Header image
EDSN 27.07.26
María Luisa Fuerta Rivera to Abraham Rivera, Neptune MINE, 26 July 1927


. . .

27.07.18 SANDINO

27.07.19 ESTRADA

27.07.20 SANDINO

27.07.25A SANDINO

27.07.25B SANDINO PV

27.07.26 F. RIVERA

27.07.27 LÓPEZ

27.07.27 SANDINO

27.08.01 PEARD

27.08.01A SANDINO

27.08.01B SANDINO PV

27.08.14 RIVERA E.

27.08.15 RIVERA T.D.

27.08.16 SANDINO

27.08.17 SANDINO

27.08.18 MONCADA

27.08.19A SANDINO

27.08.19B SANDINO

27.08.20 SALGADO

27.08.20 SANDINO

. . .

EDSN 27.07.26    •    María Luisa Fuerta Rivera to Abraham Rivera, Neptune Mine

E D S N — D O C S
thru 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933—













Julio 26 D./ 27

El neptuno

Don Abran Ribera Estimado Señor deseo que cuando esta llegue a sus manos gose de buena felisidad nosotros buena grasias a Dios Don Abran deseo saber sinba abenir aberlos tambien dise mi mamita que si le trago los encargos que le iso y que si no los trago aora que se los traiga cuando buelba nosotros Rogando a dios Por usted nosotros lo esperamos todos los dias desiamos berlo Como Siempre deciandole felisidad Reciba nuestros Re cuerdos

S.S. M. Luisa Fuerte R

[on rear:] Para Don Adolfo Castrillo

Cartillas – Libro 1° - Libro 2° - Caton

Semillas de tabaco de D. I. Cruz ó A. Telle[ez]

moral y urbanidad - Muestrario Calíg(ra)fo Spencer"


In standard Spanish:

"Julio 26 D./ 27 ¶ Don Abraham Rivera ¶ Estimado Señor ¶ Deseo que cuando esta llegue a sus manos goce de buena felicidad. Nosotros bien gracias a Dios. Don Abraham, deseo saber si va a venir a vernos. También dice mi mamita que si le trajo los encargos que le hizo y que si no los trajo ahora, que se los traiga cuando vuelva. Nosotros rogando a Dios por Usted. Nosotros lo esperamos. Todos los días deseamos verlo. Como siempre, deseándole felicidad. Reciba recuerdos, ¶ S.S.[Su Servidora] M. Luisa Fuerta R."

USMC-GNN translation & commentary:

"Abraham Rivera, Neptune. ¶ Dear Sir: ¶ I hope that when this reaches your hands I will know your good health, we have (?) the good thanks of God. Abraham I want to know if you have had them also. Tell my little mother that if I bring the loads that were made up, if I don't bring them now I will bring them when we come back. ¶ I pray God for you, we await you every day, we want to see you, as always dedicated to your happiness receive our regards, ¶ /s/ María Luisa Fuerta Rivera. ¶ [On rear:] ¶ For Adolfo Castillo, books, ¶ First book - 2nd book ¶ seed of tobacco of Dr. F. Cruz or A Telles morals and desires (?) ¶ Professor Saligrafo Spenser."

A better English translation:

"July 26, 1927 ¶ El Neptune ¶ Don Abraham Rivera ¶ Dear Sir: I hope that when this reaches your hands you will be enjoying all good happiness. Thanks to God we are doing well. Don Abraham, I would like to know if you are coming to see us. My mother also asks if you brought her the goods she asked you to bring. She says that if you did not this time, please bring them the next time you come here. We pray God for you. Every day we desire to see you and as always we wish you happiness. Receive our regards, ¶ Your servant, ¶ M. Luisa Fuerta Rivera ¶ [On rear:] Reading primers - 1st book - 2nd book – Caton ¶ Tobacco seeds. By D. I. Cruz or A. Tell[ez?] Moral y Urbanidad ¶ Samplebook of Caligraphy ¶ Spencer"

Summary & Notes   |   Resumen y Notas:

    Source: RG127/43A/29.  For the cache of captured documents of which this letter was a part, see the TOP 100 PAGE 11.  This was no. 19 on the Marines' list, with the rear of letter containing another message, written on the stationary of the shuttered Eden Mining Company.

    Maria Luisa Rivera was still alive in summer 2014, but unfortunately too frail and not in a mental state conducive for a formal interview.



E D S N — D O C S
thru 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933—