the
day its so much easier to wait when a definite time has
been set, don’t you think so honey?
Ive gotten a hold of a couple more Leathernecks and a
few more clippings that might be interesting to look at
in later times, especially to show to children or grand
children when I get to be an old and maybe a feeble man.
they are also talking of giving us some kind of victory
medal for the Nicaraguan campaign, but it will be
several years but if they ever decide definitely on one
they will mail one to me (more remembrances)
That seems to be a nice thing alright to talk about but
I just wonder if Id ever be able to bring myself to tell
any child of mine about those experiences. The thought of
them doesn’t bother me as much as it used to though.
Then too Id better get the home and also the children
first, or I wont be able to tell them, even if I want
Im afraid sweetheart that the last paragraph is going to
make very little sense when you read it its just my mind
wandering from one subject to another. I cant seem to
think about anything but our love and when I try to
write about anything else I just get everything mixed
Well honey I guess Ill have to close now with Love
From Your
XX 40 C.P.
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June 14
1929 Quantico Virginia “To the day”
I received your letter this morning just before
inspection Im going to try to answer it now. Ive got a
little news to tell you. Im going to buy a clarinet. Ive
got a chance to get it at a good price and its almost
new. I hope I like this one when I get used to it, cause
it’s a nice clarinet.
I got another letter from Lill. I answered it yesterday.
Lill seems as anxious to see me home as I am to get home
and she expresses the wish that we should go out with
her and Ben sometime. Id like to cause she seems anxious
for me to pass judgement and for my part I would like to
know him to see what he looks like to me.
Yes I do remember, Rae Miller, honey and I am sorry to
hear that she is so sick she seemed to be pretty nice
Ill say it makes one feel rather down in the mouth when
a pal goes back on you we are still good friends though
and Ive most forgotten the whole incident cause he
really didn’t mean it he was drunk and didn’t know
better. I wish I could get him to give up drink.
You say you don’t like the overture, “Wm Tell,” for more
than one good reason. Yes Ill admit its hard and I can’t
really play it either, but it is nice when played right.
Last night we played a very nice half hour concert we
opened with a nice concert march I forget the name right
now then we played “Glad girl” Idyl “Southern Suite,”
“Blue Hawaii” waltz ”Phedra” overture another march and
the usual, “Star Spangled Banner.” We have at least one
stiff number for Sunday called, “Natoma” did you ever
hear it? I think Ill go up to Washington some time next
week and hear the big Marine Band play I haven’t heard
them since Im back.
Well honey its 46 days now, can we stand it that long?
Write soon sweetheart and help me to keep from going
nuts thinking about the 46 days.
Love Your
XX 40 C.P.
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June 18
[1929] Quantico Virginia “Zee Dem Tag”
I received your letter this noon. Im sorry to hear that
youve lost your friend “Rae Mille,” it didn’t take long
to get her, did it? Well we must all go sometime or
another, and all we can do is try to live the kind of
life that makes dying easier, so death has no terrors
for us.
I spent the week end at my buddies home, overhauling his
tin can roadster we worked Saturday till we couldn’t see
then we played set back and then to bed Sunday morning
their son and heir decided to howl just as breakfast was
being prepared and we, (the men folks) not Lindbergh,
couldn’t quiet the poor fellow so I made breakfast while
its mother put it to sleep again. I made a good meal
too, if I do say so myself. I fried a couple of chops,
some potatoes, some eggs, and also some hot cakes and
coffee after breakfast we went out and done the rest of
the overhauling and by noon we were done. Theres about a
dozen guys want help around here and they keep me busy.
Last night I fixed a radio for some non Com who lives on
the hill and today I got two little repair jobs to do
but I can’t get away cause wever got a formation this
afternoon weve got to play the rifle team off. They
leave for Wakefield, Mass today.
Did I tell you sweetheart, Im buying myself a clarinet
what for I don’t know unless its to keep me from
shipping over. I don’t know though it may come in handy
to me sometime. Im getting a good bargain too. Im saving
$50.00 on it wait till you see it its sure a beauty and
its as easy blowing. Im nuts over the darn thing.
Just think honey if I hadn’t been a d—n? fool Id have
two and a fraction days to do now as it is Ive got forty
two and a fraction. Oh well pretty soon now Ill be
starting on my bitter medicine (misconduct time) I went
up to look at my record book this morning and its real
surprising what good marks I got in spite of the trouble
Ive been in. Theyve done me a couple good turns too by
leaving off some of th bad marks I got.
