This is the fourth
webpage of photographs
from the collection of Private
First Class William Edward
Plocharski / Planter of the US
Marine Corps, who took these
photos during his deployment in
Las Segovias, Nicaragua, over a
period of two years, from
January 1928 to December 1929.
The larger
photos were scanned in
high resolution (600 dpi). The smaller
photos (of individual pages of the photo
album) were taken at lower resolution but show
the captions, and for that
reason are included here.
For a full high-resolution image
of each photo, click on
the thumbnail image on the
right-hand side of each Photo ID banner.
This collection has never been
published anywhere else.
I first learned of it in January
2018 thanks to the kind courtesy
of Private Plocharski's (Mr.
Planter's) daughter, Patricia
Barrow of Houston, Texas. I
thank Patricia Barrow and her
family for their generosity in
making these photographs
available and permitting their
publication here.
Photo ID: Readers
- Plocharski - P4.01
• "Out in the
Caption: "Out in the
Photo ID: Readers
- Plocharski - P4.02
• Silhouette
of Pvt. Bulger on guard
Caption: "On Guard Pvt.
Photo ID: Readers
- Plocharski - P4.03
• Pvt. Bulger
Caption: "Pvt. Bulger"
Photo ID: Readers
- Plocharski - P4.04
• Ococona
(near the Honduran border)
Caption: "Ococona Nic.
Once A Bandit Hangout".
Ococona lay in the far
northwestern Segovias near the
Honduran border, north of
Macuelizo and east of Santa
Photo ID: Readers
- Plocharski - P4.05
• Patrolling
near the Honduran border
Caption: "Near Border
On patrol near the
Honduran border in the far
northwestern Segovias.
Captures the district's
relatively open, undulating
landscape marked by large pine
trees and sparse underbrush.
Photo ID: Readers
- Plocharski - P4.06
• "Starting on
a new Day"
Caption: "Starting on a
new Day."
Photo ID: Readers
- Plocharski - P4.07
• "Tractors in
Caption: "Tractors in
Who knew? What would you
do with a tractor in the Ocotal
Photo ID: Readers
- Plocharski - P4.08
• "Some of the
Boys," Ocotal, May 1929
Caption: "Ocotal Nic. May
20 1929 Some of the Boys."
Sixteen Marines pose for the
Photo ID: Readers
- Plocharski - P4.09
• San Fernando
(east of Ocotal)
Caption: "San Fernando
Clustered under the shade of
trees wrapped with what looks
like white protective covering,
Marines hang out with what
appears to be local children,
some apparently seated along the
exterior of the white building.
Equipment and supplies,
including large covered metal
drums, are lined up at lower
right, with what looks to be a
local boy and pile of dirt next
to the building. A US flag
hangs limp.
Photo ID: Readers
- Plocharski - P4.10
• San Fernando
Caption: "San Fernando
With the fluttering US flag at
dead center, the slow pace and
scale of the people, the
perspective of the receding
street and red-tile roofs, and
the forested background melding
into the obscure fogginess
beyond, this is a lovely and
beautifully composed