Nobre 18/1927
Don Abraham Rivera
Mina Eden
Estimado Señor:
Debiendo comenzar a
practicarse las Elecciones para
Diputados y Senadores de la
República, rogamos a Ud. Tener
la bondad de avisar a los
vecinos de esa mina y a los de
la linea y de la Bodega de
Miranda por medio de los
muchachos para que concurran a
inscribirse y a votar. La
votación queda abierta el
domingo 20 de este mes o sea
pasado mañana.
Agradeciéndole mucho
quedamos de Ud. muy attos S.S. y
Luis Pineda
Pedro Vasquez
USMC-GNN translation &
"Sr. Abraham Rivera,
Eden Mine.
Dear Sir:
Owing to the beginning
of elections for Deputies and
Senators of the Republic, we beg
you to have the kindness to
notify the neighborhood of this
mine and of the area and of
Bodega de Miranda through the
medium of the boys, to gather to
register and vote. The polls
will be open Sunday the 20th of
this month or day after
Thanking you, etc., we
remain your servants,
Luis H. Pina D (?),
Pedro Vasquez."
A better English
"Mina Bonanza
February 18th, 1927
Mr. Abraham Rivera
Eden Mine.
Dear Sir:
Since elections for
Deputies and Senators of the
Republic are due to begin, we
beg you to have the kindness to
send the boys around to notify
the neighbors of that mine, the
mine railway, and Miranda's
storehouse to get registered and
to vote. The polls will be open
on Sunday the 20th of this
month, i.e. the day after
We thank you very much
and remain your servants and
Luis Pineda
Pedro Vasquez."