I believe Ive read, “All the Brave Rifles,” at any rate
it sounds very familiar and Im sure Ive read the,
“Crippled Lady of Peribouka.” Im not sure but I believe
it was in the magazine section of The Washington Sunday
Post no it wasn’t either I read it in the New York
papers while I was in Phila, in the hospital.
Honey I don’t know how we are going to wait very much
longer when I do get home. Im in favor of getting
married as soon as I get a position or that pays enough
to really support a wife and any saving that well be
necessary we can do together. Ive waited so long now I
don’t know if Im coming or going half the time. Ill
never be really happy honey till you are all mine thats
all I seem to live for now. Say that we can make it as
soon as I get a good job honey we wont have to wait very
long anyway, will we? Im maybe not very convincing when
I write letters sweetheart but Ill be home soon now and
then Im sure I can convince you that Im right only 42
days and a ½ more honey.
This is the first of a new tablet honey. I had to call
time out to make the change and no I seem to have
forgotten every thing I meant to say. Oh well maybe Ive
already said it so Ill quit now.
Always Yours
XX 40
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- - - - - - - - - -
24, 1929 Quantico Virginia “To the Day”
One of my buddies who swore into the service side by
side with me was just discharged this morning and he
left here not 5 minutes ago now I feel just like Id lost
something. He sure has been a good friend.
Yes Ive bought not only one clarinet but two one is a Bɓ
Bochm system and the other is a Bɓ Alto, Albert system
what Im buying them for is more than I can tell unless
its because it’s a bargain and Im not Jewish either.
No honey, “hatoma,” is not Indian. It sounds like it I
know, that is, the name does but not the music. Its very
pretty though and everyone who heard it liked it.
Im sorry to hear that youve had the blues again but they
really are easy to get and hard to get rid of, aren’t
they honey? Well see if this won’t help scatter them.
Thirty seven days and a sleep. It can’t be long now
sweetheart and Ill be home for good where I can see you
all the time then maybe Ill be able to explain how much
I love you I wish I could put it down on paper but I
can’t seem to find the words when I try. Then to when I
get home why some of those trips to Akron and so forth
wont be made by Hoppy, El, and you along but the great
private will be along to help you enjoy some of it.
I wonder what is the matter with Erv. I havent heard
from him lately even though I wrote to him some time
ago. Oh well I guess it’ll be pretty hard to get me to
write letters too when Im that close to my sweetheart
hes also very much in love, you know. Isn’t it funny
though how sooner or later through the fates everyone or
rather nearly everyone finds their true love and mate?
The fates may be rather rough one a person sometimes but
them they always make up for it by the happiness one
gets in finding their love. WE have had some rough
breaks but all in all we are still lucky. We have one
another to live for and we are young and healthy and
have a good chance for a nice shiny future and all that
goes with it.
Since weve got General Smedley D. Buttler commanding
here things have changed again. He likes his band and
has ordered that the band make all the trips this fall
with the football team. He get here about three or four
years to late, don’t you think so? Id like to make those
trips but Id rather get paid off, and the sooner the
I guess this is all for this time honey so heres Love
and Kisses from
XX 40 C.P.
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June 26
[1929] Quantico Va. (To the day) 34 & a flop
Dearest One:
Your letter arrived today and it made me happy and sad.
Happy because the letter got here, and sad to hear that
you weren’t well or at least not up to snuff. Don’t let
it get you now honey, weve stood it this long without
reaking so lets try to stand it a few more days its only
very little more than a month now and Ill be home with
you and we’ll see how we can fix things so we won’t have
to do much waiting when I do get there. Im kind of
worried about how were going to do it but Im going to
take some advise from a previous letter and leave my
worries till later cause I believe that as you said, if
two young things, (we are young), love each other as we
do and are both striving for the same goal it will be no
time at all till things come right side up. Please don’t
let your disposition worry you honey its just as you say
with a little help and understanding it can be remedied.
I don’t believe I have read the book, “Drachla,” honey
although the name does sound very familiar. Do you know
that the air races are going to be held in Cleveland
this year. I believe its going to be around August 24th
and last for several days they are also going to have an
aviation exhibit at the public auditorium. I believe its
going to last five days. I read about it in the Aviation
Journal this morning.
