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PC28.03.05   rockey


28.03.01 O'DAY
28.03.05 MCNULTY
28.03.05 ROCKEY
28.03.11 AIKEN
28.03.15 CHAPPELL
28.03.16 ARTHUR

28.03.05.   Rockey, Report of Patrol, Yalí

P C - D O C S :      P A T R O L   &   C O M B A T    R E P O R T S
thru 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 +













T  R  A  N  S  C  R  I  P  T  I  O  N

Yali, March 5, 1928 9:00 A.M.

From: Major K. E. Rockey
To: The Brigade Commander (operations officer)
Subject: Report.

     1.   My command is concentrated here. Last of trains arrived last night. One platoon is out on reconnaissance to the north and will return tonight. The trail from San Raphael [San Rafael del Norte] was very bad due to heavy rains.

     2.   I have the following information re trails: There are five trails, from West to east by which I might reach Quilali: The first two work generally north out of here. The third passes via Coyolar, San Antonio, Las Vegas, La Rica, Cerros Partidas. The fourth trail passes further south but crosses the Rio Coco at the same place as the third. There is still another trail which passes generally east along the north edge of the Yali Mountains and [strides] the Pantasma Valley. As to this trail, all available information is very vague, except that it is reported to be very bad and very long. No guide who knows anything about it is available. I have a guide who knows the 3d trail. The distance to Quilali is four days march as we travel, ie with pack trains. The places mentioned are sections, not towns. There is no town on the routes. The route crosses the Rio Coco by ford about due south of Quilali. The trails from here to the Rio Coco and perhaps beyond are more mountainous and difficult than the trail between San Rafael and Yali. [ p. 2 ]

     3.   There are persistent rumors that there is a concentration of at least part of the bandit force in the vicinity of Las Vegas. Since arrival here there is no confirmation of the rumor that Sandino is sick. The general opinion is that such is not the case.

     4.   I am leaving tomorrow morning - March 6 (Tuesday) via 3d trail, ie Vegas. I take entire command as far as Vegas. Then I expect to send Capt [Richards] company back with the pack animals, not taken on. I have the radio now, but trails may prove impracticable to take in the remainder of the way. Can you drop me a message to let me know if there is a radio now in Quilali.

     5.   I have rations to take me to Quilali and to bring Capt [Richards] back, with two days reserve. To get more would require another trip of pack train to San Raphael, and I do not wish to spare the time for that.

     5.   [sic] The route I take does not cover the entire sector prescribed in FM 12. I take this route for reasons which appear above. If it is considered necessary I can, after arrival Quilali, push back on reconnaissance of Pantasma Valley. Furthermore I do not believe the mules would stand the march over trail described as No 5 above.

     6.   I must leave some march casualties here and at San Raphael. I have for this trip as follows. [ p. 3 ]

Officers Men

Bn Hq     6  -   24 (incl doctor)
47th Co   3  -   77
2d Mg Co  1  -   12
55th Co   2      77
Att Navy  4          
          12  -  194

Mules riding — 112
Mules pack   — 90

     7.   This going is bad on mules. Every trip we have a mule or two which just quits, and will not even be led after taking off the load. There seems no alternative but to leave such animals on the trail, trying as far as possible to leave them with habitants with instructions to take them to the nearest marine station.

     8.   It is requested that the aviators keep us in daily communication for the trip to Quilali. The evacuation of possible casualties is a problem for which I have no solution except to carry them back to Jinotega or forward to Quilali.

     8.   [ sic] I enclose a diagrammatic sketch.

/s/ K. E. Rockey

     Please thank Major Schmidt for his messages and letter. I turned in information re terrain around Matagalpa - Jinotega - to Col Berry. I will be able to forward more data on this section later.




Yali - 5 March - 1:00 PM.

From: Major K. E. Rockey
To: The Brigade Commander (b-3)
Subject: Report of Conditions and Plans.

     1.   Information has been received from the patrol now north and from other sources since writing the report of this morning. It seems advisable to push a strong patrol further north than the present one. I will therefore take the 55th Co. and one machine gun on three day patrol to north, dismounted. One platoon will go back tomorrow to bring more rations from San Raphael. The movement toward Quilali will be postponed for at least three days. This will postpone arrival at Quilali two or more days,

     2.   It is believed that there is a possibility that this patrol to the north will assist in the movement now under progress under Col Dunlap,\.

     3.   The route of this patrol is toward San Carlos and Gamalotte, shown on attached sketch. Intelligence date is enclosed.

/s/ K. E. Rockey

[- Thick line is the Río Coco]
[- Large writing reads "Andes Mountains"]
[- Explanatory notes read:] "Incorrect and from memory. To designate trails only. Not to scale and all distances approximate. Directions & town locations same. P. Reyes & P. Geyer - 5 Feb 28. /s/ [---?---] Bn-2. Bn-EX."


Summary & Notes:

   Still getting the lay of the land; difficulties of travel from Yalí district to Quilalí district a major headache for the Marines & Guardia: two major theatres, adjacent, yet with no transport or communication between them.  Everything goes through either Ocotal or Jinotega, but nothing yet connects the Jinotega highlands to the NE Segovias; the "circle" not yet complete. Radio communication still being set up. Aerial communication crucial.
   Major Rockey became renowned for his intrepid explorations; see his other reports.
   Mules giving out on trail, refusing to budge, patrol leaving them with local residents.
   Conveys a sense of the improvised nature of the Marine invasion & occupation; Rockey, like others, is making it up as he goes along.
   Rumor that Sandino is sick; Rockey doesn't believe it.
   Anticipates problems evacuating wounded; sees no good solution.

   Photos from US National Archives (e.g., above) show conditions of Matagalpa-Jinotega road in 1928.

P C - D O C S :      P A T R O L   &   C O M B A T    R E P O R T S
thru 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 +