General Manuel Echeverría:
7.5 feet long, 3 wide, 4.5 feet long, 4 red and 3 white on
the blue field of 48 stars. Blue square of 3 ft. by 2 feet 4
inches. We conserve as a trophy of the battle of Las Cruces
a flag of the great nation of the US of NA, which was
grabbed by one of our brave heroes from the hands of a
Yankee, at the moment when said Yankee was fleeing
shamefully through the bushes of our mountains. The flag is
composed of three colors, red, white, and blue. It measures
7.5 feet long by 4.5 wide. It has six white bars and 7 red,
but the six white ones are 3 long and 3 short: the red ones
are 3 long and 4 short. On the blue field there are 48
General Echeverría: I do not believe you need to be so
minute for that, but I do it so that you may have sufficient
Patria y Libertad
/s/ A. C. Sandino