I broke loose the other day and made a liberty to
Washington. I saw a good show, “Gamblers,” and had a
couple of good chows.
Ive been having some wonderful feelings here for the
last couple of days. They talk of tropical details and I
feel like a clown and laugh just cause I know they’ll
never get me on another detail like that. Whoopee!!!!
You cant imagine how good you make me feel when you tell
me we won’t have to do any extra waiting. Thats what Im
living for honey, to make you all mine and waiting to me
is just more misery. I only wish I could take you and
run off with you tonight honey. I will though one of
these days just as soon as I get a decent job and get
established it might mean a little hard sledding at
first sweetheart and we may have to live close at first
but Im sure we’ll win out in the long run are you
willing to try it that way honey?
Ill close now with love and kisses
XX 40 C.P.
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July 1
1929 Quantico Va. “Zee Dem Tag”
Dearest One:
This is the start of the last month of our separation
(30 days and a flop) and I don’t give a rap how I do it
I just got another insult last night. I was asked to
ship over and they even promised me a 90 day leave and
told me they would make an attempt to get me separate
quarters in the event that I got married. I think Ill
ship over for the U.S.S. outside or the U.S.S. never
sails, and this Marine Corp and I will stay quits once
we get that way. Do you think thats a good idea honey?
Think those little blue devils will go when these next
30 days are over?
Why shouldn’t you tell me when you are blue honey? I
think I should know all about your woes as well as your
joys honey any way if it helps to tell me when you are
blue why tell me by all means thats what we are
sweethearts for, to try to help one another.
You closed your last letter with (Love Your Beatrice)
and added (She needs it) I do love you honey, more than
I can ever tell you. I always do. I can’t even sleep
without dreaming of you. I only hope those castles in
the dreams are built of sturdy stock so they will stay
I went to Washington day before yesterday to try to get
some parts for a friends motorcycle. I got back at 1
A.M. yesterday and saw a civilian friend of mine as I
was coming through and he was just going fishing and
asked me along. There were four of us and we caught 144
perch and one rock bass. Some catch isn’t it? Thats the
first time I ever had any luck like that thats about
three dozen a piece for us. My trip to Washington by the
way was a failure. I got back yesterday to find a letter
here from Lill though. Ill have to answer it right away.
I guess Ill have a letter from you this noon so Ill quit
now with
XX 40 C.P.
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July 3
1929 Quantico Va. “To the Day”
Dearest One:
I received your letter yesterday but again I was on the
burn. Yesterday I went to Alexandria but had to be back
to play a parade and review for some guy who was to be
retired on thirty years. Yesterday like on Saturday my
mission was fruitless now the kid has decided to give up
the idea of fixing his motorcycle.
When I wrote your last letter I meant to tell you
something but forgot honey. That painting got here from
Nicaragua but it got spoiled in the mail it stuck and
pulled the paint off in places. Im sorry its spoiled
sweetheart cause I had my heart set on its being good.
Im not going to tell the kid who painted it either,
cause he worked so hard on it that it would be a shame
to tell him. He sure tried his best.
Im sore today cause I sent for writing material to the
Post exchange and this is what they sent me for while
now Im just boiling over Ive got it now though so you’ll
have to put up with it for a while at least.
Well honey it can’t be very long now, only 28 more days
and a short sleep. Im sure counting those days now and I
can hardly wait for them to pass. They are starting to
realize now that they are about to lose a clarinet
player for good. Theyve been trying all the tricks of
the trade here for the last few days, but now Im having
my day.
I haven’t heard from my dad for some time now but I
guess thats because hes pretty busy right now hes
probably working day and night now. I haven’t had a line
from Erv for a long time either. I think Ill write to my
dad and to Erv today just to be mean.
Tomorrow is the glorious fourth again. Know where I was
a year ago today? I was about half way between, “Limay,”
and, “Pueblo Nuevo,” Nicaragua, and in the first real
contact I was in with bandit forces about this time
(10:30 A.M.) we were sweating like niggers trying to get
out of a triangular ambush and in getting out of it we
chased them off the beaten path and got lost. Well I
guess we can thank God that thats over with and that Im
back in a civilized country. Just the same I never will
forget how good, “Pueblo Nuevo” looked to us when we
finally did get there on the afternoon of July 4th just
as a patrol was starting out to assist us, and the hard
tack and slop they fed us tasted like a kings feast.
