Photo USNA2-12.1
State Dept Photo No. 71.
A ballot box in transit.
Photo USNA2-12.2.
State Dept Photo No. 72.
General McCoy (with pipe) and
Lieut. Colonel Gordon Johnston,
USA (putting on coat), at
Managua air field after
inspection trip by plane to
Atlanic coast.
Photo USNA2-12.3.
State Dept Photo No. 73.
Same (Capt. "Wop" Howard, USMC,
pilot, in center with General
Photo USNA2-12.4.
State Dept Photo No. 74.
Pen and ink sketch of voting
booth, Tisma precinct,
Department of Masaya, by
Corporal Otto Vonohr, USMC,
precinct chairman.
Photo USNA2-12.5.
State Dept Photo No. 75.
Election Day (Nov. 4), Managua.
President Díaz arrives at voting
booth, escorted by Major Willian
R. Shutan, USA (in civilian
dress at right), department
Photo USNA2-12.6.
State Dept Photo No. 76.
President Díaz dips his fingers
in stain before voting.
Photo USNA2-12.7.
State Dept Photo No. 77.
General Moncada (in grey suit),
Dr. Aguado and Major Shutan at
his left, arrive at No. 1 voting
booth, Managua, Nov. 4.
Photo USNA2-12.8.
State Dept Photo No. 78.
General Moncada receives his
Photo USNA2-12.9.
State Dept Photo No. 79.
General Moncada and Dr. Aguado
leaving the polls.
José María Moncada
Enoc Aguado
Photo USNA2-12.10.
State Dept Photo No. 80.
A voter casts his ballot,