for the "Tiempo / Time" section of these EDSN
webpages, which focus on processes that
transformed over time. It introduces the following 11
collections of materials, organized by category
& theme: |||
PRINCIPAL de la sección "Tiempo
/ Time" de estas páginas EDSN, que enfoca
en procesos que transformaba a través del tiempo. Presenta
las siguientes once colecciones de materiales, organizadas por categoría y tema:
Grievances & Aspirations.
What grievances & aspirations were
harbored by subaltern members of the EDSN?
What impelled ordinary people to join
with or support the rebel movement?
Beliefs, Ideals,
What beliefs motivated people to
support or join the rebel movement, what
narratives did they develop to make
sense of what was happening, and how did
these beliefs & narratives change over
Community, Authority.
What forms of identitiy, community, and
authority did members of the EDSN
develop, and how did these change over
Size & Distribution.
How big was the rebel movement?
How much of the country did it
encompass? How did that size &
distribution change over time?
Material Resources.
How did the EDSN acquire the material
resources needed to pay for war?
How did these material dynamics with
respect to property, money, and the
monied classes change over time?
What ripple effects did these processes
have in time & space? This figures
to be one of the most important sections
of this website.
Information Flows.
How did the EDSN control or influence
flows of information during the war
against the Marines & Guardia, and how
did these information flows, and the war
over information, change over
What tactics, military & otherwise, did
the EDSN develop in order to wage war
against the Marines & Guardia and
the Nicaraguan government (e.g.,
spreading false information; undermining
the electoral process; ambushing enemy
patrols), and how
did these tactics change over time?
Relationship with
the US Marines.
What was the nature of the relationship
between the EDSN and the US Marines, and
how did this relationship change over
Relationship with
the Guardia Nacional.
What was the nature of the relationship
between the EDSN and the Guardia
Nacional, and how did this relationship
change over time?
Relationship with
What was the nature of the relationship
between the EDSN and different groups of
civilians — including campesinos, small
proprietors, rural dwellers, townsfolk,
members of comunidades indigenas,
ranchers & coffee growers, foreign
immigrants & more — and how did these
relationships change over time?
Eradication &
What was the process by which the EDSN
was eradicated militarily after
Sandino's assassination in February
1934? How did the Somocista state
seek to eradicate memories of Sandino &
the EDSN in the cultural domain?
Finally, what kind of legacy did the
EDSN bequeath to subsequent generations
of Nicaraguans?
These pages are in progress.
Estas páginas están en progreso.