Well honey I guess this is all for this time so Ill
close now with Love and Kisses from
XX 40 C.P.
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July 8
1929 Quantico Virginia “To the Day”
I haven’t heard from you for a few days now. Whats the
matter? Is your write hand on the blink? Ive missed
those letters honey and I hope I have one tomorrow
morning. Don’t lets give up now honey with only 23 days
to do weve stuck so long so lets see if we can’t stick
it out for the next 23 days.
We had liberty from last Wednesday noon till today on
account of the 4th of July. I never even left the
barracks and those of us who stayed behind had to fall
out to meet the reserves when they came in yesterday. We
made four formations and it sure was hot. I sweated
everything from blood to Limeade.
Do you remember may my saying something here some time
ago of trying to send for a box I had stored with some
clothes and stuff in it? I guess its lost cause I can’t
seem to get a line on it. Ive tried every way I know of
Today I worked all day trying to get a cabinet built into
our new quarters to put our musical library into. They
always call on the Great private when they want any
thing like that done. I guess by the time I get those
quarters fixed up the way they want them Ill be just
about ready to get paid off.
This coming Thursday the band goes to Baltimore with the
Baseball team. I guess Ill have to go again we’ll have
liberty till Monday A.M. if we choose. I do not choose
to run. Im coming back right after the game on the
special train.
Tomorrow we move to our new home, lock, stock, and
saddle. I ate dinner there this noon and theyve sure got
every thing modern in there but Im not going to like it.
Id rather get discharged.
I was asked to extend two years for China today. Shall
I? I guess you know what my answer was.
This is all for today honey just in case that letter
gets here tomorrow so I can answer it with much love for
Bea. From
XX 40 C.P.
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July 12
1929 Quantico Va. “To the Day”
I received your letter today while I was working. Oh yes
I do that little thing every once in a while. I think I
told you about that job the other day so I won’t go all
over that again.
Yesterday we went to Baltimore to play their Firemen a
game of baseball. The cheering section went up in a
small bunch of two thousand. We had a great old time and
beat them an easy game with a score of 6 – 2 using a
second string team. General Butler himself helped the
cheer leaders and we sure made whoopee after the game
the band started a crazy snake dance and two thousand
equally crazy Marine Regulars and Reserves joined us. I
took the first train to leave after the game and got
back here about 11:00 P.M. I arose this morning in time
for breakfast and started right in to towk and stayed at
it till 5:00 P.M. when I quit for chow and now Im
writing this. Some day, isn’t it?
Yes its true that the majority rules honey and it holds
good in this case only in this case the Marine Corps is
not the majority, the majority lives in Cleveland this
time on Wetzel Ave. I was urged to ship over again today
and promised some married mens quarters, subsistence, a
good job and a good rating. I told them to try to induce
you to agree cause I know you’ll never say yes. Ive
only got 18 days and a nap now honey so it can’t be
The Glorious fourth wasn’t so hot for me. I stayed in
and saved my money. I wish Id had some place to go but
my buddy from out in the country was visiting at his
mother in laws and I didn’t have any place else to go so
I stayed in.
Sure Ill teach you to swim if you’ll risk getting a
mouthfull of water every once in a while cause I simply
can’t resist ducking my students every once in so often.
I haven’t been in swimming in a long, long time now and
Im not going in here cause this river is so filthy and
it’s the only place around here to swim.
You are always telling me about El having to work just
what kind of work does she do that keeps here busy day
and night. Give me the low down.
Gee honey I can hardly realize that Ive only got 18 more
days to do and I can hardly wait till I get home to you
again. Im glad Ive got some work to occupy my thoughts
or the days would drag even slower than they are and I
love you so much honey that Id go crazy if I had to lay
around here doing band duty or just laying around doing
nothing. I want to get home so I can take you into my
arms and kiss you again and squeeze you so Ill know that
its not only a pleasant dream, cause Im always afraid
Ill wake up and find out that it is only a dream.
Tonight we have another smoker here and although Im
excused from all musical duties still Im going over and
play with the rest of the band for the smoker cause then
Ill get a better seat.
I guess Id better close now honey and get this into the
mails so write soon honey to Your
XX 40
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- - - - - - - - - -
13, 1929 Quantico Va. “To the Day”
Dearest One:
Im going to try to relieve my feelings tonight by
writing you a few lines it does help to tell someone you
Today I got restless and dropped all my work to go out
to my old Pal Stankus’ place and found out that they had
lost their baby. I believe it hit me most as hard as it
did them cause I was getting to like the baby real well.
