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MARINE CORPS RESEARCH CENTER, Geo. F. stockes collection  •  part 1
B Y     R E P O S I T O R Y
B Y     T H E M E

Photo MCRC-1.1.   Marine Patrol Crossing Stream near Somoto.  

Writing on back:  "Crossing stream in the 'Heart of the Segovias.'  Captain Stockes patrol from Somoto.  1st Lts. McHenry & Shaw with patrol from P. Nuevo [Pueblo Nuevo]."

Photo  MCRC-1.2.  Patrol on Hillside near Somoto, 28 Sept. 1928 (1st Photo of 3).

Writing on back:  "'In the wilds of Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua.' Capt. Stockes patrol after taking possession [of] hill held by bandit [Miguel Angel] Ortez. Sept. 28, 1928."

Photo  MCRC-1.3.  Patrol near La Palanca, Nicaragua, 28 Sept. 1928 (2nd Photo of 3).

A second photo taken in the same context as the previous one.

Photo  MCRC-1.4.  Patrol near La Palanca, Nicaragua, 28 Sept. 1928 (3rd photo of 3).

A third photo taken the same day.  Writing on rear:  "Communicating with airplanes after attack by the 'panel system.'  Capt. Stockes patrol at Las Palanca, Nic. Sept. 28, 1928."  In the days before reliable wireless communication between airplanes & ground forces, a rare (if poor quality) shot of the panel system the Marines were in the process of inventing.

Photo  MCRC-1.5.  Stockes, Shaw, and a Third Officer, La Palanca, Nicaragua, 28 Aug. 1927.

Writing on back:  "Myself, Shaw, Stockes.  Three well-fed patrol leaders.  Lapalanca, Nic. Aug 28, 1927."  Stockes is on the right.  "La Palanca" was doubtless near the Honduran border, but does not correspond to any place on maps from the period.

Photo  MCRC-1.6.  Patrol Marching Up Hillside, Western Segovias.

No caption, no date.

Photo  MCRC-1.7.  Marine Corps Biplane.

No caption, no date.

Photo  MCRC-1.8.  Three Marines Posing by a Tree.

No caption, no date.

Photo  MCRC-1.9.  Campesino in Field with Burro.

No caption, no date.

Photo  MCRC-1.10.  Marines on Patrol.

No caption, no date.

Photo  MCRC-1.11.  Capt. Stockes with Gathering of Marines & Natives.

Captain Stockes is the Marine officer in the front row on the far left.  This appears to be a gathering of local eminences and inhabitants.  Note the children's, and some of the men's bare feet.

Photo  MCRC-1.12.  Marines Conferring near Their Barracks.

No caption, no date.

Photo  MCRC-1.13.  Native Man Dressed in White.

No caption, no date.

Photo  MCRC-1.14.  Burro.

No caption, no date.

Photo  MCRC-1.15.  "The Land God Forgot."  Mylote, Nicaragua, near Honduran Border, Sept. 1928.

Writing on back:  "'The land God forgot.'  May lote, Nic. - on the Honduranian border Sept. 1928."

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