My pal runs around in a stupor and is trying to drown
his sorrows. His wife is hysterical and is staying at
her mothers. I sure feel sorry for them and I only hope
that nothing like that may ever happen if I should be
lucky enough to become a father, especially of a boy.
Im down to 17 days and an extra breakfast now honey and
when I get this letter done Im going to go to bed and
not wake up till Im down to 16 days. I hope tomorrow
will go faster than today did. I don’t suppose it will
go faster though most probably slower if any thing.
I wish you were here right now sweetheart even for only
an hour it would help these last few days to pass
quicker. I love you so much that its misery for me here
but weve stood it this long and I guess we’ll be able to
stand it these few days more, dont you?
Tonight a detail left (10 minutes ago) for Haiti and its
sure nice to be able to sit still and not worry about
getting caught for it. They seem to be making a lot of
tropical replacements right now. That detail left today
and a nice big one goes to (Shanghai China) on the
twenty third, and another one is standing be for
Nicaragua on the first available transport. I certainly
saw a lot in the last year and a half, a nice part of
this old universe but Im glad its all over now and Im
willing to settle down in Cleveland now and see if I
can’t build a home for myself. I sure need one, or at
least I will when I get paid off. I wonder what kind of
a sensation it is to have a home, a real one I mean, not
like Quantico. I really don’t know what its like anymore
cause it’s a long time now since Ive had a home.
I went to the smoker last night and saw a couple of
pretty good fights in the preliminaries and a
welterweight fight for the championship of the post and
a lightweight fight for the lightweight title of
Quantico both were good fights and showed plenty of
action, speed, science, and ring knowledge.
I havent heard from my dad yet and don’t expect to for a
couple of days yet but what I can’t figure out for
myself is why Erv don’t write. I must have said
something to peeve him, although I can’t figure what it
could have been. Ill find out sooner or later if he
don’t write soon why Ill get to see him personally and
find out.
Well sweetheart I love you more than ever and a letter
every now and then helps when it comes from the one you
love so lets have a letter or two in the next mail for
Your same old
XX 40 C.P. and lots of hugs and squeezes
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July 14
1929 Quantico Virginia “To the Day”
I have before me another one of your letters, one that
arrived here just a few minutes ago so Im going to try
to answer it. I wrote one letter last night but haven’t
mailed it yet because there is no mail box handy and I
havent had a chance to walk a half a mile to the post
office so when I do go Ill be mailing more than one
No honey I didn’t think you had given up the ship with
23 days to go. I don’t know why I ever wrote that or
what I meant by it. Im sorry honey. I guess my mind must
have been wandering again. Today its down to 16 days and
a discharge it seems as though those days are extra long
just because we are counting them.
I could probably interpret El’s remark about the Giraffs
throat if I tried but Im darned if Im going to do any
explaining on paper to easy to put down just the
opposite of what you mean on paper.
The new quarters here are quite nice even though
everything is very regulation in them but I have seen
better built and more comfortable barracks in my time.
The ones at San Diego, Cal. are like night and day
compared to these beside those these barracks would
look, well like a chicken coop.
Well honey it can’t be so very long now till Ill be with
you for ever and there will be no more squads right. I
guess all we can do for the present is to stand fast and
wait for these next few days to pass so we can start
planning and plotting.
Love Your
XX 40 C.P.
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July 17
1929 Quantico Virginia “to the day”
Here it is Tuesday Wednesday night and only 13 days and
a cup of coffee and a slice of bread to go. The coffee
and bread is my Wednesday breakfast cause I don’t like
the way they scramble eggs here anyway it won’t be long
now till Im out of here for good and all. I was asked to
ship over again to take over the Post Band property the
inducements were Pfc. 3rd class, quarters and
subsistence which would give me about $78 per month. My
answer was
Oh yes, I was also reminded that I could have a 90 day
furlough and that Id get $100 for shipping over. The
bait however didn’t look tempting enough. They should
have showed their appreciation by giving me those rates
while I still had time to do. They just missed their
chance. I was supposed to go fishing tonight but Ive
decided to let that pass and go to sleep instead and
when I wake up again Ill only have 12 and a fraction
days to do. My record book got cleared out and all my
accounts closed yesterday and I was asked to ship onto
the Reserves that is class three, all ex marines no
drill or training to do but only in case of war they
would most probably call me with the first, unless I got
married in which case I wouldn’t be called till those
who were exempt for that reason are called its nothing
more than a right to still call myself a Marine even
though Im a civilian. I was in the office when the
Company Commander closed out my record book and saw what
averages he gave me. Ive got one 4.8, one 4.9 and two 5
which makes for Excellents cause 5 is the best mark
there is and nearly all of my marks are 5s. Im getting
an excellent discharge but my summary court that I got
in 1926 bars me from getting a good conduct medal but I
don’t give a rap cause the medal don’t mean any thing
anyway and you don’t wear something like that with
civilian clothes anyway. So much for that Ill soon get
that discharge and then I can tell you about it instead
of writing it.
Have you heard from Lill in the last few weeks? Even she
seems to have turned silent now. I can’t understand all
their silence for some reason or another even Erv my old
faithfull pal has quit writing.
Well honey Ill see you on the night of August the first
but lets not plan ahead again.
Im not going to the show tonight they are showing one of
those wild west pictures again so Ill stay in and sort
some of my junk and pack what I won’t need in my trunk
so I can get it out of the way for the two inspections
Ive got to stand yet.
Listen honey Im due for discharge on a Wednesday morning
at 10:00 A.M. and Ill get to Cleveland on Thursday and
Ill get me a place to stay that is roon and board and
then Ill come right out to the house so Ill have
Thursday and Friday night with you honey but Saturday
afternoon Ill have to give my dad a visit and Ill come
back some time Sunday night so Ill be able to see you
again on Monday. I hate to think of being forced to
leave you for two days when Ive just hardly got back but
Ive simply got to do it honey cause I owe that much to
my father and it would look bad if I didn’t go to see
him when I get out. I thought at first that we could
both go down Saturday afternoon but they would want me
to stay over night and spend Sunday with them and it
wouldn’t be just the conversational thing for us to do
anyway, would it? any way Id have to go on the train so
you wouldn’t want to go along I know. I wish I could
take you along though sweetheart cause the folks are
most as anxious to see you again as they are to see me
and Im figuring on making my first trip to church as a
civilian out there and I sure would like to have you
along on my first trip cause Ill sure have plenty to be
thankfull for. Id like to make my return to religion
with you and my dad. Oh well Im planning ahead again and
this is just what we decided not to do still planning
and dreaming makes the time pass so much quicker.
Well honey I guess Ive bothered you enough and said
exactly nothing ao Ill quit for tonight with love &
XX 40 C.P.
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July 18
[1929] Quantico Va. “to the day”
I received three letters this morning. One from you one
from Lill and one from my dad. The only prodigal now is
Erv and I expect Ill hear from him too in good time.
My dad wrote me a nice long letter and he’s included
another invite for your folks and you to visit him some
time for a weekend. Thre’s horses cows and calves for
you to hug and Ill be along in case you run out of
hugging material then too theres some nice hills
orchards and a bit of woods for you to stroll through.
Dad says hes had as many as 18 guests to stay over night
so I guess he can find room for all of us to stay.
Ive only got 12 days and a flop to serve honey but Ive
got to have time to get to Cleveland you know so it will
be two weeks from today before you will see me but when
you do Stand by!
No I don’t mind the girls going along to Milton Dam in
the least bit, in fact Ill be as glad to have them as
you will. Lill and her Ben want us to go along with them
some time too. They want to go to Cedar Point by boat.
I try not to plan ahead too but it is such jolly good
fun planning for us after being away for so long that I
just cant resist the temptation and I continually catch
myself planning way ahead.
I guess you are right. This Marine Corps has had me long
enough at that.
We will have to celebrate some way though when I get
out. I guess we’ll have to celebrate by coming down the
pole a few foot about a quart or two.
Tomorrow I stand one of the two inspections Ive got
coming yet and after that Ive got only one more.
Well honey Ill see you soon and in the mean time write
often to
XX 40 C.P.
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July 20
[1929] Quantico Va. “To the day” 10 and
Ive just returned from an afternoon spent in trying to
lure about a four pound bass out of his retreat and
induce him to tackle a pork rind. No success, maybe
we’ll do better next time.
Yesterday I got the long awaited letter from Mr. Erv.
Laykum, this A.M. I received your letter, or at least I
guess it was this morning. I was working in another part
of the building and went fishing right from there.
Gee honey youve sure got a lot of ambition, getting up
at two oclock in the morning has to mean more than just
getting a look at an airplane for me or I wouldn’t get
up it would have to be something important like a bottle
of beer or wine or a fight or some thing on that order
even something to eat wouldn’t get me out at that time.
I can’t seem to get the idea through my ivory that after
10 days I can come to you and stay for good. I always
feel like sooner or later the furlough will be over I
can’t realize that its not only a leave but a discharge
Ill get.
Erv wants to know what train Im coming in on so he can
come and meet the train but I don’t want to put him to
all that trouble cause Ill be so busy finding a home and
then getting my trunk and stuff there that Im going to
be on the move all day long in fact Ill have to move
like a cyclone to get all that done before midnight so I
can get out to see you. Ill probably get out there early
enough though if I have to leave my trunk set in the
middle of the public square. I don’t know yet but what
Ill drive up with one of the fellows here who is
thinking of coming up there to work. He gets out Tuesday
but is going to visit some friends in Washington for a
week and in the meantime he’ll decide where he’s going
Im darn glad now that I didn’t ship over when they made
me that nice offer because things are starting to get
quite regulation now just like I thought they would an
inspection of quarters every morning at ten oclock by
the officer of the day and that includes every Sunday
and holiday. Thats not going to affect those who live in
private quarters, that is married mens quarters but it
will be a pain in the ear even to those men.
Well honey Ive got to close now to go get my supper but
it won’t be long now till you can see
XX 40 C.P.
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July 22
[1929] Post Band quantico “To the day” (one figure) 8 &
I kind of expected a letter today but someway or another
(no soap) I think Ill have one tomorrow though. I feel
it in my bones, just like I felt sure that we would
catch some bass today and we did. We got a couple,
neither over two pounds but both put up a nice fight
till I got the landing net under them in fact one of
them gave me a bad two minutes and nearly spilled the
boat on me. I like to fish and I believe Ill have to get
myself some tackle when I get out so we can go out once
in a while and try our luck. Just think honey another
eight days and a sleep and Ill be able to come home and
we’ll be able to plan all kinds of things like that.
Im not doing much of anything in the line of duty right
now. This morning I worked about one hour and a half as
chief electrician and when I finished I put on my hat
and went fishing. Im not doing any band duty right now
and probably wont do any for the rest of the time Im
here. I think Ill just spend my last week in pursuing
the little fishes next to horse races, catching fish is
the best sport.
Tonight when I get this letter done Im going to work on
a stencil Im making to paint a Marine emblem onto my
hand bag with also a Cuban and Haiti flag and a small
map fothe Panama Canal. The Marine emblem is going to be
the hardest though cause its going to be two colored.
Well honey I guess that will be all except for some love
and kisses from
Your Porter
XX 40 C.P.
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24, 1929 Quantico Virginia “To the day” 6 and
I was exceptionally lucky today in so much that I
received two letters, one from you and another from Erv.
He still wants me to let him know on what train Ill be
in so he can meet me and help me not to get lost in my
home town. I don’t know yet just what arrangements Ill
make but I suppose Ill let him know and Ill tell him
before hand though that Ive got a date for as soon as I
get straightened out in my new home so he won’t be
expecting me to spend the evening at his house.
Judging from your letter you must have gotten over that
long spell of the blues that you had. Thats the stuff
sweetheart just, “smile and the world smiles with you.”
Youve heard that old saying before, havent you?
Yes according to rules and regulations I should go to
see my folks first, but to h - -? with rules and also
the regulations for good measure. Ive a more important
mission to attend to first.
Now Im most certain sweetheart that you are the most
remarkable woman Ive ever known or heard of. Most
certainly you are the only one that ever told anyone
that she gets tired of taking after just so much of it.
Ho! Ho! Thats one good one on you. Ill have to call you
– well, un, feminine, after this. Shall I?
Well honey I think my working days here are just about
over with. I think Ill just fish, loaf, and eat and
sleep for the next six days.
I have a letter in my box that I wrote the other day but
Ive forgotten to mail it. Ill try to get it off tonight.
I guess its to late to catch tonights train but it will
at least go out first thing in the morning.
Well honey one week from now Ill be in Pittsburgh on my
way home. Ill close now and try to get these letters off
so love and Kisses from
XX 40 C.P.
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26, 1929 Quantico Virginia “To the day” 4 and 1 turn
Dearest One:
My box at Hampton Road was finally located and I
received it yesterday. All the old letters I had stored
in it were safe also the books, but everything else was
stolen. Oh well I hope who ever got the rest of the
clothes has a good time with them and Im happy to know
your letters are intact.
I read some of the older ones and those Id received from
the time I came back from furlough till the time a left
and now Im more convinced than ever that you are the
best little sweetheart a man could want it won’t be long
though honey until Ill be home and in a position to show
you that I appreciate your sticking by me through all
this. I stood my last commanding officers inspection
this morning and next Wednesday morning about 10:00 A.M.
I get the little old discharge and Ill hop on the old
train that leaves here after dinner and Ill be on my
long furlough.
The band office are trying their best in a silent way
now to induce me to ship over by showing me how easy the
police sgts job is they are putting me in charge of
three working details from tomorrow till Monday. Well
Ill do my work and leave it go at that. I wouldn’t ship
over now if they fed me with golden dishes.
I went fishing again this afternoon but the luck wasn’t
as good as yesterday cause I got two 3 pounders, two,
two pounders and one 1 pounder yesterday while today I
only got one and it was a bare 1 ½ pounds. They just
wouldn’t hit today.
We had an extra smoker here last night. We generally
only have one a month but this month we had two. Last
nights was not intra post, but the Navy Reserve camps.
We took all but one fight. I didn’t go to see these
fights however. I was to occupied reading some of your
old letters. When I get his letter done Im going to read
some more of the old ones seeing as everyone is at the
show and Ill have plenty of time and everything is very
tranquill around here.
My Bunkie says to tell you that I bawled him out for not
having ink to match mine. But beggers cant be choosers
and my ink well ran dry at the same time my pen did so
you’ll have to excuse it. Red says hes sorry but he’ll
try to do better next time.
You should see the nice coat of tan Ive acquired again
since I took to fishing the back channels of this
Potomac River. This will almost match the one I had in
(dear) old Nicaragua. One of the fellows who were on the
gook patrol with me (my assistant auto rifle man in
fact) is back here now and we were talking about the big
patrol and the gooks I shot off a hill on the “Maculisa”
trail and I find its much easier to talk about it now
that there is no chance of going back there. Those gooks
don’t even bother my conscience any more.
Well honey Ill try to write again Sunday or Monday but
Ill have to work all day tomorrow, Sunday, and Monday
and I may be pretty tired but Ill try, and Tuesday I
clear out and get my final medical examination and
Wednesday is the big day so if I don’t get a chance to
write dont worry cause Ill see you next Thursday.
Love Your
XX 40
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July 29 [1929] 9:00 P.M. Eastern Standard “To the day” 1
One more day and an extra flop. I guess it can’t be very
long now. Ive been busier than a one legged clog dancer
here today. Ive spent all night so far re packing my
clothes and effects. Oh this is only the fifth time. Ill
have to repack them again tomorrow so Ill be all set for
Tomorrow morning I start clearing out and taking ten or
twenty physical examinations for discharge then when Im
all cleared out Im going on liberty to pay my buddy out
in the country a last visit and help him drink some of
the beer hes made for the occasion. He’s quit heavy
booze not too. Oh he’ll take a drink when its offered
him just to be sociable just like I would, but weve both
quit hitting it hard. We want light wine and beer only.
I got a final letter from Lill today. She seems to be
almost as anxious to have me home as you and I are that
I should get there. I don’t know if Ill get a chance to
write her another letter tomorrow. I doubt it. This will
probably be my final one to you honey but Ill see you on
Thursday night so why worry. I may get to you the same
time as this letter does at that. (¿Quien Sabe?) or in
words to the same effect, (Who knows?)
Well honey Ive finally managed to catch the crook who
had my pencil (Red-handed) He stole a pistol and I was
instrumental in bringing it to light and in having him
locked up. He wouldn’t fight me even though he is twice
as big as I am so I took what chance I had of getting
even with him. Ive tried three hundred times at least to
get him to swing at me just once but he wouldn’t fight.
Now he will get a straight kick out of the service.
Well honey, dont expect me out till about 6:00 or 7:00
P.M. on Thursday but don’t lock the doors cause I may be
out by 5:30 if I can get straight by then, so until
Thursday night Lover & Kisses
From Your
XX 40 C.P.